
    Darrell Castle talks about foreign policy especially Russia, since Washington is once again rattling the sabers, threatening, and bullying those abroad.

    Transcription / Notes:


    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 16th day of April in the year of our Lord 2021 and in this report, I will focus on foreign policy especially Russia, since Washington is once again rattling the sabers, threatening, and bullying those abroad. China and Iran are also problems, but I will save those problems for another day. I recommend my Castle Report of August 23, 2015 entitled The Mind of Russia, as a good background for this Report. You can find that by going to castlereport.us Index.

    The Castle Family is doing just fine right now living the good life here in the southern spring far from the virus. There is no illness in this family that we know of not even in Los Angeles. I will admit to encouraging my family to be careful and proceed with caution during this time since both Joan and I are past the age of 65. Overly cautious perhaps, but as family leader I thought it best and so far, so good.

    Joan and I were riding to work in her car on Wednesday of this week when I asked her why logic and truth did not seem to matter anymore. She was stumped by my question, but we continued to debate it with me giving her one example after another of how illogical the premise of this society seems to be. Just from a foreign policy standpoint I question whether anyone in government cares about what is best for America and the American people. Whether the subject is virus or Russia, the decisions lack logic, truth, and even common sense.

  • Big Tech + Big Media + Big Government = A Society Destroyed By Experts


    Darrell Castle talks about the shocking levels of lies upon which almost everything presently seems to be based. The government seems to be using private companies to outsource its lies so that it’s hard to tell the difference.

    Transcription / Notes:

    Big Tech + Big Media +Big Government = A Society Destroyed By Experts

    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is the 9th day of April in this the year of our Lord 2021. Today I will be talking about the shocking levels of lies upon which almost everything presently seems to be based. Previously only the government was the brunt of jokes about liars such as how do you know they are lying; their lips are moving. Now the government seems to be using private companies to outsource its lies so that it’s hard to tell the difference anymore.

    The Castle Family is doing fine and enjoying this beautiful spring weather with its flowers and everything green. No virus in this family that we know of and for that we are grateful. I suppose its spring in Los Angeles as well or so the family daughter tells us.

    In my opening paragraph I mentioned that the government seems to be outsourcing its lies to private liars, but that doesn’t tell the whole story. My theory is that this government, in conjunction with big tech and big media, wants to take actions against the American people that are so egregious and unconstitutional that even Americans might wake up and object. To avoid such objection and to hide behind a corporate veil government gets through persuasion or profit, corporations to do its dirty work. They always cite their experts as reasons why us peons are supposed to just shut up and listen to the science.

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  • Vaccine Passports – Keeping Us Safe or the End of Human Liberty?


    Darrell Castle talks about the ever-growing likelihood of nationwide internal passports being imposed on the once free American People.

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    Vaccine Passports – Keeping Us Safe or the End of Human Liberty?

    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday, Good Friday as a matter of fact, April 2nd in the year of our Lord 2021. Since this is Good Friday, then this Sunday is Easter, the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Today, I will be talking about the ever-growing likelihood of nationwide internal passports being imposed on the once free American People.

    The Castle Family is doing fine this Easter weekend as Joan and I will attend the sunrise service at our church Sunday morning. He lives, we believe, and since he does, we can face tomorrow and the growing Stalinist threat of the new government commonly known as the Biden administration. The family daughter will celebrate Easter in her own fashion in her adopted home of Los Angeles, California.

  • Geopolitical Disaster


    Darrell Castle talks about how the foreign policy of the Biden administration, in its first two months, has been a geopolitical disaster.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday the 26th day of March in this the year of our Lord 2021, and on this Report, I will be talking about how a few foreign policy blunders have exposed what passes for the Biden Administration to the whole world as the aged dementia patient with old, unrealistic expectations that it is. Another possible title for this report might be America as laughingstock for the world especially Russia and China.

    For the Castle Family we look up at the sky from the deck of our Germantown home and we can see nothing wrong, but we feel down in our very soul that there is something wrong. However, it is officially spring now and the weather is beautiful on most days. We are all healthy including the family daughter in her California seclusion.

    I will start this report by saying that under normal circumstances Joe Biden’s handlers, having learned their lesson, do not let him talk to foreign leaders and certainly not alone, so most of the conversations   he was referring to with Vladimir Putin occurred while he was Vice President, that is, if they occurred at all. His recollection of them was on March 16, however, and therein lies the rub.

  • Is Failure Part of the Plan?


    Darrell Castle looks at some of the recent actions of our federal government and asks the following question: Is someone up there really stupid or is failure part of a designed and very sinister plan, or both?

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday the 19th day of March in the year of our Lord 2021, and on this report, I will be looking at some of the recent actions of our federal government and asking the following question: is someone up there really stupid or is failure part of a designed and very sinister plan, or both.

