• Sabotage of the Social Contract


    Darrell Castle talks about the social contract or the agreement between the government and the people, that holds the system we call civilization together and what happens when it is deliberately damaged or destroyed.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 18th day of August in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the social contract or the agreement between the government and the people that holds the system we call civilization together. I argue today that the social contract has been deliberately damaged or destroyed perhaps permanently and with its destruction comes the destruction of the republic and civilization itself.

    What exactly is the social contract between citizens and government? In simplified terms the people, by and through their elected representatives, formulate laws and they agree to abide by those laws. They also agree to pay taxes to the government for physical protection individually and collectively by the government through its agents. The government agrees to force everyone to abide by the laws, not just timid, nice people or those out of favor with the powers that be. My argument today is that the government has so deliberately failed in its obligations that the social contract is no longer valid. In addition to breaking the contract the government has symbolically spit in the faces of the people whom it obviously considers powerless.

    The most amazing thing about the allegation I just made is that the people, by a majority, repeatedly vote into office those officials who have just broken the contract and laughed about it. The most recent and perhaps best series of examples comes to us from the state of California. Armed with bear spray which they used to neutralize the already ineffective guards, a group of 50 or more people swarmed a Los Angeles mall and made off with an estimated $100,000 worth of luxury merchandise. The Nordstrom store was at the Topanga Mall in Woodland Hills. Topanga police were on the scene quickly and have numerous “leads” the LAPD said in its statement. There were, however, no arrests and the thieves fled in a probably stolen BMW and other luxury vehicles.



    Darrell Castle talks about the recent coup in Niger and why that change in a West African nation matters to America to the extent that Under Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, was dispatched to Niger to meet with the new rulers and lay down the law to them.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 11th day of August in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the recent coup in Niger and why that change in a West African nation matters to America to the extent that Victoria Nuland, the mother of the 2014 coup in Ukraine, was dispatched to Niger to meet with the new rulers and lay down the law to them.

    Niger is a former French colony in West Africa with a long history of coups, revolutions, military rule and just about every kind of government by strong men that one can imagine. The French have tried with their military to keep order in Niger just as they did in Mali just to the west of Niger. When the French ceded independence to their West African colonies, they physically left but remained close to whatever leader happened to be running things.

    Power abhors a vacuum so when the French military was gone Al Qaeda, and ISIS moved in and threatened to completely take over the governments of both Mali and Niger. The French returned and began a war with the Islamic fighters threatening those countries. Both are desert countries populated by poor desperate people who live under the harshest and most close to the edge existence imaginable. The forces fighting for control of Niger and Mali want what they want, but the people just want to continue their lives in peace, which is a very old, seemingly never-ending story.

  • Crisis in Public Safety


    Darrell Castle talks about crime in American cities which is out of control due to public policies not to prosecute it.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 4th day of August in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about crime and specifically crime out of control because of public decisions not to prosecute it, all backed and enforced by George Soros funded district attorneys. Today’s discussion will concentrate on the city of Oakland, California with the premise that Oakland is an example of what is happening across the country.

    Yes, crime is exploding across the country fueled by progressive policies of non-prosecution of criminals. It should be obvious to us by this time that if you make crime legal you will get a lot of crime. Well, crime is so bad in Oakland that the NAACP recognizes that prosecuting criminals, even if they are black, is in the best interest of the community and the African American community is no different.

    When my city of Memphis, Tennessee elected a Soros backed DA by a narrow margin in the last election many on the left celebrated. I wondered at the time if all those African Americans celebrating knew what would happen to their communities under his term. Memphis, as a result, suffers from the same problems as Oakland, California although not as severe. Normally, California is a trend setter and I suppose that Soros funded D.A. crime is no different.



    Darrell Castle talks about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s testimony before a congressional committee on censorship held on July 20, 2023.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 28th day of July in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s testimony before a congressional committee on July 20th. The committee was supposed to be looking at the subject of censorship but then, House Democrats decided to censor him first by disinviting him and then by having him testify in executive session which would have censored his remarks from the public. They claimed that there are some views so “beyond the pale” they shouldn’t be heard at all.

