A Warning to the World
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Darrell Castle talks about the eloquent words of Archbishop Carlo Mario Vigano with which he issued a warning to the entire world of a global coup d etat currently in progress by a financial and ideological elite. His words are confirmed by a publicly available report issued by the conspirators themselves.
Transcription / Notes
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 14th day of July in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the eloquent words of Archbishop Carlo Mario Vigano with which he issued a warning to the entire world of a global coup d etat currently in progress by a financial and ideological elite. His words are confirmed by a report issued by the conspirators themselves in which they openly admit the coming dictatorship will have to be complete within 10 years and ideally by 2030.
First, I think it is necessary to point out that I am not catholic. I am a protestant Christian who attends a Presbyterian Church. I just happen to spend several hours each week buried in research materials concerning the matter the archbishop is trying to bring to the attention of the world’s people. Since he is obviously a devout man respected as one who opposed even the pope on the subject of child predators in the priesthood, his words will be given more credence than mine have been given thus far.
The video in which he makes his plea to the world is still available on You Tube or it was until today. He said that there is a global coup d etat which extends to the whole world being enacted by a financial and ideological elite which has succeeded in gaining at least partial control of the world’s governments, politicians, business, information sources, education, and religious leaders. These people and organizations have become enslaved to the new global masters and therefore individual and fundamental rights once thought of as sacrosanct have been and are being trampled underfoot.
There is a world war against humanity and we are the enemies of those who seek its destruction. My own opinion is that every western political regime is committed to an anti-human agenda. They do it for money of course, but mainly to centralize power and institute a planetary dictatorship. It’s being done under the auspices of the World Economic Forum which calls it the Great Reset, and the United Nations and its various divisions which calls it Agenda 2030. They know that their plans cannot succeed while people still have faith in God, therefore, they endeavor to erase God from the minds of the people and I believe that is what attracted the archbishop to the struggle.
These are very sinister, but very clever people who use the capital of the people, the fruits of their labor forcibly, if necessary, extracted from them, to destabilize the social order painstakingly built by millions of people over many centuries. So, we build the bulldozers they use to destroy thousands of years of Christian civilization. The would-be global dictators are so confident of success that they have openly prepared a written report of about thirty double sided pages detailing their plans for the next 10 years but with a goal of completing them by 2030.
The report is entitled “The Future of Urban Consumption In a 1.5 Degree Centigrade World.” I have the report here in front of me and I have read it so you don’t have to although I encourage each one of you to read it and share this information with at least one person you love. Do you know what 1.5 centigrade is in our American Fahrenheit world, 34.7 degrees. Yes, that is correct, these people want a world where we live and maintain 34.7 degrees as an average annual temperature to keep the planet from heating up. It is absolute insanity and these people are lunatics, I know, but they are totally dedicated to forcing this plan on us.
Fortunately, the WEF, and the UN are not being secretive about their plans to enslave us just as tyrants and dictators and those who dream of a world controlled by them have done before. Adolf Hitler wrote of his exact plans while in prison in his book, Mein Kampf. He warned the German people of what he had planned for them, but they elected him chancellor anyway. I pray that we will heed the words of our would-be dictators and not make the same mistake the Germans did.
So, how will the WEF and the UN get us to 34.7 degrees? For starters, the average American likes to eat meat and I would wager that you are at least average so you will be restricted to only 14% on average of the meat you once consumed and after 2030 the goal is no meat at all except some Frankenstein lab grown variety. If there is no meat there is no need for domesticated animals and these beasts are the source of heat anyway. They must be fed and watered and their methane gas and excrement are very bad so all domesticated animals must go.
That thought is terrifying isn’t it. No more domesticated animals, no cattle, no horses, no chickens, ducks, or goats so that means they are going medieval on us. In case you think I’m exaggerating Ireland has already slaughtered thousands of animals and in Holland the farmers have overthrown the Dutch Government because it is destroying their farms. Agriculture in general, and farm animals specifically have been targeted around the world. In America, there have been repeated attacks on food production facilities in recent years. Just this week in Texas, an explosion at a dairy farm killed 18,000 dairy cows.
So just to reiterate after 2030 you will never grill a steak again unless these ambitious people are stopped. Climate change is the justification for all this hellish control of course, and it is the excuse for their drive for world domination. What causes climate change, anything the WEF or UN says causes it. Anything they decide is bad for the planet is a cause and a justification for more control by them over us. So, meat, plastics, steel, and many other things will be missing from our new world.
