A Journal of the Plague Year – Will you Accept Their Mark?
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Darrell Castle talks about how the virus and its coming vaccine have aided the final implementation of the total surveillence state.
Transcription / Notes:
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday, April 24, 2020, and on this Report I will be talking about the virus, of course. What news is there except the virus, but this report is more about going to sleep in one country and waking up in another. For the Castle family it is day 35 of house arrest, and for the family daughter, she is still stuck on a small island at the bottom of the world, but all are still healthy, and we are grateful for that.
My argument for you today is that the world surveillance state has been building for a long time, but the virus has given it the impetus to advance with breathtaking speed. It is now coming into existence before our eyes. The virus is the excuse for allowing the digital world powered by artificial intelligence and the real world to combine. Pretending these days have not arrived or simply choosing to ignore the facts will not save you from what is already here. The technology to track and monitor every human on earth is finally available to those who desire such control.
Dire predictions from the beginning have fueled much of the hysteria. I defer to Dr. Ron Paul, “When Anthony Fauci first warned that 2 million people would die there was a race among federal, state, and local officials to see which could rip up the constitution fastest.” All the original numbers and predictions were not only wrong but not even close to correct.
Much of what I am about to tell you might seem too fantastic for you to believe but if so, I invite you to do the research and check for yourself. You don’t have to take my word for it, but I’m convinced that the picture that I’m painting for you today is the correct and accurate one.
To many so called “experts” present in our world today, the only way out of the Covid-19 crisies is with a vaccine to create immunity in the world’s population from the effects of the virus. Time estimates for a suitable vaccine vary from a few months up to as much as 18 months. Bill Gates says that a vaccine cannot be made available to every human on earth for at least 18 months, and the world should stay in a stringent lockdown until then. Dr. Fauci echoes that sentiment although he varies slightly in method. I note that Dr. Fauci serves on Mr. Gates’ vaccine counsel, a clear conflict of interest.
I will not go into how damaging Mr. Gates’ vaccines can be, since I did that last week by quoting the work of Robert Kennedy, Jr. who says it more eloquently than I can. I am saying then that the proposal, which is actively being implemented is to risk the economy by staying locked down for months or years, but I can feel the desire to remain locked starting to slip as resistance mounts.
Bill Gates has been on a worldwide media campaign to promote his vaccines. He tells us we don’t have a choice because we can never be normal again without his vaccine. It seems that the word normal has been taken from us along with many other things. I want to be normal again, since I miss my old life, so I guess I should say “OK Mr. Gates bring it on”. Mr. Gates reportedly told the President that he would have to stay in lockdown until everyone was vaccinated, unless he was willing to ignore the pile of bodies in the corner. Who is this man Bill Gates and did anyone vote to grant him such power?
Everyone who gets the vaccine must get a “digital certificate” to prove they are safe, and this certificate must be easily scannable by computer or phone. I first read that some type of tiny tattoo was being considered but, thanks to the scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the problem has been solved. MIT, in cooperation with the Gates Foundation, has developed a digital injection by vaccine. This is not technically a microchip, but instead is a digital record of vaccination.
It can, however, contain everything about you which can be known such as your complete medical records, drivers’ license including driving record, any criminal charges or records, credit score and credit history. If desired, a complete history of internet sites visited and purchases made will also be available, thanks to Google and Amazon. Data harvesting apps allow the government to track all web use, all digital purchases, and even where you go and who you meet there. This is the new surveillance state and its here now. This is not some scenario out of 1984, although it is Orwellian in nature. I want to emphasize to you that this fence around humanity is basically finished right now, and the virus is just the excuse.
So, Bill Gates tells us we must have this vaccine and take his mark, or we will never be able to return to work or attend a mass gathering again. He is not a doctor, but Dr. Anthony Fauci backs him, although he seems ashamed of it, so he softens the approach a little by saying that perhaps the certificate could be something we carry with us all the time like a driver’s license. Dr. Fauci’s role seems to be to agree with and support Bill Gates, but detract us from the real agenda. Why would we accept a best-case scenario whereby we could be stopped anywhere and told to produce our papers? Didn’t we fight a world war against people who did that sort of thing and yet that is apparently our best-case scenario.