    Kennedy, it seems, has gone off the reservation and therefore poses a serious threat to Democrats, but if they thought about it, to Republicans as well. The rancor in the room when he spoke almost drowned out his words as he started to give a short tutorial about the importance of free speech. Without it, he said, we cannot talk about the things that divide us, or debate the big issues that affect people’s lives so profoundly. Things like inflation, income disparity and so forth. We need to debate those things and talk about possible solutions instead of making them forbidden to discuss.

    It was very fascinating testimony indeed and I hope that many Americans had the chance to hear him. It seems that the Democrats have changed tactics probably because he is becoming a force they can no longer ignore. Since they can’t ignore this obviously growing threat, they have decided to defame him. He is a Jew hater, a racist, a kook, he’s nuts, and just a fringe politician with nothing but conspiracy theories to offer.

  • Occasionally, The Truth Escapes


    Darrell Castle talks about the statement of Vice President Kamela Harris in which she said that population reduction would help save the planet from the climate change menace.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 21st day of July in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the statement of Vice President Kamela Harris in which she said that population reduction would help save the planet from the climate change menace. I am grateful to the vice president for saying the truth on a publicly recorded microphone.

    What she actually said was; “When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water.” Notice that she did not say population control which would imply slowing the birthrate, no, it was reduction that she used. I wonder how many humans our overlords will have to kill to reach their planetary goal and planetary temperature.

    The people who seemed so shocked by what she said need to wake up and start listening to what these world improvers, save the planet people, have been saying for many years. They have not been secretive about their plans, but no one seems willing to believe them. I suppose its difficult to believe that there are those who want to destroy humanity by acting like gods in their stated efforts to save the planet.

  • A Warning to the World


    Darrell Castle talks about the eloquent words of Archbishop Carlo Mario Vigano with which he issued a warning to the entire world of a global coup d etat currently in progress by a financial and ideological elite. His words are confirmed by a publicly available report issued by the conspirators themselves.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 14th day of July in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the eloquent words of Archbishop Carlo Mario Vigano with which he issued a warning to the entire world of a global coup d etat currently in progress by a financial and ideological elite. His words are confirmed by a report issued by the conspirators themselves in which they openly admit the coming dictatorship will have to be complete within 10 years and ideally by 2030.

    First, I think it is necessary to point out that I am not catholic. I am a protestant Christian who attends a Presbyterian Church. I just happen to spend several hours each week buried in research materials concerning the matter the archbishop is trying to bring to the attention of the world’s people. Since he is obviously a devout man respected as one who opposed even the pope on the subject of child predators in the priesthood, his words will be given more credence than mine have been given thus far.

    The video in which he makes his plea to the world is still available on You Tube or it was until today. He said that there is a global coup d etat which extends to the whole world being enacted by a financial and ideological elite which has succeeded in gaining at least partial control of the world’s governments, politicians, business, information sources, education, and religious leaders. These people and organizations have become enslaved to the new global masters and therefore individual and fundamental rights once thought of as sacrosanct have been and are being trampled underfoot.

  • Davos Man and the Annual Meeting of New Champions


    Darrell Castle talks about the conference of the World Economic Forum which just concluded its summer meeting in Communist China. This report is a continued warning that the WEF is real and its members work night and day for the destruction of human freedom around the globe.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle report. This is Friday the 7th day of July in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the summer conference of the World Economic Forum which just concluded its summer meeting in Communist China. This Report is a continued warning that the WEF is real and its members work individually and collectively night and day for the destruction of human freedom around the globe.

    The World Economic Forum would be a joke if it were just some bunch of university professors talking about imposing their will on the world, but it is instead made up of the richest and most prominent people on earth. Titans of industry, especially high-tech industry, university intellectuals, bureaucrats, and politicians from virtually all governments meet to discuss how they can destroy the freedom and independence of the rest of us. They refer to themselves in this summer conference as (AMNC) and that means, believe it or not, The Annual Meeting of New Champions.

