• Making Wars Worse for All Mankind


    Darrell Castle talks about the foreign aid bill recently passed by congress and signed by the president.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 3rd day of May in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the foreign aid bill recently passed by congress and signed by the president. My take is that its intent is both destabilizing and most of all hypocritical. In other words, it will not deliver what it has promised and it will do far more harm than good.

    My beat today is war once again but along with war comes many other things such as larceny, corruption, deception, and most of all hypocrisy. The foreign aid bill recently passed is my starting point so what was in that bill and what did the president tell us it would accomplish. The president in his own words described what the bill would do.

    “It’s a good day for America, it’s a good day for Europe and it’s a good day for world peace. It’s going to make America safer; it’s going to make the world safer and continues America’s leadership in the world and everyone knows it. We are going to begin sending equipment to Ukraine for air defense munitions, for artillery, for rocket systems and armored vehicles.”

    The president’s words were complete nonsense and except for what would be sent, not a single word was true. Let’s look at what is actually in this roughly $95 billion of additional U.S. debt. Keep in mind that the bill contains no offsets so the entire amount goes right on the bottom line as debt. I have mentioned before that the U.S. has no money to give away, only debt, so future generations will pay interest on the “gift” for as long as the U.S. continues to exist.

    The aid package includes $60.8 billion for Ukraine, $26.4 billion for Israel, $8.1 billion for Taiwan and other Indo Pacific allies, and $9.1 billion in “humanitarian aid to Gaza. Yes, you heard that right the U.S. through its debt, will fund both sides of the Israel-Gaza war just to make it worse. The humanitarian aid to Gaza highlights the total and complete hypocrisy of the whole thing. Officially the aid packages is entitled “Migration and Refugee Assistance” and “International Disaster Assistance.”

    The amount going to Gaza is so huge that it amounts to more than four times the annual GDP of the entire Gaza Strip. So, Gaza will soon be swimming in American money. The money is also on top of the $10 billion given to Gaza’s proxy boss, Iran, last year. Gaza is completely controlled by Hamas, which launched the October 7, 2023, attacks which began the war. I’ve seen estimates that only about 20% of humanitarian aid makes it past the hands of Hamas terrorists. Just to reiterate, the U.S. is giving more than $26 billion for Israel’s defense against the same people the U.S. is giving more than $9 billion to. It’s more than a cliché to say that that the U.S. never met a war it could not make worse.

    Morton Klein, President of the Zionist Organization of America summed it up: “Biden and this administration knows that almost all of it, that is, the aid, is stolen by Hamas. That leads to an inescapable conclusion: We are funding Hamas. Do you realize the nightmare of this? We are funding Hamas with $9 billion. What is wrong with this administration?” What it really means is that U.S. taxpayers and their progeny will be taxed to provide for the upkeep of terrorists in Gaza under the guise of humanitarian aid. That money along with the $10 billion of sanctions relief provided to Iran should fuel Jihadi terrorism in the Middle East and around the world for years to come.

    This bill was completely bipartisan and you know what that means when the evil and stupid parties come together for bipartisanship. Yes, it means it is both evil and stupid. Speaker of the house, Mike Johnson said “Israel’s very survival is at stake.” Those clever Israelis don’t seem all that worried about it because they spend only 5.3% of GDP on defense. Shouldn’t a nation whose very survival is at stake commit totally to its defense as allied nations had to do in WW ll. They don’t have to because they have America, the essential nation, to cover the costs for them. You can see that my real purpose in this report is to present the total madness and hypocrisy of this entire project.

    The bill also includes a larceny element as I said earlier. The bill allows the U.S. government to confiscate or steal property including bank deposits belonging to Russians. This, once again, makes clear the hypocrisy of the entire thing. It’s all dressed up in fancy language but when you cut through the stylish exterior it stinks to high heaven. The property stolen from Russians will be given to Zelensky and Ukraine to do with as they see fit.

    The vote in the house was not as easy as the president thought it should be but eventually it passed. Many Republicans opposed the bill without some provision for U.S. border security. Enough of them however, led by speaker Mike Johnson, came together with Democrats to pass it. The president said it should have come faster but what it means is that America stands with our friends, we stand against dictators, we bow to no one, especially not Vladimir Putin. That’s complete hogwash of course and just about the opposite of the truth.