The digital information injected with the vaccination will supposedly not require you to show anything. You will either have the vaccination or you will not, and if you don’t, then you are not safe and you cannot work, use public transit, fly on a commercial airliner or attend mass gatherings. Ultimately, perhaps you will not be able to buy, sale, or conduct the normal processes of living. How could we as Americans be expected to put up with such a nightmarish, Orwellian, thing in our bodies. Fear, I believe, is being counted on to stampede us into acceptance of being marked like animals in the field.
Recently President Trump made it clear that he is in favor of reopening the country but certain governors object, so he defers to doing it piecemeal a little at a time. That’s federalism, I suppose, so governors lift the ban, but leave the mayors of certain cities free to set their own schedule. The mayor of my city of Memphis has extended the ban to May 5th at the earliest. The health department chairman in my county says that we must be ready to lockdown again anytime the virus reappears, thus keeping us in constant uncertainty. It will reappear and I am certain of that. It will keep reappearing, keep locking us in our homes, until the vaccine is finally ready.
Some politicians from governor on down seem to be looking for an excuse to unleash their inner tyrant on us and the virus is a perfect fit.
None of these things will stop, or even slow down, what I have been telling you is coming. The onslaught of the total surveillance state is here now, and the virus is a convenient excuse to expedite the implementation. The United Nations has had this as a goal for a long time. ID 2020 is the U.N. plan to provide digital ID of all people on earth including birth registration by 2020, which obviously is now. Sustainable Development Goal 16.9 set the goal for final implementation by 2030 but thanks to the virus, we don’t have to wait.
The World Health Organization is an arm of the United Nations and very friendly to China, the nation where the virus first appeared. Since President Trump eliminated WHO’s U.S. funding, or at least greatly reduced it, The Gates Foundation has been the largest funder of WHO, and Gates and vaccines are basically the same word. The world must have a system to determine who is safe to return to work, and who is not safe, according to Mr. Gates. The system he is about to install in us by vaccination will tell him that, and much more.
The virus has accelerated the process to the point where banking will now also be involved. Eventually all money will have to travel through banks and all information will be readily available. In other words, folks, global government is being instituted right now in front of our eyes. The plan depends on silencing dissent and, therefore, if you speak out you are the enemy and it will be patriotic to denounce you.
I know what this sounds like since I’ve been forecasting its coming for at least 27 years. I know what it must sound like, but this time, folks, there really is a wolf, and he is at the door. This is an interesting time to be alive considering human history, it reminds me a little of when Hugo Chavez spoke at the U.N. just after George W. Bush. He said I can smell the sulfur in here. Well, I can smell sulfur in this world right now.
Public- private cooperation will reign as the corporate world assumes control of the political world through the seeming magic of artificial intelligence. This is the 4th industrial revolution as some have said. That is the post-industrial, post-financial, world in which industrial brilliance, which used to drive a free America, is replaced by collectivist public-private cooperation embraced by both.
People are given something, anything, to focus on besides, what is actually happening to them. They focus on something over which they have no control instead of focusing on their day to day problems. They focus on the virus which kills mostly the old and vulnerable. For the young, its not much of a threat, but their jobs, social lives, hopes, aspirations, their whole world is upended, so everyone will be willing to be vaccinated to put an end to it. The people of the world will line up in complete trust so they can return to normal as dreary as normal may be for some.
Some people are not going quietly into that good night, however, and from California to New Jersey they are protesting the lockdown orders. The lockdown and the fear created by the dire numbers quoted in the beginning and still quoted in some places serve to enhance fear, uncertainty, and the need to create a vaccine to solve our problems.
Doctor Ron Paul, “States that did not lockdown and did not arrest people for paddling in the surf are doing no worse than those who did. When Anthony Fauci first warned that 2 million would die, there was a race among federal, state, and local officials to see who could rip up the Constitution fastest. Then the numbers came down to 240,000, then 60,000 and now lower. If we used a fraction of what it cost to lockdown the economy to help those who are vulnerable, elderly, and most in need, it would have gone a long way.”
Fortunately, the plan of totalitarian control is backfiring at least in some areas. People are going into the streets to protest and its not only because they can’t work. They are starting to see and understand that there are gross inconsistencies and hypocrisy going on in the explanations they are given. For example: From Kevin Sorbu the actor:
When the state shuts down millions of businesses but doesn’t lay off a single government employee it’s not about your health.