    The Castle family is adjusting well to the switch to daylight savings time with its extra hour of daylight each day. The plants will grow faster with the extra light so spring will accelerate its arrival. In Los Angeles the family daughter seems to be doing well at least virtually.

    I have often wondered why the government repeatedly does such stupid things. Sometimes hindsight is 20-20 but sometimes it seems as though officials in our government see the wise choice and then do the opposite. For example, the federal government acts as if economics is not something the best and brightest in each succeeding administration can understand. The last president who acted as if he understood it was Bill Clinton. Remember his slogan; it’s the economy stupid.

  • The Disintegration of the American Nation


    Darrell Castle talks about the disintegration of what has historically been America, its culture, its founding ethnicity, its language, its religion, and virtually everything that once bound the country together as a nation.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday the 12th day of March in the year of our Lord 2021, and on today’s Report, I will be talking about the disintegration of what has historically been America, its culture, its founding ethnicity, its language, its religion, and virtually everything that once bound the country together as a nation.

    The Castle Family anxiously watches the flowers as they rise this spring, to see if any will bloom but most appear to have had their buds frozen. One week of severe cold and snow out of an entire winter seems rather unfair, but there is no mercy in nature, only brutality. We are fine otherwise and enjoying the spring weather as is the family daughter in her stronghold out in southern California.

  • Who Is Minding The Launch Codes?


    Darrell Castle talks about whether the President of the United States is physically and mentally capable of doing the job he holds which includes the retaliatory launch of nuclear missiles when an enemy launch is detected.

    Transcription / Notes


    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday the 5th day of March in the year of our Lord 2021. Today I will be talking about whether the President of the United States is physically and mentally capable of doing the job he holds. That job includes the retaliatory launch of nuclear missiles when an enemy launch is detected, a concept known as launch on warning.

    First though, the Castle family is enjoying the sudden spring like weather that has returned following our weeklong bout with freezing artic winter. Spring temperatures are here, and the ducks and geese are returning from their migration to escape the frozen lakes. The family daughter has no geese in Los Angeles, but she is doing well in the almost perfect, at least for now, weather of Southern California.

    Since the use of nuclear weapons brought an end to World War ll, and a beginning to the nuclear age the authority to launch nuclear missiles has resided in the President of the United States. A military officer follows the President everywhere he goes day and night with a briefcase that contains the launch codes and the launch sequence for the nation’s nuclear arsenal.

  • Should Governor Cuomo Be Impeached?


    Darrell Castle talks about the Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, from the standpoint of whether he should be impeached and not allowed to serve out his term that expires in 2022. If the answer to whether he should be impeached is yes, then why it is yes.

    Transcription / Notes


    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday the 26th day of February in the year 2021. Today, I will be talking about the Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo from the standpoint of whether he should be impeached and not allowed to serve until his term expires in 2022. If the answer to whether he should be impeached is yes, then why is it yes.

    The Castle family is warm and cozy once again as the temperatures have returned to the 60’s and high 50’s. This is an amazing place to live when you can have 12 inches of snow one week and 3-degree temperatures when even the city’s water lines froze, and 70 degrees one week later. It is good to be back in the office full time. The family daughter remains just fine in 75-degree Los Angeles.

    What in the world is going on with Governor Cuomo? The image he has tried very hard to cultivate for himself as a model of propriety, a paragon of virtue, highly competent, great leader is in serious doubt today. Attacks are coming at him on several fronts with new accusations an almost daily occurrence. It’s almost as if his fellow New York Democrats are sharks with blood in the water.

  • No Podcast This Week




  • An Outward Sign of an Inner Rot


    Darrell Castle talks about freedom of speech and why that concept is no longer held in high esteem by the new culture.

    Transcription / Notes


    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday February 12, in the year 2021 and today I will be talking about freedom of speech, and why that concept is no longer held in high esteem by the new culture. The title of this Report comes from an interview with Doug Casey concerning the First Amendment. Doug believes that the devaluing of freedom of speech is a sign of the inner rot of our culture. In part, this Report will also delve into the mindset behind America’s growing trend toward cancel culture or blacklisting.

    The Castle Family is frozen into an Arctic prison today. This is probably mild compared to what some parts of the country are going through but for us it is very unusual and very unwelcome. It started raining ice two days ago but today it is just cold.  We had to work from home yesterday but today we are back at the office in good health and good spirits.

    The freedom of speech clause in the First Amendment was intended to be absolute as was the entire Bill of Rights and that view was upheld in past days by the Supreme Court. Today, however, thanks to the changing nature of our culture, and especially the oligarchs from Silicon Valley, the Freedom of Speech Clause and the entire Bill of Rights are no more than the symbols of a bygone, pretechnological age.