    Mitch McConnell, second only to Lindsey Graham as chief warmonger in the American senate, agreed with the president that the bill should have been passed earlier and much easier. The reason He gave for taking so long to pass it was that Tucker Carlson disagreed with it. When asked about it he said, “you know the reason, Tucker Carlson.” That sentence amounts to a Nobel prize or some other such prize for Tucker as about the only real journalist remaining out of prison. It is indeed incredible that a mere talk news host could stop or delay a bill such as this monstrosity from being passed.

    I assume that when all the neocon warmongers managed to get Tucker fired from Fox, they thought he would no longer be a problem for them but they were wrong. It is now very clear why he was fired if it was not already clear, however, with his own internet talk show he has far more viewers than he had on Fox. The people must appreciate hearing one voice in opposition so they tune in to his interviews, his commentary, by the millions. That gives me hope because sometimes I sense that there is no one left with the courage and integrity to depart from the acceptable views presented to us by the ruling elite.

    I know the danger, that Tucker is just a shill, or controlled opposition, but his interviews with the least accepted, and most hated say otherwise. He gave an impartial interview to Vladimir Putin which upset all those people who really need to be upset because their lies are being exposed. Americans were able to see that Putin is not the power mad lunatic he is portrayed as by American politicians and media. Either he is very different or he is a very excellent actor.

    Recently though, he has done something much worse than interview Vladimir Putin, he has questioned Israel and the U.S. relationship with Israel. He usually manages to report or state facts which are hard to refute because they are facts. Israel provides no advantage to the United States was one of his facts that is hard to refute. If that statement is not a fact, then what are the advantages, but the answer is not forthcoming. Tucker interviewed a pastor in Jerusalem named Munther Isaac which caused the attacks to intensify. I watched that interview and the pastor leads a Christian congregation that includes a lot of Palestinian Christians. He mentioned among other things that he appealed to the Israeli government to protect or save the Palestinian Christians but his efforts were all refused. He is very concerned for the well being of his people as any good pastor would be.

    He was attacked up and down the line by the American media who usually presented Israeli Rabbis to attack him. He was accused of descending into moral relativism and muddying the line between good and evil. As an aside I will point out that the line is sometimes pretty hard to discern, and very muddy, especially considering that propaganda is disguised as news today. First, he went to Moscow and told us he was “dazzled” by the city’s gleaming subways and orderly fast-food restaurants. Then he had the audacity to interview the world’s leading despot and liar. Well, good on you Tucker, and keep up the good work.

    Back in America we have some issues with what used to be called free speech. The powers that be, whether Lyndon Johnson’s administration or Joe Biden’s administration would prefer that everyone sing from the same songbook. That has not proven to be the case over the years primarily because of students at American colleges and universities. Those of us who continue the fight for freedom and individual rights recognize that free speech has to be supported everywhere, especially in our universities. Students, at least to some extent, turned the tide of opinion against the Vietnam War which led to the American withdrawal. Now, it seems, they are trying to do the same thing with Israel’s war in Gaza.

    How can American college students affect the policies of foreign governments. They can’t because they are here in America but they can sure affect the policies of the American government. The demand is for America to cut off aid to Israel and demand a ceasefire to end what they call genocide in Gaza. Memes have started to appear referring to President Biden as genocide Joe. It reminds me of the chant that was on the news constantly in 1968, “hey, hey, LBJ how many kids have you killed today.”

    We don’t have to agree with those who protest. We may even hate their views, but we still must defend their right to speak and protest peacefully. That’s the issue of course, is it peaceful and is it depriving some other people of their right to be free of intimidation and most of all to attend a college to which they have paid tuition. Some universities such as Columbia for example have closed classes for this school year. Some including Columbia have sent Jewish students home because it was too dangerous for them on campus. That is not peaceful protest, but what is causing the violence, especially toward Jews, to spread among college campuses around the country.

    Attorney Alan Dershowitz tells us that George Soros is funding the radical pro-Palestinian groups on campuses around the country. According to Mr. Dershowitz, an organization called Jewish Voice for Peace is a front group funded by Soros. That group has included many Jews protesting the genocide in Gaza. I saw an interview with one Jewish woman who said she was a Holocaust survivor and what she endured as a child is what the children of Gaza are enduring right now. Soros is the enemy of all humanity and especially civilized humanity. His goal seems to be to destabilize the world through funding crime, violence and those who want to use those methods.

