The Theater of Tax and Spend
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Darrell Castle talks about taking on or contending with the deep state or permanent Washington and how that relates to money, debt, credit and taxes.
Transcription / Notes
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 28th day of February in the year of our Lord 2025. I will be talking about taking on or contending with the deep state or permanent Washington and how that relates to money, debt, credit and taxes. Many taxpayers feel as if they have been and are being robbed by government officials and bureaucrats and that just might be because they are.
If you are like me then you know a lot of people who live on the edge barely making ends meet from week to week. I meet people literally everyday in my law practice who tell me they are one missed paycheck from the street. It is very distressing for those people when they find that much of the money taken from them as taxes was stolen by some invisible blob operating out of Washington D.C.
We are told during each presidential administration that the country has cast itself into penury by ceaseless efforts to care for its population as well as maintain a global security network to keep them safe and free. That statement is the opposite of truth as is normal for Washington. The recent theft, estimated at 4.7 trillion as is known so far, represents about two thirds of the annual national budget, but it disappears and is apparently impossible to trace. Nobody who should know does know and even fewer care where it goes.
People are starting to wonder how someone comes to Washington with modest net worth and makes a salary of $170,000 per year for say 10 years and suddenly has a net worth of over $100 million. For example, Samatha Power, former head of USAID in four years her net worth went from $6.4 million to $30 million on a salary of $180,000. That net worth represents approximately 100 times her salary so I wonder how she achieved such a miracle. Just a smart lady I guess. I would certainly advise anyone who has a desire to get rich in the stock market to look at the portfolios of Samantha Power and Nancy Pelosi and follow their trades because they are indeed stock picking geniuses.
The answers to some of those puzzling questions are starting to be found through the efforts of Doge so the next question becomes what can we do about the theft of our labor. Speaking for myself I dread April 15th this year as I have never dreaded it before. I never look forward to Tax Day but my wife and I manage each year to find the money they demand from us and pay it with a good-natured shrug of our shoulders.
That was before we knew for certain that we were being robbed each year. I have been working and paying federal taxes for about 60 years so that is a lot of money. I normally don’t agree with or support the useless and unconstitutional wars that Washington seems to constantly find its way into but now I know that the Pentagon has an enormous black hole where trillions disappear and remain unaccounted for.
This is how I think people are starting to view the government, its employees and the economy in general. People are skeptical and always have been but now they are turning from just skepticism to downright mistrust and dislike. I know many people are thinking this way because I talk to different people each day primarily about their finances as we try together to find their way out of a debt morass. It appears there are two parallel economies at work. One is for those people slaving away at a real job while trying to make ends meet and feed their families despite being bled dry by the IRS. It’s amazing how closely the debt load of working people matches the money taken from them by the IRS. That doesn’t even include the state income taxes of most states, sales taxes, and most importantly property taxes. The other economy is for those who benefit from and conduct the theft of the labor of normal people.
Here’s something that most people probably don’t know. I conclude that most people don’t understand they are being robbed because I talk to them every day. They are starting to wake up, however, thanks to the work of Doge and despite the best efforts of permanent Washington to keep them in the dark about its theft and enforced debt slavery. Here’s what I mean; the Constitution was ratified in 1789 and most people would say that is when the nation began although the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain was issued and signed in 1774. A war had to be fought and then the politicians had to have their meetings to finally get the nation started. The United States government managed to survive and pay its bills until 1913 when the bankers told us we couldn’t survive another minute without an income tax and that authority over money had to be ceded to an all-powerful central bank.
The tax was small at first and affected mostly extremely high wealth individuals, but the bankers were smart and they played the long game. They tilted the mechanisms of the economy downward toward them so that little by little all money flowed into the banks. Now, those of us who pay taxes on our income and on our real property are slaves in the classic definition of the word. The tax makes the government the owner of part of your labor and that part is whatever the government through its tax code says it is. The property tax establishes ownership of your home by the government. You have government permission to live there only as long as you pay the tax. If you own your home free and clear of the bank you really don’t own it because if you stop paying the government, will take your home and sell it.
The classic and historic definition of a free person is someone who owns his own labor. He is free to earn and profit from his own labor. I find myself in historic debate and discussion about such subjects quite often both in person and online. When I am talking to a person about slavery in the pre-civil war south the person sometimes argues that it wasn’t as bad as it seems because the slaves were not owned, it was their labor that was owned. Well, you can see that as the stupid argument that it is, and easy to refute, but it’s slavery either way because it fits the very definition of the word.
If Trump were able to replace the income tax with a tariff-based economy he would be one of the greatest Americans to live since the founders. To even mention it demonstrates that he recognizes the problem and wants to set the American people free or at least loosen the chains a little bit. The level of theft is now becoming apparent to any of us not living off the spoils of theft and I think that is still most of us.
