Only 60 Days to Destroy the World
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Darrell Castle talks about the decision of President Biden to authorize Ukraine to fire U.S. made ATACMS missles deep into Russia putting The United States and NATO on a path of nuclear confrontation with Russia.
Transcription / Notes
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 22nd day of November in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the decision of President Biden or whatever cabal that runs this country, to authorize Ukraine to fire U.S. made ATACMS missiles deep into Russia. With only about 60 days left to serve the President has to work fast to get the United States into a nuclear confrontation with Russia. That will be his legacy I predict.
Please remember that next week is Thanksgiving week so no Castle Report. I plan to spend some time with family just catching up and giving thanks for another year and I hope you will do something similar as well.
I will start by giving you a quote from Dennis Kucinich who Had the best take on this decision:
“When President Biden approved the use of supersonic Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) to strike Russia, he placed in jeopardy the national security of the United States, the safety of our troops abroad and violated the U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 8 which provides that only Congress can declare war.”
“Biden has made a decision to insert the U.S. into an unambiguous, escalatory phase, using the territory of Ukraine to attack Russia directly with missiles which can reach 190 miles deep. This is an illegal act by the President which puts our nation on a path to war with Russia. The American people voted for Trump to end the wars. Biden apparently wants to end the world. Trump is listening to the American people. Biden is listening to NATO’s malignant agenda.”
Yes, apparently President Biden has decided, or someone decided for him, that the best memory the American people could have of his time in office should be that he started World War lll. I don’t see any way to view this other than a direct attack by the U.S. on Russia. I hoped and prayed that I would live my life without experiencing war between two armed to the teeth nuclear powers so I suppose we are left with holding our breath for 60 days and praying for the forbearance of Vladimir Putin.
This is reminiscent of the last time the U.S. and Russia stood toe to toe with nuclear war as a distinct possibility. In October of 1962 Russia placed offensive missiles just 90 miles from the U.S. border. The world was on a path of nuclear annihilation absent the wisdom of John Kennedy and the forbearance of Nikita Khrushchev. He could have launched those missiles and Kennedy could have refused any accommodation to Russia but cooler heads prevailed and Kennedy’s legacy was assured. It’s difficult to think of Kennedy without remembering those dark days.
What a difference 62 years makes. In 1962 the world was literally living in terror hoping and praying that no nuclear missile would land in our cities. We dug shelters and put blankets over our windows to protect us from flying glass. Now the American media hardly even notices that the U.S. is using American missiles for direct attacks into Russia, thinking, I suppose, that it can be done without consequences.
Trump made peace one of the primary facets of his campaign and subsequent election but Biden seems willing to do anything including provoke nuclear war to subvert the efforts of his opponent from achieving peace. Congress could and should act, but I doubt that it will do so for its own reasons but its failure is a glimpse into how far we have fallen. No President has the right to unilaterally order a missile attack against another country using only executive authority. It invites and begs for a retaliatory strike against the U.S. and/or its foreign assets. It should be and it is an impeachable offense, but Congress will ignore it because well, that’s what they do.
Did Biden use the excuse that North Koreans are training inside Russia as a justification of this decision. To my knowledge the presence of North Korean infantry in Russia has not been officially confirmed but it appears to be the case right now. If so, then Russia is simply doing the same thing the U.S. and NATO has been doing to Russia since this war started back in 2014.
Biden has, for his own political reasons passed on many opportunities to end the slaughter and destruction. That includes some 500,000 dead on the Ukrainian side and the destruction of 80% of the infrastructure of that country. Russian casualties are largely unknown but there are undoubtedly a lot of them. I’ve seen reports that Russian casualties are amassing faster than recruiting can replace them. The Ukrainians have started resorting to what amounts to press gang tactics to find fodder for the grist mill. One commentator I read said that Russia is losing, but Ukraine is losing faster.
Let me pause this discussion for a moment and talk about this missile system the U.S. has authorized Ukraine to use against Russia. This is the army tactical missile system (ATACMS), a supersonic missile with a maximum range of about 190 miles. That range means it can hit many important targets in Russia which has already happened, but it cannot reach Moscow from Ukrainian territory.