    Right now, he is assisted in his efforts to reverse thousands of years of civilization by the method of warfare conducted by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). What is that method and how has it failed to this point.  Hamas is still functional and still conducting attacks. The war has generated very high casualties, especially among the civilian population of Gaza. Hamas is still intact, the hostages are still in their hands or dead, and civil unrest has been fueled in America, undoubtably by Jihadi penetration of American institutions especially universities. Finally, and most important, the war in Gaza has been so poorly fought using area weapons that most of the world is on the side of the Hamas terrorists and thinks the Israelis are committing genocide.

    There is one other aspect to this saga that also has a George Soros feel to it and that is control by the forces seeking global government. For example, the Biden administration has reportedly greenlighted the impending indictment of Israeli leaders by the International Criminal Court. Supposedly, in short order Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will be indicted by the ICC as a war criminal and an international warrant will be issued for his arrest. If that is true then it doubles the hypocrisy of this administration.

    On the one hand the Biden Administration funds both sides of a war and wholly funds the continuation of another war which could not be fought without the Administration’s financial support. Then they approve the ICC’s indictment of one of the leaders their money supports. They fund death, destruction, chaos, and mass slaughter around the world and they do it with your money.

    Finally, folks, the things I have described are very shameful and the Biden Administration would be ashamed if those who occupy it were capable of shame. They have sweet words like making America and Europe safer while they sell or give away death and destruction.

    At least that’s the way I see it,

    Until next time folks,

    This is Darrell Castle,

    Thanks for listening.

  • DON’T


    Darrell Castle talks about the recent attacks by Iran against Israel and discusses the growing violence with an emphasis on the Israeli decision of whether to retaliate again and if so how.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 19th day of April in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the recent attacks by Iran against Israel and discussing the growing violence with an emphasis on the Israeli decision of whether to retaliate again and if so how.

    Yes, my beat is war this week and there is no shortage of war to talk about. The powers that be love their wars and so they tend to make them happen. There are other issues, of course, like the criminal trial of Donald Trump by George Soros funded proxies in New York City, but war trumps everything, no pun intended. I will also take this introductory paragraph to remind you that there will be no Castle Report next week since I will be attending the Constitution Party National Convention. If you are there look me up, I would love to talk with you.

    I also remind you that yesterday, the 18th of April was the 82nd anniversary of the Doolittle Raid on Tokyo and other Japanese cities. The 80 men who took part are all dead now, but I take this moment to honor their act of courage and sacrifice.

    Yes folks, I know this news must be shocking to you but there’s war in the Middle East. President Biden did his best to stop it with one word but it hasn’t worked so far. However, his word serves as the title of this Castle Report. Don’t was the one-word warning given by the President of the United States regarding whether Iran would attack Israel. I suppose that word was meant to convey the message that the president is a tough guy and not someone to be trifled with. The Iranians apparently did not get the message because over last weekend they launched hundreds of attack drones and cruise missiles against Israel.

     The Iranians said the attack was in retaliation and a “punishment” for the Israeli attack of April 1 against the Iranian Consulate in Damascus Syria which killed 7 Iranians including two general officers. The Israelis said that attack was in response to the October 7, 2023, attack by the Iranian proxy group, Hamas, against Israel in which some 1400 Israelis died. It seems that one Middle East country or another is retaliating for something just about every day of the week. The nations of the Middle East seem to be run by people who can never forget anything so consider these examples for a moment.

     1953, the CIA and British Mi6 helped Iranian royalists depose the elected Iranian president, Mossadegh in a military coup code named Operation Ajax, like the cleaner. The Shah was allowed to extend his power and ruled as absolute monarch for more than two decades until the Iranian Revolution in 1979 in which Ayatollah Khomeini was reinstalled as leader. You probably remember the hostage crises resulting from all that intrigue, but the point is this was all about regime change in Iran to a regime more suitable to the U.S. and I think that is still the case.

    When the U.S. signed the Algiers Accords ending the hostage crises it agreed to never again participate in regime change against whatever regime ruled Iran. The Mullahs have been clinging tenaciously to power ever since constantly retaliating for one thing or another. The most recent attack against Israel was retaliation for the April 1 attack against the Iranian Damascus Consulate as I said, but also for the January 3, 2020, killing in Baghdad of General Qusem Soleimani. The general was a very important Iranian leader and a beloved figure in Iran.