I will admit to being a little nostalgic when I see the geese and ducks on the lake across the street from my house since I have been watching them for 25 years, but my bettors say they are bad so goodbye my friends, so sorry. To those of you who choose not to eat meat, eggs, or dairy, you are not exempt from this climate change menace, not if you have a dog or cat, or maybe a little bird. That’s right no more household pets because all those pets must be fed and that is not necessary and also quite dangerous in this changing climate.
I’m hopeful that missing ole fido will arouse all those vegans and vegetarians into an army of resistance but we will see. You are also advised to learn basic sewing like your grandmother did because your access to clothing will be restricted. This is especially distressing because we will be freezing our butts off in 34.7-degree cities. I wonder how Miami will fare with that decree, but the planet must be saved. Each of us will be restricted to 8 new items of clothing per year and after 2030 the goal is three new items per year. Yes, I know you must be thinking these people are insane and you would be correct, but they are also deadly serious and they already control much of the world including much of the United States.
What about our kids, don’t they outgrow clothing every year? Yes, they do and that is a problem you should not worry about because there will be far fewer kids in our future. Birthrates are collapsing across the Western World and that will continue into the future. Vaccines that attack the human reproductive system will continue to be forced through intimidation into the young so they can no longer reproduce. If you think that sounds like fantasy just look at the Pfizer documents ordered to be released by a federal judge. You can listen to the words of Dr. Naomi Wolf or watch her videos. She and her team of 3500 were charged with sorting through and cataloging 10’s of thousands of pages of documents in which that company admits attacking the human reproductive system.
Well, at least we will be able to travel in the new world to visit our grandkids, right? I’m afraid not folks, travel will no longer be in your future. The good news is that our new overlords will graciously allow us to take one flight up to 950 miles every two years. Their goal is to get us to the point that we fly only once every three years. By the way they also plan to take your cars away, even the expensive, short range electric cars. After all folks, it’s worth it to get to 34.7 degrees in your city, don’t you think.
How will we get around then? How will we visit our kids 1500 miles away? We won’t because they plan to lock us down and make us so protein deprived and sick that we won’t have the energy to travel. How will they enforce all this, through central bank digital currency and digital ID of every person on earth. CBDC is not a system of preventing counterfeiting because the government already does that. It is not to prevent drug trafficking, or money laundering, it is, instead, a system of social control and a system of stamping our human resistance to the new global dictatorship.
There will be no privacy in the new world but unlike the systems under Mao, Stalin, and Hitler, we will not live in fear of being denounced by our children. Digital ID powered by digital currency will record everything you buy and everywhere you go. The saviors of the planet will know whether you are a willing participant in their global dictatorship or whether you are a resister. I read of a woman who escaped from North Korea who said that if someone was really good and well behaved that person might be rewarded by being allowed to have a rice cooker.
This new world will most likely be ushered in by some new planetary disaster. Covid was a test case for the new overlords to shut down the entire planet, ruin economies, destroy supply chains, destroy businesses, kill many people and destroy the health of many people. The head of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, said in the last conference that the world is in for a very difficult year. Perhaps they are planning some new pandemic, climate event, ecological disaster, or world war any of which can only be solved with their permission.
Archbishop Vigano said that this is a global war and therefore it requires a global defense. People of goodwill must come together from all governments and all walks of life to meet and issue an anti-globalist manifesto which refutes their agenda point by point. People who want to defend traditional Christian society should come to this meeting and act now. The old system of divisions along the lines of political parties must be put aside to solve this problem.
The anti-globalist alliance must come together to resist the efforts of what amounts to a combination of the worst dictatorships of all time. There have always been those who lusted for global conquest and control but now the technology is there to achieve their dream and the final bricks are being laid in the wall as I speak. The people we must fight are the enemies of humanity and they and their agenda must be held up to the light and exposed.
Millions will accept anything those in authority tell them like whipped dogs they do the bidding of their masters Thanks to decades of schooling and other propaganda they are pawns to be used in the game and changing their minds will be difficult and perhaps impossible. They see the enemy as having good and pure motivation. Remember, for our young people normal is what you are born into and this new insane world is their normal.
Finally, folks, this seems crazy because it is, but if it is real, and I believe it is, then it is the most important story for humanity since Jesus was on this earth.
At least that’s the way I see it,
Until next time folks,
This is Darrell Castle,
Thanks for listening.