So, we have that going for us right. I’m afraid not folks because the UK, France, and Germany are all onboard with this decision and have authorized Ukraine to use their Storm Shadow missiles for attacks into Russia. The Storm Shadow is an air launched cruise missile with a range of about 300 miles which puts it, most likely, into Moscow. So, it appears that the U.S. and NATO have decided, unilaterally and for no good reason to go to war with Russia. Perhaps the decision is as crass as damaging Trump’s presidency by giving him a chalice of poison to start his administration.
Biden also agreed to supply within the next few weeks or months depending on availability, Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles (JASSM). These are air launched cruise missiles with a huge 1000-pound warhead and a range of up to 575 miles in the extended range version and 260 miles in the standard version. In addition, the Ukrainians will be receiving U.S. made anti-personnel mines apparently to be sowed inside Russia to kill anyone, man, woman, or child who steps on one for many years in the future. That makes me extremely sad and embarrassed that an American leader would do that but there you have it.
One more thing to let you know that this Democrat administration loves war and is dedicated to its death, and destruction. On November 20th just a couple of days ago, the U.S. vetoed a UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate unconditional cease fire in Gaza. I don’t know folks, but even I didn’t understand just how evil the people in charge of this country really are. These two wars are forcing us to confront some very uncomfortable truths about who we really are.
The Russian nuclear doctrine has just been changed to reflect, “the use of Western non-nuclear rockets by the Armed Forces of Ukraine against Russia can prompt a nuclear response. “This has already happened since Biden’s authorization U.S. missiles have successfully hit targets inside Russia. I’m trying to find the words to convey my thoughts of how egregious this is so let me do it like this. Suppose the U.S. and Mexico were essentially at war but the war was confined primarily to the border region but with heavy casualties on both sides. Russia then makes a grand international announcement that it was supplying long range missiles to Mexico to be fired at the U.S. with the use of Russian satellite targeting data. The nations of China, North Korea, and Iran decided to join the Russians by supplying their own, even longer-range missiles. I presume the U.S. would assume that it was at war with those nations.
The new administration has spoken just not through Trump at least to my knowledge. The President’s son, Donald Trump JR. had this to say. “The Military Industrial Complex seems to want to make sure they get World War 3 going before my father has a chance to create peace and save lives.” On the other side of the sanity spectrum Alex Soros son of George Soros when he heard the news said, “this is Great.” Not everyone thinks risking nuclear war is a good thing, however, because Hungary and Slovakia both voiced disapproval. Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, who halted Slovakia’s military aid to Ukraine when he took office. “This is an unprecedented escalation of tensions, a decision that thwarts hopes for the start of any peace talks and an end to the mutual killing of Slavs in Ukraine.”
Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto had a strong rebuke for Biden. “The pro-war mainstream has launched its last, desperate attack on the new reality. These forces seem to have no qualms about the worst-case scenario; escalating the war in Ukraine to a global scale.” He went on to say the politicians in Washington were launching one last desperate attempt to thwart the will of the people. So, it seems that these gentlemen are right and that despite a clear rebuke from the American people the defeated Biden administration, however it exists, is trying to ship as much money and weapons to Ukraine before January 20th as possible.
Russia has made it very clear that it considers this to be an attack by a nuclear armed country against Russia. The nuclear policy just announced reads like this, “aggression against Russia and its allies by a non-nuclear country with the support of a nuclear state will be considered a joint attack.” So, it seems that a nuclear response from Russia could come at any moment thus plunging the world into the abyss.
The Russians have repeatedly warned us that they will respond and yet this man did it anyway for no apparent reason other than raw provocation and leaving Trump with a world on fire. This is, then, a major turning point in the long post-World War 2 struggle between the Soviet Union now the Russian Federation and the United States. For the first time and for no apparent reason the U.S. is attacking Russia itself. This should be an emotional decision for all of us and we should be screaming to congress about it.
