Hello! Today I’m continuing our discussion of Western civilization, how it met its demise, and what that means for us today. To do that, we’re going to be talking about one of the primary weapons used by those who seek Western civilization’s destruction. That weapon is depopulation. It is evident to me that there is a conscious effort to control the human population by means of cultural and biological changes. Those changes are being applied primarily in Western nations, although it is possible that the cultural changes are simply more effective there. This is not a new phenomenon, although its effects are becoming too obvious for us to ignore. The people who seek to kill us, to see our bloodlines die out from the earth, normally use the brute force of government to accomplish their schemes. I recommend R.J. Rummel’s great book published in 1994 called, Death By Government. That book is a real eye opener. Mr. Rummel has chapters devoted to those regimes that killed more than 10 million people, of which there are three. The Soviet Union is the all time leader with 61 million. Communist China and Nazi Germany round out the list. He also has chapters for those regimes that have killed between one and ten million people, of which there are many. The point is that governments have killed a lot of people, by Mr. Rummel’s account.