    That attack was conducted by the U.S. and was reportedly personally signed off on by President Trump. Was it ordered by Israel? I’m sure the Iranians think it was, and so we continue in an endless cycle of retaliation and violence. Where will it all lead or what will happen next because each act requires something even worse as retaliation. A region-wide war or something even worse seems inevitable. The Israeli attack against the Iranian Consulate killed 7 including 2 senior defense officers one of whom is believed to have trained and planned the Hamas attack against Israel of October 7. Under International Law, embassies, consulates, and other diplomatic structures are sovereign territory so an attack against one could be said to be an attack against Iran itself. So, a direct attack against Iranian soil had to be retaliated against and the cycle of war and violence continues.

    The Iranians reportedly passed on a message to the U.S. through Turkey that the attack was coming so it was known 3 days in advance and a coalition of NATO and Middle East countries made ready to intercept it. President Biden apparently told the Iranians, O.K. but your response must be “measured.” So, on one hand he supposedly says don’t, but on the other hand he says it must be measured. I suppose that was all so those people running countries in the Middle East could keep their manhood. In any event, because of the 3-day warning the attack had little or no chance of succeeding. Perhaps the attack had motives too subtle for me to discern.

    According to the Jerusalem Post, no drones or cruise missiles breached Israeli airspace. The only casualty was a seven-year-old girl from a Bedouin village who was seriously wounded. I guess I’m just too soft to ever be a leader of nations because to me that little girl is worth it all. Isn’t she a representative of all of humanity. We just want to live our lives, but these “leaders” must be allowed to keep their manhood. The last report I had about the unnamed girl was that she was still in intensive care and her life was still at issue.

    The regional alliance coming out of the Abraham Accords is apparently still intact despite all the conflict. Virtually all countries in the Middle East have been very critical of Israel’s response to the October 7 attacks. They all criticize Israel in the press for the way Israel has dealt with Gaza and the Palestinians, but when Iran attacks, they respond to help defend Israel. If I were an Iranian official that would alarm me because it would tell me that I could end up fighting not only Israel, but NATO and the entire Middle East region.

    United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Jordon, Egypt, Morrocco, and unofficially, Saudi Arabia, all came to Israel’s aid. I doubt if they love Israel, but its obvious they hate the Shia Mullahs in Iran more than they hate Israel. Perhaps all the rumors that they fear Israel intends to spread all over the region in what is usually called “greater Israel” are just that, nothing but rumors. They must believe that those stories are just nonsense, but Iran is another matter. They apparently fear that the Mullahs intend to spread their brand of Shia Islam across the Middle East and that would threaten the ruling elite of all those countries.

    Those countries all hated the Shah because he was an absolute dictator as they all are, and he was too secular. They thought the Shah’s nihilistic approach to religion and his friendly relations with the West would spread region wide so they wanted him gone. They fear the Mullahs because they are absolute dictators and too religious. Can a person be too Islamic for Saudis, apparently so. Many in the region including especially Mohammad bin Salman in Saudi Arabia, but also the Gulf Arab States are trying to modernize and take steps into the 21st century, but the Mullahs said no we will remain in the 8th century except with nuclear weapons.

    I guess I got a little carried away with Middle East history but, I suppose a little background doesn’t hurt. This report is about Israel and its perspective on what happened. Keep in mind that Israel is a tiny country of about 9 million people which is surrounded by hundreds of millions of potential enemies. Regional alliances and a live and let live attitude are vitally important at this point in the 76 years of today’s version of Israel. The people in the Middle East have notoriously long memories so I would wager that there are people there who are waiting to retaliate for slights that happened 1000 years ago. That is why this regional coalition is so important for stability today and why I would advise the Israelis to consider that when they plan their next round of retaliation.

    It all sounds like some version of the Godfather or some other American mob movie and there are certainly similarities. I’m not saying don’t retaliate, I’m just saying consider these other nations when you do. They will retaliate, those Israelis, because the Jerusalem Post says they must.  I don’t know if the Israeli media is like the American media whereby it is just the propaganda arm of the regime spewing out regime propaganda daily but it could be.

    The Jerusalem Post in its headline of April 15 said, “In a decisive moment like this, Israel has to reaffirm its strength by striking back.” The article goes on to criticize leadership for being unwilling to escalate. The Post admits that the threats Israel now faces go beyond its borders and could have global implications. I imagine that is a reference to the constant American habit of criticizing Israel and urging restraint while going soft on Iran. The going soft includes the desperate efforts to reinstitute the Iranian nuclear deal and the release of $10 billion in Iranian funds that had been confiscated by sanctions.