When the state puts you in jail for your health because you walk in a park of paddle in the surf, but lets criminals out of jail for their health, its not about your health.
In conclusion, people will be intimidated, frightened, and stampeded into taking the vaccine and most will have no regrets because they will feel safe at least for a while. The fact that they have been turned into cattle on Bill Gates worldwide farm will not occur to them until it is too late. After all folks, its all for our own good and our own health.
Finally, folks, what can we do to stop this thing? Not very much it seems, but we could as one take the Howard Beale approach from the movie Network. I am a sovereign human being. My life has value. I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore. The virus has exposed the cracks in the system that were there all along. Now if we can just take advantage of that knowledge and put it to good use.
At least that’s the way I see it,
Until next time folks,
This is Darrell Castle,
Thanks for listening.

Scott Peterson
Once again a good read, but I have to say there is alot going on beside corona. What about Nigeria? Christian’s persecuted. The rest of the world doesn’t care. Thought maybe you would.
Becky Maddox
We need help to understand what’s going on & what it will lead & what we can & should do about it. It is good to have trusted sources of info.
Yes I care and as you say Nigeria is just one example. There are many including all of the Middle East.
Mike Lohi
Given these most obvious, unprecedented and specific omens of a notorious, eternally lethal Biblical type “mark,” along with the global absence of live entertainment distractions, and extensive periods of down time for many, for better or worse there won’t be much excuse for anyone having read Revelation or heard of it. While the presumptuous, utopian, collective salvation crowd may “find” this all too convenient, if there’s an unintended greater good to be found here I suppose it might be this.
Kirk Pearson
I have often wondered how some of the signs prophesied of the events proceeding Christ second coming would take place. Why would people knowing take the mark? It is fascinating to live in a time when you can see prophesy unfold right before our eyes. Prayer and personal revelation of knowing how God speaks to each of us is essential now. The parable of the 10 virgins comes to mind. We need to keep the oil in our lamps. Lately I have tried to reflect on how God has spoke to me, sometimes in song, or sermons, sometimes through friends or thoughts in my mind and heart to go another way. Thanks for helping keep oil in my lamp of things we need to be aware of.
Becky Maddox
We need help to understand what’s going on & what it will lead & what we can & should do about it. It is good to have trusted sources of info.
i heard on the news that people who have contracted the virus can get it again…..i guess to keep us scared and in quarantine….but does’nt that mean a vaccine will not last and will have to be injected over and over like a flu shot??
i guess you are referring to the “mark”…”mark of the beast”
as far as global surveilance,i am not sure its all bad…having a worldwide system of satellites that could zoom in to an area of interest even after the event has taken with stored memory could be helpful….it might not prevent rotten people from doing nefarious deeds but at least hold them accountable
and i still cannot figure out why some vaccines have to have mercury and aluminum in them as i have read but the overall process of how a vaccine works does make sense to me
i also have seen things showing how they are encouraging health care doctors to contribute deaths to corona 19 even if they had other issues
and last but not least i have heard reports that faucci was quoted as saying that trump would have to deal with a major virus or disease outbreak in his presidency…over a year BEFORE it actually happed…not sure if that is true or not
You wouldn’t mind being injected with something that identifies you like an animal in the field so the farmer could find you? What if you were the one being targeted for a non-PC comment or some other such offense. What if your mark could be disconnected for lack of compliance?
Aluminum is placed in vaccines to enhance the immune response. Vaccines provoke the immune system to respond to the invader but sometimes its not enough so aluminum is added to increase the response. Sometimes it over responds as a result. Mercury is usually a preservative agent the supposedly acts to prevent impurities.
David Edwards
Interesting times we are living in.It may come to pass that all of us true Christians have a choice-obey God or obey man-let the consequences be what they may. However, I have to wonder how robust Mr Gates’ “chip ” is. I have seen much larger electronics,even whole cars, be destroyed an adjacent lightning strike,blown transformer,or other electrical incident. I wonder how well the “Gates chip” would handle a well-placed surge from a Taser or stun gun? …..just sayin’. Might hurt a bit though.