    This summer’s conference concentrated on the most woke and anti-freedom ideas disguised as inclusive but in fact hiding in plain sight its genocidal ideology which it inherited from the Nazi father of its current president Klaus Schwab. Specifically, this conference met with its primary agenda the current status of Central Bank Digital Currency. Quote from the Conference as to status:

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  • Abuse of Power


    Darrell Castle talks about the abuse of power, the corruption, and the willingness of the President of the United States to sell his country for money.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 30th day of June in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the abuse of power, the corruption, and the willingness of the President of the United States to sell his country to foreigners, some of them enemies or at least very hostile to America, for money. Did he do that or was it just Hunter? That’s our subject for today.

    It saddens me greatly to have to discuss such things especially on the Friday before the 4th of July, but nevertheless wishing that it had not and is not happening won’t make it so. It appears that the President of the United States is so vile, so wicked, so totally corrupt, that he used his son as a conduit to extort money from foreign corporations and governments in exchange for favors and influence from the Vice President, and currently the President of the United States. The accusations I just mentioned are, as Ron Paul just stated, imminently impeachable.

    Will the President face impeachment charges over any of the corruption that he appears guilty of? I doubt it very much because of past behavior of this government and the weak, gutless nature of Republicans in congress. More and more evidence pours out of the cesspool of house oversight committee hearings every single day but it gets nothing more than a nod or raised eyebrow from the Democrats. When did members of the House and Senate transition into advocates for a corrupt President?

  • The Peace Speech Plus 60 Years


    Darrell Castle talks about the 60th anniversary of President John Kennedy’s speech given at American University on June 10, 1963, in which he made a dramatic call for peace — a watershed moment in American politics and foreign policy.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 23rd day of June in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the 60th anniversary of President John Kennedy’s speech given at American University on June 10th, 1963, in which he made a dramatic call for peace. I argue that the speech was a watershed moment in American politics and foreign policy because the organization in control of those things hated and feared peace as much in 1963 as it does now.

    What was President Kennedy trying to do? What kind of peace did he seek—he tells us.

    “Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children—not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women—not merely peace in our time but peace for all time.”

    “I speak of peace as the necessary, rational end of rational men. I realize that the pursuit of peace is not as dramatic as the pursuit of war—and frequently the words of the pursuer of peace fall on deaf ears. But we have no more urgent task.”

  • Jack Smith’s Statement Is All Wrong


    Darrell Castle talks about the criminal indictment of Donald Trump in Miami this week, specifically regarding the statement of prosecutor Jack Smith and why that statement is all wrong.


    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 16th day of June in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the criminal indictment of Donald Trump in Miami earlier this week. I wish I didn’t have to talk about it but I do because it is the most important story of this week. Primarily, I will be talking about the statement of prosecutor Jack Smith to justify his actions and why that statement is all wrong.

    I’m going to approach this story differently from the Soros prosecution story because it is federal and the real issue is what is happening to our country because of the obvious weaponization of the Department of Justice to attack a political opponent. When I was in law school, I was taught that it is highly unethical and a disciplinary offense for a lawyer in a civil case to threaten criminal charges to intimidate his opponent thus sweetening his civil amount. Here we have a case where the entire power of the politicians, bureaucrats, and other apparatchiks of the deep state could not win fairly at the polls so they decided to use their immense power in a criminal way.

    This use of the Department of Justice to prosecute and possibly take away freedom from a political opponent reflects on all of us. Trump’s right when he says they are out to get me but they are really coming for you, I’m just in the way. Whether or not Trump was just pontificating, this misuse of what used to be justice, but is now just a weapon, is a threat to all of us. If I could get only one thing across in this report it would be that whatever side of the political divide you are on, this is a threat to all of us. It is a serious threat to the system and whether Donald Trump may have committed some jot and tittle violation of some records law is irrelevant to what is really happening.