An Outward Sign of an Inner Rot
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Darrell Castle talks about freedom of speech and why that concept is no longer held in high esteem by the new culture.
Transcription / Notes
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday February 12, in the year 2021 and today I will be talking about freedom of speech, and why that concept is no longer held in high esteem by the new culture. The title of this Report comes from an interview with Doug Casey concerning the First Amendment. Doug believes that the devaluing of freedom of speech is a sign of the inner rot of our culture. In part, this Report will also delve into the mindset behind America’s growing trend toward cancel culture or blacklisting.
The Castle Family is frozen into an Arctic prison today. This is probably mild compared to what some parts of the country are going through but for us it is very unusual and very unwelcome. It started raining ice two days ago but today it is just cold. We had to work from home yesterday but today we are back at the office in good health and good spirits.
The freedom of speech clause in the First Amendment was intended to be absolute as was the entire Bill of Rights and that view was upheld in past days by the Supreme Court. Today, however, thanks to the changing nature of our culture, and especially the oligarchs from Silicon Valley, the Freedom of Speech Clause and the entire Bill of Rights are no more than the symbols of a bygone, pretechnological age.
The oligarchs are private companies and can ban anyone they want, but when they de-platform the president and many thousands of others it gets scary. Now even congress is in on the game by trying to ban former Trump staffers and even voters from writing or telling their story. The fact that 73 million people that we know of voted for Trump, but he isn’t allowed to communicate with them is a sign that something is seriously wrong, an inner rot as Doug Casey put it.
Even before Trump was elected when it started to look like he might be nominated, the progressive world did not look at what was happening in America to determine what factors, what trends, what actions of theirs might have caused the American people to reject the establishment. No, for people who once argued that no absolute truth existed, they sure found some in a hurry. Absolute truth is contained within their paradigm, their word view and no other truth exists absolute or partial. Those people who voted for Trump, I suppose, were the deplorables of that great dissatisfied middle of America and just too ignorant to be considered.
By the admission of its own editors the New York Times is published for coastal liberals and no one else so I suppose I appreciate their selling it to me. That gives me the benefit of all the news that’s fit to print. Its that news that the Times deems unfit to print that I must search for in other places. The Times’ version of the truth supports a conclusion that we have undergone a welding together of the ruling elites from the corporate and political worlds to the point where they are one and the same. Benito Mussolini was the first to spell out what he called fascism explicitly. He said that fascism would better be called corporatism or the uniting of the political and corporate worlds to work as one. Mussolini was not a Socialist so he didn’t believe the state should own the means of production just control and tax them just as we do in America today.
The fascism of the fusion between the state and business world is essentially the same today, but without the uniforms and slogans. The vast sums created by the corporations and the power of the politicians work together as one and together they understand and define absolute truth and will tolerate no other. Truth to them is whatever advances their own interests because that is the true intent of the fascist state. When the corporations of Silicon Valley collude with the politicians of Washington to de-platform opposing views, it is a more effective version of Fascism than Mussolini ever had.
The New York Times is very cognizant of its position as spokesperson for the entire world. I suppose that is why it is so introspective and is constantly examining itself about what its writers may have said years ago. The latest is science reporter Donald McNeil who last week was fired for something that he said while leading a group of students to Peru two years ago. It seems that a student asked Mr. McNeil if a student should be suspended for using the N word and in his answer and in the context of his answer, he used the forbidden word himself.
An internet site reported the incident, and an internal investigation was begun by the Times management board. Finally, they issued the following statement, “We do not tolerate racist language regardless of intent.” So, intent doesn’t matter if the banned word is uttered you are fired. That is the conundrum the Times finds itself in right now. How to satisfy the demands for ideological purity of the 30 and under woke left as well as the demands of the 40 and older liberals.
You are probably very sympathetic to the Times’ dilemma but there is no need to worry because they have it all figured out. In an article published February 2, 2021 the Times gave us the answer. Since both the Times and the Biden government know that absolute truth exists and they are the preservers of it, then a Ministry of Truth must be appointed to identify it to the public and prevent any dissension from it.
