A State of the Union Based on Lies
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Darrell Castle talks about the dark and angry State of the Union Speech and asserts that there was no optimism or hope, but the content was all based on lies.
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Hello, this is Darrell Castle with Today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 15th day of March in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the dark and angry State of The Union Speech delivered by President Joe Biden last week and I point out that there was no optimism in it and no hope for the future of America and the entire premise is built on lies stacked on top of lies.
A lot of things are happening in the world right now that we could be talking about such as the 4th anniversary of 15 days to stop the spread which is tomorrow. That is another lie for which honorable scientists and doctors are still being persecuted. The 2024 presidential election seems set now since Biden and Trump seem to be assured of a rematch. Elections in at least 64 countries with about 50% of the world’s people are scheduled to be held this year. Those topics would all make good subjects for this report but only one election is part of the speech, except our own of course.
The most important election outside of our own is being held in Russia this weekend. Putin will win by a large margin and that makes the election a sham according to the American press. However, Putin is very popular in Russia and his election by a wide margin does not therefore mean that it is a sham. His policies have produced high growth for Russia with low unemployment and inflation lower than ours. His finding alternate currencies to take BRICS nations outside the dollar system seems to be resonating with a lot of the world’s people.
The world is changing as people look for leadership and some example of moral authority. In Argentina, for example, the election of Javier Milei was in December, but his policies are being felt now. When he took office the inflation rate was 143% and the Argentine currency had collapsed. The people were desperate for an answer since 40% of them lived in poverty. He implemented a radical policy based on reality instead of debt leading to default repeatedly. He cut government spending by 50% and eliminated many departments and government subsidies. He stabilized the currency and has already eliminated the massive deficit. When the Argentine legislature will not support his ideas, he goes to the provincial governors for their support locally and it seems to be working. I mention the Argentine election to show that despite our troubles we can still succeed if the people will allow it and demand it.
Here in America the president tells us that his political opponent is the equivalent of Adolph Hitler. The president and his department of justice are currently affecting a campaign of lawfare against that opponent he referred to as his predecessor. I suppose it’s all because their Russia-gate hoax of 2016 to 2020 timeframe has not worked so well and he needs a new one. Speaking of Russia, the leader of that country is Hitler too according to President Biden. Putin is going to tear through Ukraine but he won’t stop there. No, unless America sends tens of billions more in money and weapons to Ukraine the evil Putin will roll up all of Europe and reinstate the Soviet Union.
That is all just complete nonsense and fantasy with not a word of truth in it but apparently this man and the people who write his speeches expect us to believe it, and unfortunately many people do. He got rousing applause with each lie he told as if the SOTU speech was a sporting event. I suppose Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi set the tone for that when she made a show of tearing up Donald Trump’s transcript while he was delivering the speech. No sense of decorum or dignity is left in the congress or president.
Tiny Ukraine can defeat massive Russia, of course, if we Americans are willing to continually add to our children’s debt load the interest payments to continue forever. We Americans are supposed to deliver perhaps 30% of our combined labor for this man’s fantasy support for the American arms industry. Speaking of the arms industry, let me stop criticizing the speech for a moment and tell you why this world seems to be at war and in chaos all the time. I know it sounds bizarre but the cause is fake money resulting in an empire not subject to reality. Governments typically control their militaries with money. The money available allows them to keep the military and its millions of soldiers and supporting casts on a short leash. If you can’t afford to finance regime change wars all over the planet there are no wars and the planet can remain somewhat stable.
With the removal of the dollar’s ties to gold as a limiting and stabilizing factor, money was no longer available strictly in limited quantities based on the labor of the American people. The government could simply print as much as it wanted in unlimited quantities. For example, the revenue from taxes in 2023 was 4.1 trillion and the president’s proposed budget for this year is 7.3 trillion. There is no longer any limit on the buying of votes to retain power or the spreading of chaos and war around the earth. Fake money lets the Pentagon off the leash that civilian authorities are supposed to keep a tight grip on.
Pentagon budgets continually increase and especially so after the Soviet collapse in 1991 so there is always plenty of money to spread around to congress. Military officers spend their careers in close working relationships with defense contractors then go on to lucrative jobs in the defense industry after retirement. The defense industry is made up of many powerful groups who want more power and they must be restrained by reality or they will get it. My point is this folks and that is that the wars across the world always have an American thumbprint on them because there is no limit to how much money can be available to fund them.