Nate Wilson
I am in the middle of reading C.S. Lewis’ book, _That Hideous Strength_ (published in 1945) to my children currently, and I am struck with how similar its storyline is to our current situation described in your article.
Thanks Nate, its important to teach our children the truth.
jonathan Robert taub
“U.S. climate envoy John Kerry ruled out paying into a global fund to help poorer nations stricken by the devastating impacts of the climate emergency, saying that “under no circumstances” would the White House consider delivering on reparations.
It comes at a time when countries acutely vulnerable to climate-fueled disasters are pushing for wealthy nations — that have the greatest historic responsibility for the climate crisis — to pay for past greenhouse gas emissions.
A so-called loss and damage fund was established at the annual U.N. climate summit last year. The groundbreaking agreement seeks to compensate low-income countries for the losses and damages they’re experiencing as it becomes harder for many people to live safely on a warming planet.
It remains unclear, however, exactly how much richer countries will pay into the fund. The issue of climate reparations is highly divisive and emotive, and is seen as a fundamental question of climate justice.
Asked during a hearing before a House of Representatives foreign affairs oversight subcommittee on Thursday whether he intended for the U.S. to pay climate reparations, Kerry replied, “No, under no circumstances.”
“Very good, I’m glad to hear you say that,” Rep. Brian Mast, R-Fla., chairman of the committee, said in response.
Sitting alongside a large placard entitled “What are you committing the United States to?,” Mast then placed a “no” sign next to the corresponding box on climate reparations. “I do have a ‘no,’ I’ll put it up there,” he said.
Kerry, appearing to reaffirm his view on loss and damage payments, added, “Why don’t you create an exclamation point beside it too … ?”
Mast obliged, saying he was glad they both had agreement on the issue. “There you go, there’s your exclamation point,” he said.
U.S. citizens already ‘paying’ for loss and damage
Kerry made the remarks shortly before flying to Beijing for bilateral talks on the climate crisis.
U.S. and Chinese officials are expected to discuss how to promote a successful COP28 climate summit in Dubai later in the year.
Climate justice advocates condemned Kerry’s comments on reparations.
“I have some news for [John Kerry],” Saleemul Huq, director of the Bangladesh-based International Centre for Climate Change and Development, said via Twitter on Friday.
“U.S. citizens are already ‘paying’ for loss and damage from human induced climate change under the heat dome in Texas as well as in New York from smoke from wildfires in Canada!” he added.
Farhana Sultana, a professor in the department of geography and the environment at Syracuse University in New York, described Kerry’s remarks and the White House’s position on climate reparations as “disgraceful.”
1)FROM WHAT LITTLE I KNOW,the carbon tax credit scheme is already or planned to cross borders to pay for things like green energy and environmental projects so these countries are ALREADY getting or will be getting reparations in a round about way
2)i saw a satellite view of the canadian wildfires it shows they were set on multiple places AT THE SAME TIME!
Yes, Jonathan despite their lies they plan to take our money and pay.
jonathan Robert taub
having green power around the world in remote areas is not all bad….but at least be honest about it…they WILL be getting free shit at our expense!
Must you narrow your audience focus to Christians and Christianity? There are many others who embrace truth, freedom, justice, and resistance to tyranny. Might you include these who simply believe in the creator and his words and his messiah, whose name actually is yehoshua, but who just do not believe in Christianity or embrace its false names, titles, teachings, and festivals? No offense intended in any of this, but it just seems that we have this horrible danger threatening us all; can we include each other in our survival efforts?
jonathan Robert taub
bit off subject but JFK jr supposedly saying covid-19/vaccines ethnicially enginered…i guess its possible but have not heard any proof so far…i HAVE heard covid-19 was engineered in general (as in gain of function):
jonathan Robert taub
actually NOT JFK jr saying it…he is just saying there are reports to that effect
jonathan Robert taub
there was some type of senate hearing or something to that effect they questioned RFK jr about his comments regarding covid 19 engineered to attack europeans and not jews and vacines attacking brown and black males dissproportionately i was HOPING JFK jr would double down and say yes i said it here are the papers that i read that say that…
instead he backtracked and said his words were taken out of context and the people asking him the questions did not push farther either…
apparently NOBODY on either side of the issue really wants to know the truth or ruffle any feathers…they just want to collect their paychecks and leave everyone in limbo it disgusts me!