I know this all sounds like some Hollywood movie but unfortunately it is reality. The Times article suggests that this new appointee in charge of truth be called the Reality Czar. I reiterate my suggestion for Biden to name himself the actual Czar and that would solve the problem, but I suppose a ministry of truth would still be necessary.
Here is a quote from the article, “The muddled, chaotic information ecosystem that produces these misguided beliefs doesn’t just jeopardize some lofty ideal of national unity. It actively exacerbates our biggest national problems and creates more work for those trying to solve them. And it raises an important question for the Biden administration: How do you unite a country in which millions of people have chosen to create their own version of reality?”
The arrogance of that view is at least most of the problem for those millions of people who, according to the Times, have created a false reality. All reality except that of the New York Times staff is false and therefore we can’t have unity because everyone will not agree with that view except by force. Well, if it takes force to gain agreement the Times has that covered as well.
“Several experts I spoke with recommended that the Biden administration put together a cross-agency task force to tackle disinformation and domestic extremism, which would be led by something like a reality czar.” Yes, they always have their experts don’t they, and we are supposed to be enthralled because they say they are experts.
How would you like to have that job folks, reality czar? You would be responsible for investigating and determining reality. What is truth, the reality czar has the answer. The things most concerning to the experts the Times talked to were misinformation about Covid-19 and misinformation about election fraud. I suppose some doctors believe that lockdowns don’t work, and masks are ineffective, and vaccines are untested or at least not tested enough. Well, we can’t have misinformation like that floating around now can we.
The reality czar, working with the tech oligarchs could simply ban those opinions down the memory hole. They are also very concerned about what conservative groups are permitted to say on social media. What they are proposing if you read between the lines, is that the tech companies be subject to censure and to lawsuits if they don’t de-platform conservative groups. The other tactic is to threaten the tech companies with breakup under the monopoly statues. So, the poor tech giants are getting it from both sides. Conservatives want to speak, and the Times and its followers want to ban them from speaking and in the middle are the oligarchs who want to make their billions in peace. The oligarchs will be disappointed because they thought they were the arbiter of truth and now they must deal with a truth czar.
One more quote; “The experts I spoke with warned that tech platforms alone couldn’t bring back the millions of already radicalized Americans, nor is teaching media literacy a silver bullet to prevent dangerous ideas from taking hold. After all, many people are drawn to extremist groups like the Proud Boys and conspiracy theories like QAnon not because they’re convinced by the facts, but because the beliefs give them a sense of community or purpose or fills a void in their lives.”
Well thanks to the experts at the New York Times because they have given me a reason for why I feel they way I do about them and their entire ministry of truth. It gives me a sense of community and fills a void in my life. I wonder if the people who write this dribble ever venture out of New York or Los Angeles. I wonder if they have ever in their lives met any normal people. It makes me angry and at the same time sad at what has happened to America. There is one place left that will permit the servers of conservative groups to operate, Russia. Yes, it is indeed sad when we must call on Russia as did Edward Snowden to find the freedom to speak our minds.
In conclusion, there are a few, no just one that I know of, people with a left view who are willing to tell the truth as it is, not as they want it to be. That man is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. In a recent article Mr. Kennedy points out that Bill Gates who owns at least partially the companies making the Covid vaccine is also moving quickly to control the world’s food production. Mr. Kennedy’s article is being quickly banned from social media. I recommend you look for it under the title “Bill Gates and Neo-Feudalism: A Closer Look at Farmer Bill”. The article will open your eyes about Gates but also the broader picture of how it all fits into an overall plan.
Finally, folks, my dear wife Joan admonished me about my hatred of these people and as usual she was right. I have come to realize that they are just useful idiots and agents in the implementation of a much larger plan of which they may be unaware. The plan is, however, diabolical and comes from the dark side. However, we don’t have much time left before the gates, no pun intended, are closed.
At least that’s the way I see it,
Until next time folks,
This is Darrell Castle,
Thanks for listening.

jonathan taub
“Donald McNeil who last week was fired for something that he said while leading a group of students to Peru two years ago. It seems that a student asked Mr. McNeil if a student should be suspended for using the N word and in his answer and in the context of his answer, he used the forbidden word himself.”