No regime change in Ukraine in 2014 means no war in 2020. No billions in U.S. “aid” would mean a very short war, and we certainly can’t have that. No billions in aid to Israel means a very short war in Gaza but Washington would rather posture and fence sit trying to appease those who support Israel and those who support Palestinians at the same time. Reality based real money would limit government spending. Take a kid into a candy store and tell him there is no limit to what he can buy and eat and see what happens. On a national scale what happens is that a lot of rat holes get stuffed with fake money and the biggest rat hole in this world is the defense industry.
What can keep the coming catastrophe away for a while longer. Nothing I’m afraid, because of the way the system works now. There are supposed to be built-in checks and balances but they have all been removed. Congress bought and paid for by military contributions and the ever-present dire international threats and enemies abroad votes for one increase after another and each year it builds and gets worse. Politicians acting more like prostitutes must outdo each other by being strong on defense. They would not dare encourage diplomacy with Russia, China, and the rest because they would appear weak and besides that’s not what all those campaign contributions are supposed to accomplish.
Well, thanks for allowing me to rant for a moment now back to the speech. January 6th was the greatest threat to democracy since the civil war. Once again, we now know that reality is somewhat different, but despite all the evidence of corruption he tells these lies as if he expects them to be believed. We know that Liz Cheney on the Nancy Pelosi committee for January 6th withheld exonerating evidence and altered evidence to make it appear different. We know that Kamala Harris, Cheney, Pelosi, and the rest colluded with Fani Willis in Atlanta and other corrupt DOJ officials to bring fabricated charges and indictments against their political opponent, Donald Trump.
The corruption at the very heart of the Department of Justice, the FBI and the rest is all justified, of course, because Donald Trump is really Hitler. They talk constantly about Trump being a threat to democracy and how he wants to be a dictator. They collude, at the same time, in dark cabal to prevent the democratic process from taking place by bringing false charges based on a stream of lies against a person they apparently think might just be the choice of most Americans. The people see Trump as their champion because he seems to be a victim of the corruption and is thereby opposed to it. The people are tired of all the corruption and fake government although they may not completely understand it, they are tired of it, and with each fake assault Trump gets stronger.
The vaccines saved us from Covid and now we have recovered from the lockdown the 4th anniversary of which is tomorrow. That is so obviously a complete lie that it is obvious to any rational human being. The vaccines which did not prevent the virus which they were supposedly designed to prevent and did not stop the spread of the virus somehow saved us from Covid. That pack of lies proves the premise that some people will believe any lie that is told to them if it comes from an authority figure. We’ve come back from Covid, he said and now our economy is the envy of the world.
Here’s another one from the president delivered via the state of the union address. The border crises has been caused by Republicans especially his predecessor. Who knew that it was Donald Trump who took down all border barriers and ordered the Border Patrol to assist illegal migrants into the country. Who knew that it was Donald Trump’s policies which allowed the illegal migrant into the country who murdered Laken Riley. By the way, upon embarrassing nagging by Marjorie Taylor Greene he did mention Laken’s name although he got it wrong and called her Lincoln. That would not be so terrible except that Lincoln Riley is the head coach of the University of Southern California football team.
Anyway, we shouldn’t worry about crime because it is plummeting and if you think otherwise, you must not be paying attention. Perhaps you are one who has been carjacked, burglarized, a victim of armed robbery or just murdered. The governor of New York apparently believes crime is a problem because she just sent 750 national guard troops to patrol the NYC subways along with 250 state troopers. Nothing says welcome to New York like a uniformed soldier with a battle rifle saying open your backpack.
Remember to be of good cheer because during the next four years this very bright, very energetic, very alert president will solve the climate crises, any problems with crime, the border crises, impose a set of fair taxes on people he deems to have more money than he does, end gun violence, and yes, he is a president for all Americans and there is no effort to divide us in his heart.
In conclusion: What would have happened if President Biden had just told the truth to Congress and the American people. What if he said look folks, our situation is rather desperate but we still have a little time to at least begin recovery. You’ve got to stop spending more than you make the same way American families are expected to do. We have set a terrible example for all those families and that is why their household debt is at a record 17.3 trillion. It’s because our official, admitted to debt is over 34 trillion. It was 5 trillion under George W. Bush but now it exceeds 34 trillion. Very soon the interest payments will exceed income and we will have to borrow interest which will accelerate our freefall to warp speed and we will all be on a rail out of town. I point you to Argentina as an example of what can be done when one has courage and determination.