    For example, the Biden administration made it clear that the United States would not participate in any offensive action against Iran should Israel choose to retaliate for the hundreds of drones and missiles fired at its territory. “We don’t seek a war with Iran. We’re not looking for escalation here.” That’s how national security spokesman John Kirby expressed it to NBC News on April 14. My guess is that the U.S. agreed to allow the Iranian attack and to stand down if it was measured and that way under Biden rules, all the affected parties would be able to keep their manhood. The administration apparently thought Israel would give in and follow its directive but the Israelis have a mind of their own it seems.

    Remember when shortly after October 7 U.S. Senator Lindsay Graham told the Iranians that if they or Hezbollah fired missiles at Israel the U.S. would give the President the authorization to use force which is today’s way of saying decare war. That would then result in a U.S. attack against Iran’s capacity to pump, refine, and ship its petroleum products. None of that happened and speaking of keeping your manhood, how about keeping your mouth shut at least occasionally.

    The Jerusalem Post advises retaliation because it believes Iran was trying to isolate Israel and fracture the Sunni alliance that had been forged while using it as cover to continue development of its own military capabilities and nuclear capabilities. Here is what the Post thinks the Israeli government should do:

    “Israel’s strategic response to such provocations needs to be as calculated as it is decisive. According to the Post’s military correspondent Yonah Bob, the Israeli military’s use of advanced F-35 stealth fighters to penetrate deep into Iranian territory and target key nuclear sites is a testament to the high stakes involved. Such an operation would likely involve complex navigational challenges possibly requiring flights over hostile or contested territories such as Syria, Iraq, or even the Persian Gulf.”

    So, I take that to mean that the Post is advising through editorial, the Israeli military to use fighter jets acquired from the U.S. to attack Iran’s nuclear sites. Appeals for restraint poured in from around the world as world leaders expressed fear of a wider conflict. That would present an opportunity for Israel to save face by saying, O.K. out of respect for the wishes of our friends who helped us repel this attack we will exercise restraint. However, the chief of the Israeli armed forces vowed to respond anyway.

    Prime Minister Netanyahu met with his War Cabinet late Monday to discuss all options available to them. The U.S. appealed to China to intercede with its friends in Iran, but the Chinese said the Iranians could handle the situation on their own. In other words, from China, this is not our fight its your fight, but we will be there to profit from the mess you make.

    Finally, folks, the coming Israeli response, I predict, will commit the nation to be permanently at war. Unlike U.S. war permanence where the Military Industrial Complex allows Washington to fight in other people’s as long as they get the money, the Israelis would be fighting right in their own neighborhood for as long as they exist. I just hope the little Bedouin girl recovers and is able to tend her goats.

    At least that’s the way I see it,

    Until Friday, May 3, 2024,

    This is Darrell Castle,

    Thanks for listening.

  • Desperation in Ukraine


    Darrell Castle talks about the war in Ukraine and how the NATO forces opposing Russia are growing increasingly desperate as Russia continues to grind down the Ukrainian military.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 12th day of April in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the war in Ukraine and how the NATO forces opposing Russia are growing increasingly desperate as Russia continues to grind down the Ukrainian military. The state of the war is becoming obvious and hard to ignore to all but the most ardent anti-Russia types.

    My beat is war again and this time it’s a war that is all but forgotten with the war in Gaza starting to take Ukraine from the minds of the media. The increasing desperation is evidenced by the threats of French President Emmanuel Macron to send French troops to Ukraine. The Russians, in response, said that French troops would become priority targets if they entered Ukraine. These French troops would be independent of NATO, but that would still put the U.S. on a dangerous path that could lead ultimately to nuclear war.

    It should be obvious to any rational person that Russia has thousands of nuclear weapons and if Russian backs are against the wall by NATO on its border would use them. Unfortunately, it appears that there are a lot of irrational people running foreign policy in the U.S. and other NATO countries. Things could and probably would escalate quickly if Macron sent French troops to Russia’s border. The vice president of the Russian Duma which is the equivalent of Congress or parliament is Pyotr Tolstoy, a descendent of the great Russian, Leo Tolstoy. He warned that it would take only two minutes to nuke Paris.