It was a doubly disturbing decision because it was not his decision to make. This vindictive man just decided on his own to subvert the will of the people so I suppose that’s what all the Democrat talk about “our Democracy” was about. I suppose that’s what all the talk about he’s a fascist, he’s literally Hitler was about. Just like Saul Alinsky taught them in their guidebook, “Rules for Radicals” do what you accuse others of doing. The American people elected a President who pledged to bring the Ukraine/America versus Russia war to an end so Joe Biden wants to make sure that that pledge cannot be fulfilled.
Joe Biden has crossed a Russian Red Line that will be difficult or impossible to uncross. He has only a couple of months left and he decided to take the world to the brink of nuclear war. Yes his administration has been a complete and utter disaster and the mandate given to Trump reflects that. It was not his decision to make but he made it anyway. It could end up having catastrophic consequences for every man, woman, and child on planet earth, so yes, Mr. President that’s quite a legacy you’ve made for yourself.
This is the classic story of the change in American politics over the last few decades. In more civilized times the outgoing Party respected the wishes of the people as expressed through the election so they would do nothing to injure the chances of success of the incoming Party. Now it seems that the outgoing Party wants to make it impossible for the incoming Party to fulfill its agenda. This amounts to ideological sabotage of the efforts to make peace. The Democrat Party should consider changing its name to forever war Party which would be more accurate than Democrat.
Finally, folks, it appears that Trump will be a war president and perhaps a World War president. I pray that he sees withdrawal from the wars as an act of courage, not cowardice.
At least that’s the way I see it.
Until December 6th then,
This is Darrell Castle,
Thanks for listening.

Looks to me that the new cold war might actually be the flu. Segregation didn’t work. Put shame back in America.
*Desegregation didn’t work.
Join me, The White Man in the Civil Wrong’s Movement. It’s about desegregation, abortion, legalizing third world psychotic drugs, mutilating child sexual organs and trickle down tyranny.
Bob Peck
Congratulations Darrell on hitting Castle Report episode 1,000! Episode numbers are not included in the website posts so there’s no way for others to know, but I’ve been keeping track.
Thank you for the many years of speaking truth that stirs my soul. Thanks to you at least some of us have the privilege of hearing the words of a statesman.
Karen Murray
Hooray!!!! 1000 episodes and counting! You give us such good insight into historical and current events. Thank you for persevering!
It was the women rejecting a culture of witchcraft that were murdered during the Salem witch purging. It was the bastards conjuring Satan counting “six” like witchcraft summoning of Satan openly in society that did the killing, not the killed. What’s good is good and what’s bad is bad. Shame on America. They want this again. Shame on them all.
See how well Russia fared after victory of WWII after inheriting the likes of Joseph Stalin? Instead of supporting Russia, Mr. Darrell Castle, you should be condemning America. Shame falls where it belongs. War does not cause a dark age. Lack of war at a time of war does. People in America should be shamed. Starting with John Roberts. Until right is separated from wrong. So that good can be separated from bad. Diversity is a mental disorder. It’s a shame upon a shame.
When somebody presses the button of a keyless horns for no other reason than alerting everybody within a half mile radius of their noise pollution. Everybody who hears it should be thinking, “what an asshole.” That’s a spirit of growth America needs. A living spirit even with life. That’s the America I grew up in. I woke up every morning looked at my clothes and not once did I think it would be acceptable wearing all black. You know why? Because it’s a fricking shame that’s why! Why not just say make America white again. It would be true. Make America great is good. Make America great again is bad. Make America white again!
Jonathan Robert Taub
“Ukrainians will be receiving U.S. made anti-personnel mines apparently to be sowed inside Russia to kill anyone, man, woman, or child who steps on one for many years in the future”
I have read that the landmines now deactivate after a certain period of time so there is a ray of hope that innocent children may not have their limbs blown off after this mess is over
Looks like the powers that be are afraid trump will end this war so they want to esculate all they can until inauguration day….
Are they burying Covid-19 vaccination shots down there with those landmines? Better them than us.