He could have gone on to say, I don’t represent special interests or the donor class anymore, I represent the general welfare of the nation. The budget hasn’t been balanced in half a century except for three years under Clinton. Yes, he slighted the Social Security Trust Fund to do it, but we have looted that fund far worse than he did and now there is no fund, so my point is we’ve got to stop and we are going to do that now. My poll numbers are at an all-time low and I take that to mean that the people are getting wise to the lies I’ve been telling them so it’s time to change. Send me a balanced budget and I will sign it. Do not send me anything that is not balanced because we are starting the long road back to sanity right now.
Finally, folks, if he told the truth once in his life it might cause paralysis I don’t know, but it certainly would cause screams of outrage among the special interests. The people would rally behind him though if he just told the truth.
It least that’s the way I see it,
Until next time folks,
This is Darrell Castle,
Thanks for listening.

I never thought I would cheer the fall of the American empire, but it’s become the only hope of restoring the American dream.
I don’t know what Lord you’re talking about. We do not need another bad dog in the white house. I was just driving to the Texas capital and how I was seeing Walmart trucks made me feeling like a white man being led to a concentration camp led by the star of David. I stopped shopping at that store because I reject the dark feeling my body receives just by entering the front doors. I know every living body feels the same. If the faith of this generation could be seen, they’d put more faith in Walmart sanctifying them in marriage than Priests in a church! Until America starts worshipping God rather than what lines their wallet with dollars, there will be no fixing America. I do not feel even war would fix America. You’d have a band of VA patients returning rather than brothers in arms. I just might vote for COVID 24 rather than the Constitution party. Wake up America. WHAT HAPPENED TO SHAME. DONALD TRUMP TRIED STEALING MY WRITE IN VOTE FOR YOU IN 2020 AND YOU INSTEAD ACT LIKE A WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING PANDERING TO THE LOST REPUBLICANS RATHER THAN FLAT OUT CONDEMNING DONALD TRUMP WITH THE CRIMES HE OPENLY COMMITTED. THIS ISN’T THE REPUBLICAN PARTY THAT HELD BILL CLINTONS BALLS TO THE FIRE IN THE NINETYS. TAKE A LOOK AT WHERE YOUR MORALITY COMPAS STANDS NOW. ACCEPT SHAME WHETE IT IS DUE. OR YOU WILL NOT HAVE A COUNTRY. THE NEWS, DOES NOT FORGET. AND THEY ARE FAR BETTER JUDGES OF RIGHT FROM WRONG, GOOD FROM BAD, THAN YOU. DO YOU NOT SEE HOW EVERY CANDIDATED IS LABELED A. “ELECTION DENIER?” THATS A JUST LABEL BY A TRUE NEWS. TRUTH MUCH TAKEN FOR GRANTED. WHY HASNT THR CINSTITUTIO. PARTY SEPARATED ITSELF FROM THIS SCUM?
I know what the Republicans believe in is a border wall. Rather than right from wrong. What America instead needs, is what’s wrong. Literally every spirit hypnotized of their will from Donald Trump, shamed.
As long as it’s “me” sticking out in this forum now. I may as well speak my mind. Saying the word “nigger” is not hate. The response from saying “nigger” is what’s hate. This nation is like a forest fire overdue. The power of money isn’t from the military, it’s from the backs of the poor white men being thrown out of work suffering. Watch. The new hippies aren’t protesting Trump, or Israel. They are blaming white people. And white people are being led down a dead end road without anybody leading them right. America should not be a hostile place for white people to live. Just watch. Hitler was making Germany great again, as a loser. Just like Donald Trump is teaching patriots they should fight like losers. The oath keepers became the oath breakers. They act like war is their ultimatum. They should be so lucky. It’s not going to happen. The Lord in America is divorcing couples with nigger apes before they even marry. Wake up
jonathan taub
universal income is being rolled out now not sure its going to be paid for maybe they will raid SSI for this too?:
Jeffrey Monheit
Great thoughts articulated as always Darrell Castle. I wrote you in for President and Vice President in two election cycles in New York and if you choose to run again in the future you have my support 100%. Chuck Baldwin would have made an amazing President too. Here is my choice in this year’s presidential candidates: http://www.joshuasmith2024.com
Darrell Castle
Thanks Jeffrey