  • Spiritual War


    Darrell Castle talks about the Christian High Holy Day of Easter or Resurrection Sunday and how President Biden chose to use the day to honor Transgender Visibility Day.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 5th day of April in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the Christian High Holy Day of Easter or Resurrection Sunday along with Transgender Visibility Day which tragically this year occurred on the same day thanks to the President of the United States. Yes, my beat is spiritual today although I admit that theology is not my strong suit, I will endeavor to do my best.

    Whether or not you are a Christian and whether you are a believer in the biblical account of creation, i.e. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,” Genesis 1-1: there is a sentence that humanity has understood throughout man’s time on earth until just a few short years ago. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27. That sentence says there are only two genders in the created order, two sexes, male and female.

    Sunday, March 31st was Easter in 2024, the holiest day on the Christian calendar. It is a day that Christians believe Jesus died to pay for the sins of created humanity not to celebrate those sins. It is the day when we Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then he is still buried somewhere and we as Christians are lost and Christianity fails. God saw all of humanity, created in his image, condemned without a way of redemption so he gave his son as the sacrifice for that sin so we would not have to pay it. That, I argue, is the very essence of Christianity.

  • The New Consensus


    Darrell Castle talks about the new way of looking at things or the new general consensus that emanates from a disrespect for the constitutional framework of law and justice.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 29th day of March in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the new way of looking at things or the new general consensus based on how the system programs us toward a general agreement on a preconceived set of outcomes for a particular series of events. I will argue that the new consensus emanates from a disrespect for the constitutional framework of law and justice now being taught in America’s law schools.

    This is not just Friday but Good Friday, three days before Easter Sunday. Good Friday commemorates the day more than two thousand years ago that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a borrowed donkey to great fanfare. He was the king, but he did not look like what the system thought a king should look like. He did not ride in on a great warhorse, he wore no battle armor, and he carried no sword and so the system and the people rejected him and called for the Roman, Pontius Pilate to order him crucified. The consensus went from hosanna to the son of David to cries of crucify him in a matter of hours.

    Please don’t think that I am comparing anyone alive today with Jesus because that is not my intent. I am just trying to show how the consensus can change quickly and how that can sometimes subvert the entire system of law and justice. Consensus today goes something like this; there’s widespread agreement that something must be done; there is a growing consensus in the country; the general consensus is this; the study shows a strong consensus so let’s take a vote.

  • The First 205 Years


    Darrell Castle talks about debt and the effect it has had and is having on the nation and its people.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 22nd day of March in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about debt and the effect it has had and is having on the nation. Debt as the U.S. government has accumulated It, is very bad and it has been accelerated by the ruinous nature of fake money, and the siren’s call of money without limit. I will argue that money without solid backing is perhaps the most corrupting influence in America today. Money, whether fake or real, is power, and power corrupts the mind and morals and thus our nation and its tradition of law and justice are corrupted.

    I have more than 40 years’ experience as a bankruptcy lawyer and I, therefore, have a lot of experience dealing with debt. Debt can be used for production or to increase revenue and then it is good but otherwise it is an albatross around the neck of the debtor. The bible tells us in the book of Proverbs that the debtor becomes the slave of the lender. Lately, the U.S. has used debt to make war and pacify its people with bread so they will not see the circus that is Washington.

    It took the United States 205 years to accumulate its first $1 trillion of debt, but now the process is accelerating. Washington was at $5 trillion by the administration of George W. Bush and now stands at $34.6 trillion at the time of this recording. The United States now adds $1 trillion of debt every 100 days. The latest projections show $60 trillion by 2034 or just 10 years from now. Keep in mind that projections almost always fall short of reality because economic conditions change as do the desires of politicians.

  • A State of the Union Based on Lies


    Darrell Castle talks about the dark and angry State of the Union Speech and asserts that there was no optimism or hope, but the content was all based on lies.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with Today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 15th day of March in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the dark and angry State of The Union Speech delivered by President Joe Biden last week and I point out that there was no optimism in it and no hope for the future of America and the entire premise is built on lies stacked on top of lies.

    A lot of things are happening in the world right now that we could be talking about such as the 4th anniversary of 15 days to stop the spread which is tomorrow. That is another lie for which honorable scientists and doctors are still being persecuted. The 2024 presidential election seems set now since Biden and Trump seem to be assured of a rematch. Elections in at least 64 countries with about 50% of the world’s people are scheduled to be held this year. Those topics would all make good subjects for this report but only one election is part of the speech, except our own of course.