THERE really is no difference between the word nigger and the word yankee
one is a greedy black person the other is a masturbating white person
the same people who are “woke” and jump on someone for using the word nigger seem to give people a pass on the word yankee because they have become masochistic self hating cucks who have been totally brainwashed into their subservience OR they like to use blacks as a tool for whatever purpose that may be
“Mr. Kennedy points out that Bill Gates who owns at least partially the companies making the Covid vaccine is also moving quickly to control the world’s food production.”
the guy who wants to vaccinate the world and reduce global population also is trying to control food production?….that is a bit scary unless you are quite sure you are not among the “useless eaters”
I’m glad to see someone else other than myself has apparently seen this clown gates say on video 10 or so years ago that his plan was to lower the population with vaccinations. That video is enough for me to NEVER get another vaccine in my lifetime. Anyone and everyone should see that video where he says it in plain english. If you see it and still get any vaccine you unfortunately deserve what you get I hate to say that but, then again there are also videos now of poor old people in nursing homes being vaccinated by FORCE. Before dying later of course. That’s the scariest part about this whole thing, not the censorship of trump, the same president who brags every chance he gets at wanting to be take full credit for coming out with this abomination of a vaccine, but the censorship of nurses and people in the medical field who see 1st hand there is something terribly wrong with this whole vaccination plan, deadly wrong, and they are speaking out and being censored. This is crimes against humanity and god doesnt like it, try and escape his wrath any way you can you will feel it in the end one way or another. That’s god’s will we all have to face him when our time comes and pay for our sins. You can look further into the medical thing on medicalkidnap.com. thanks god bless the constitution party and god bless you
Bill McVay
Wow, go Constitution Party 2024!
Thanks for keeping us informed.
God bless the Castle family, literally.
Thanks Bill
Jim Wade
I have deep concerns about the path we are on and have to regularly deal with my own thoughts about the “useful idiots” and the mind-numbed sheep driven by MSM propaganda and peer pressure to conform to the demands of madmen. Every action of compliance reinforces their slave mentality and pushes them closer to the “gas chamber” / “vaccine”, and worse.
At the same time, I continue to remind myself our Sovereign is yet in control and that HIs will shall be done in all things. I cannot escape anything which He ordains for my life, and I cannot be touched by that which He does not permit. I know you know, this only leaves us the option of being faithful and diligent in the pursuit of Truth and the proclamation of it.
Bad “leaders” is a biblical sign of God’s judgment against a people. If this country is not being judged it is at the very least being disciplined. How we respond to such judgment is critical, especially for us as individuals. How many righteous are needed to spare the heritage of liberty we received? We don’t know, but personal reflection and repentance will fortify us to stand firmly with Him who owns us, so that whatever comes He may be glorified. His kingdom will prevail against all challenges, and the important issue is whether or not we will be found standing with Him when this brief moment passes.
Let us encourage one another that we may not look back at this time with regret, and so that our posterity may know for certain we stood against the tide of evil in our time that Truth and Righteousness might be their inheritance.
Bless you all for the stand you have taken, and the sacrifices you’ve made which inspire us.
Amen Jim. Thank you.
Bob Bowen
Darrell: This Artic Prison your family has endured fits well with the issues you deal with in your Report today. The Artic event of the last couple of days was due to the human-caused Global Warming inflicting our planet now and in the future. I awoke (no pun intended) this morning to find New Mexico covered in a blanket of snow that is our punishment for being too many of us populating this planet. I must not be a part of the “normal” people here because I still don’t wear the mask outdoors or at any time. If the face diaper (mask) is so necessary to protect my life and that of others, then I should have been dead last year.
I am 80 years old and my health is pretty much perfect, so I must be doing something right ! It saddens me to see all the people obediently wearing the mask and accepting their enslavement by some very evil creators of a cold virus they call COVID-19 ! My welcoming speech at the Fall 2015 Constitution Party National Committee Meeting addresses this issue as a warning that we should prepare for. You can find that speech at: https://vimeo.com/145941664
Derek Langseth
so what is the plan to turn it all around? what are we in the CP going to do to save this great nation? its easy to curse the darkness but where is the encouragement from leadership in how we are going to win this?