The revealed theft is simply the icing on the government cake. It has been revealed to any of us who cares to look at the absolute depths of depravity to which our rulers have sunk. They just forced their science on us and deprived many of us of the little we had and that includes for many, their lives. They took away our jobs and businesses, locked us in our homes, forced their death vaccine on us and worse on our unsuspecting children and now we know that if that were not enough they stole what little we managed to keep from the grasp of the bankers.
To close out this tariff section of my report I want to quote my favorite economist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
“The information from Doge of the enormous fraud, abuse, and self-dealing that the US budget contains as a slush fund for insiders and for bribing foreign politicians and overthrowing foreign governments indicates that sufficient reductions are possible to establish a tariff at a reasonable rate. To rescue Americans from the slavery of an income tax would be one of the greatest achievements in history. Let’s achieve it.”
The knowledge of the atrocities visited on us by the government is becoming clear to more and more people, for example. A recent article published by the Ron Paul Institute titled “The Most Dramatic Narrative Shift in Modern History was written by Jeffrey A. Tucker. He argues that this dramatic shift he describes was Covid. “Government was not what we thought. It is something else. It does not serve the public. It serves its own interests.” I will add a comment of my own to Mr. Tucker’s words and that is that it virtually never tells us the truth about what its interests actually are.
The governments of the world are made of fallen, corrupt people and the founders understood that, and so they designed a system of checks and balances so meticulous that nothing ever seemed to work efficiently. The men who wrote the Constitution and who designed and debated and ultimately ratified it for all of us and our posterity didn’t even trust each other to run governments. Jefferson and Adams in particular, fought verbally throughout the process. They didn’t resolve their dispute until Adams was on his deathbed. Vice President Burr killed Treasury Secretary Hamilton in a pistol duel. Madison and Hamiliton wrote of these things and explained them in the Federalist Papers. The idea is that no one who seeks political power can be trusted with it, therefore they sought to “bind them with the chains of the Constitution.”
Trump doesn’t seem to understand much political, economic, or military history but I hope he studies some Russian history before he meets face to face with Vladimir Putin. It seems to me that it would be difficult to deal adequately or accurately with Russians unless you understand something of how Russia has spent say the last 1200 years. There are some early but very hopeful signs, however, including his announced 90-minute telephone call with Putin.
“I just had a lengthy and highly productive phone call with President Vladimir Putin of Russia. We discussed Ukraine, the Middle East, Energy, Artificial Intelligence, the power of the dollar, and various other subjects. We both reflected on the Great History of our Nations, and the fact that we fought so successfully together in World War II, remembering that Russia lost 10’s of millions of people, and we, likewise lost so many! We each talked about the strengths of our respective nations, and the great benefit that we will someday have in working together. But first, as we both agreed, we want to stop the millions of deaths taking place in the War with Russia/Ukraine. President Putin even used my very strong Campaign motto of, COMMON SENSE.”
In my opinion restoring ties with Russia and negotiating a settlement of the Ukraine war would be very big blows to the deep state or permanent Washington. So big that I fear for his life because opening ties with the two biggest enemies, Russia and China, will cost the deep state or Military Industrial Complex a lot of money and potentially spoil their future. The stocks of the MIC companies have already declined rapidly since his inauguration. For that reason, I fear for his life because there have been at least two attempts that we know of so it would not shock me if some deep state operative had another “lone nut” waiting.
It appears obvious that given the two assassination attempts, the lawfare attacks, the corrupt prosecutors sicced on him by a corrupt Department of Justice and a corrupt President, Donald Trump has decided to adopt a laser focused attack on the deep state using people he trusts who have the right point of view for the positions he entrusted to them.
Tulsi Gabbard at intelligence and Kash Patel at FBI are two of the most important members of the cabinet because the organizations they now head were at the very heart of entrenched deep state corruption. Those organizations led the corrupt fight from Russia gate to the Hunter Laptop cover up that served to undo his first term, and he, therefore, chose people he thinks will not let that happen again. Each of his nominees so far have made it clear that they intend to depart from deep state norms.
Finally, folks, this is a very important period in American history. We, as the American people can reign in the theft, waste, and corruption, or we can let it run and even participate and if so financial collapse is inevitable. I don’t think spending is really going to be cut as is reflected in the newly passed budget deal which envisions $2 trillion deficits into the future. Even among Trump supporters the determination to make cuts in anything other than foreign aid appears to be non-existent and therefore this really is just theater for our entertainment. Tax, spend and rob theater.
At least that’s the way I see it,
Until next time folks,
This is Darrell Castle,
Thanks for listening.