    The most important election outside of our own is being held in Russia this weekend. Putin will win by a large margin and that makes the election a sham according to the American press. However, Putin is very popular in Russia and his election by a wide margin does not therefore mean that it is a sham. His policies have produced high growth for Russia with low unemployment and inflation lower than ours. His finding alternate currencies to take BRICS nations outside the dollar system seems to be resonating with a lot of the world’s people.

  • A Shield of the People


    Darrell Castle talks about the law and how vital it is to the people of any free nation to be protected by the law from the abuse of those in power.


    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 8th day of March in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the law and how vital it is to the people of any free nation to be protected by the law from the abuse of those in power. The law must serve as a shield of the people if we are to be any different from dictatorial regimes, 3rd world corrupt regimes, and the like. Lawfare is not a shield but a weapon to be used by those in power against those considered to be without power or at least without the protection of law.

    One often hears the term lawfare, but many or most people wonder what that term means. They don’t understand its literal meaning and therefore they don’t understand why using the law as a form of political warfare is destructive of the rule of law and reduces our form of government to tyranny.  I have traveled this world from one end to the other throughout my lifetime but I have always been glad to get home. Whether in a 3rd world war zone or a glamorous capital I am always glad to see America where the law protects me and I have rights that cannot be arbitrarily abused or disregarded.

    The term lawfare doesn’t make sense because it seems to be two words of opposite definition cobbled together. It indicates violence whereby the parties to a dispute, usually two or more nations, fight each other with their very existence at stake. Law and warfare are opposites and should not exist as one but today, unfortunately, they do. For purposes of this report, I will define lawfare as the use of law and the legal process to destroy political and ideological enemies but law, standing alone is the opposite because it is a way to settle disputes peacefully without resorting to violence.

  • Murder By Executive Action


    Darrell Castle talks about the crises of illegal immigration or what many describe as a crises but the federal government doesn’t seem to see as a crisis. In fact, the federal government maintains an immigration policy that makes murder of Americans by illegal invaders inevitable but no one seems to care.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 1st day of March in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the crises of illegal immigration or what many describe as a crises but the federal government doesn’t seem to see it as a crises, in fact, the federal government maintains an immigration policy that makes murder of Americans by illegal invaders inevitable but no one seems to care.

    A lot of things are happening at the border right now and those things are likely to make it a top focus of the 2024 presidential election. I know that if I were a presidential candidate this year the border would be my main focus followed closely by stupid, pointless foreign wars. The millions of migrants assisted into the country by Joe Biden are causing havoc for a lot of people and states, but my focus today is about how that problem affected one person.

    That one person was a 22 year old nursing student in Georgia named Laken Riley. I hope her family will forgive me for using her name, but I could see no other way to tell her story. Laken was a beautiful young woman with a great future in front of her until she was brutally murdered by Joe Biden’s immigration policy. Yes, that’s right Joe, this one’s on you so just go ahead and eat your ice cream while her family grieves.

  • New York Sends the Deplorables a Message


    Darrell Castle talks about the recent verdict in New York in which Judge Arthur Engoron imposed a fine against Donald Trump of about $355 million accelerating the total to about $455 million with interest.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 23rd day of February in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the recent verdict in New York in which Judge Arthur Engoron imposed a fine against Donald Trump of about $355 million accelerating the total to about $455 million with interest. The fine was for a verdict of civil fraud and as the law normally defines fraud what Trump did was not fraud because no one was injured and there was no victim. This case demonstrates that in New York and certain other Democrat cities, the law is a political weapon and not a protection.

    I have loved New York for my entire life or at least what I can remember of it. The Yankees have always been my team and Mickey Mantle my favorite athlete of all those who have played there over the years. New York used to be the most exciting and wondrous place in the world but that was before the city and state were turned over to those who view the law as nothing but a weapon to be used against political enemies.

    For purposes of this report, it doesn’t matter if you hate Donald Trump, if you think he is a threat to democracy, that he wants to become a dictator, that he tried to overthrow the U.S. Government by force, or whatever he is in your mind. Through whatever lens you view Donald Trump, it is impossible, if you are familiar at all with the lawsuits and prosecutions against him, to see them as anything but a distortion and perversion of our legal system to achieve a political goal.