• The Supreme Court Limits The Administrative State


    Darrell Castle talks about the meaning of the recent decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 8th of July in the year of our Lord 2022. I will be talking about the recent decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency. SCOTUS, in effect, reversed the long-standing rule known as Chevron Deference which permitted agencies formed by Congress such as the EPA to formulate their own policy decisions even when those decisions were not made by congress and even when they affected whole industries or entire states. In effect, Congress delegated its law-making responsibility to unelected and unaccountable bureaucratic agencies.

    The doctrine of Chevron Deference came from the 1984 case of Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. Congress amended the Clean Air Act in 1977 to address states that had not attained air quality standards set by the EPA. The amendment placed onerous standards on those non-attainment states. Lawsuits were filed, decided, and appealed until the matter finally reach SCOTUS.

     The issue before the Court was what standard of review should be applied by a court to a government agency’s own reading of a statute that it is charged with administering. The Court upheld the EPA’s interpretation of its power and from that emerged the doctrine that became the Chevron deference. The court’s two-part test: First, has congress directly spoken to the precise question at issue. If congress made its intent clear, then that is the answer. Second, if congress has not spoken then the court defers to the Agency’s interpretation if it is based on a permissible interpretation of the statute.

  • Slouching Toward World War III


    Darrell Castle talks about how the world, prodded along by the most powerful, seems to be moving inevitably toward a superpower war.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 1st day of July in the year of our Lord 2022, and I will be talking about how the world, prodded along by the most powerful, seems to be moving inevitably toward a superpower war. This war, when it begins in earnest will be fought between the most powerful nuclear armed countries that have existed in all of history.

    I have talked in the past about how the world is dividing into armed camps of nations as both sides scramble last minute to find allies to bolster their teams. The war is mostly cold right now as it is being waged economically, but ominous clouds have appeared over the cold war that tell me it could go hot at any moment. Not much appears to be happening from either side to reverse this road to World War lll. What makes any of the world’s leaders think this coming war will not go nuclear, I don’t know.

    Do they really think that a nation with thousands of nuclear missiles will lose a war or allow itself to suffer defeat with those missiles still in their silos? Apparently, they do think so, or at least I hope they think so, because the alternative is even more terrifying. How do world wars begin? We know for certain because we have two examples to choose from. They begin one step at a time, one provocation at a time, one insult at a time, until finally the camel’s back is broken and it’s too late.

  • Dangerous Days


    Darrell Castle talks about the end of the unipolar world that has existed since 1991. American Foreign Policy seems to have brought about the rebirth of the cold war as the world is dividing into different camps or choosing sides in the old game of world domination politics.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday June 24th in the year of our Lord 2022, and I will be talking about the end of the unipolar world that has existed since 1991. American Foreign Policy seems to have brought about the rebirth of the cold war as the world is dividing into different camps or choosing sides in this old game of world domination politics. The weapon the U.S. uses in this cold war is economic sanctions which tend to weaken the U.S. and strengthen its adversaries.

    A second title to this Report could be bad governance but I’m trying to be kind, so I gave it the title of the results of bad governance. The Biden Administration just announced that it is sending $1 billion more in weapons to Ukraine for 18 more Howitzers, more long-range missiles for long range rocket systems as well as Harpoon anti-ship missiles. These are weapons whose only purpose can be to strike at Russia’s Black Sea fleet. The Russians seem to be intercepting and destroying much of the shipments as they cross the borders into Ukraine so less and less are effective.

    The weapons shipments need no further Congressional approval since congress has already signed off on $40 billion which leaves the choice of weapons with the President or those of his choosing. This brings the total to something like $56 billion and climbing so the question becomes how much is enough, $60-$70 billion perhaps. It is apparently very expensive to weaken Russia as Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin told us was the real purpose. So, we play this cold war game as we fight a losing proxy war against Russia in Ukraine while conditions here in America are deteriorating rapidly. I call that bad governance.

  • The Misery Index


    Darrell Castle talks about inflation and what economists using Bureau of Labor Statistics data refer to as the misery index.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 17th day of June in the year of our Lord 2022 and on this Report, I will be talking about inflation primarily, but also what economists using Bureau of Labor Statistics data, refer to as the misery index. When will inflation subside, when will gas and food be affordable again, what is causing this misery, Those are questions worthy of our discussion today.

    What I will try to do today is to give you some thoughts on how regular Americans are experiencing life every day and how this extremely empathetic administration, this we are always on the side of the working people, the little people, and against big business, political party is really made up of the most callous, unfeeling people in this country.

    Americans are feeling the pain of this callous administration alright. They feel it at the pump, at the grocery store, on the vacation they don’t take, they feel it every day as prices continue to skyrocket with no end in sight. There will eventually be an end of course as all things end, but what will that entail, chaos, civil disorder, violence, or just the continued tyranny of the global cabal? From The Wall Street Journal:

  • Pride Goeth Before a Fall


    Darrell Castle talks about how the civilian leadership, appointed by the Biden Administration, and the upper command of the Marine Corps has accomplished something that no foreign enemy has been able to accomplish in over 240 years of combat.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 10th day of June in the year of our Lord 2022 and on this Report, I will be talking about how the civilian leadership, appointed by the Biden Administration, and the upper command of the Marine Corps has accomplished something that no foreign enemy has been able to accomplish in over 240 years of combat. That accomplishment was to wear down the United States Marine Corps and force it to surrender to the forces of identity politics and to recognize publicly a month set aside to honor a certain group of people for their sexual preference alone.

     The title to this Report is from Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. So, The Few the Proud the Marines forgets the basic mission and focuses on the celebration of Pride Week. What is the basic mission of the Marine Corps? Is it to achieve diversity of all ideologies within the ranks? I was taught the mission 50 years ago as follows: To close with and destroy the enemy and to inflict maximum attrition on him. It is a mission and a history based on blood and sacrifice. Officers are taught that the order of value is first the mission and its successful completion, second the men under your authority, third your own life. You quickly come to learn and accept that your life as a second lieutenant is pretty far down the order of importance.

    I mention all that just to tell you that it is a beloved organization by the people who have served and most of us would not trade the experience for anything.  When we were sent into battle, we knew that we had each other’s back and we depended on and relied on each other. In fact, setting aside all the patriotic stuff, we fought for each other.  I assume Marines still do that and that is why division and divisive nonsense like Pride Month are such an insult to Marines. We are 10 days into Pride Month and everywhere you look there are rainbow flags signifying support for the month set aside to honor the “LGBTQ Community. “I’m an old Marine from 50 years ago so seeing a notice that the Marine Corps had finally surrendered to the woke mob was a little perplexing to me. I know things change and culture changes in keeping with the law of thermodynamics, but the Marine Corps does not change, it lives forever as is.

  • Scream Loudly and Carry No Stick at All


    Darrell Castle talks about President Biden’s commencement address to the graduating class at the United States Naval Academy last Friday and how his address reflects American foreign policy and the future service of those young Navy Ensigns and Marine Second Lieutenants as they go forth to project American power around the world.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 3rd of June in the year of our Lord 2022 and in this Report, I will be talking about President Biden’s commencement address to the graduating class at the United States Naval Academy this past Friday, May 27th as well as how that address reflects American foreign policy and the future service of those young Navy Ensigns, and Marine Second Lieutenants, as they go forth to project American power around the world.

    I can’t begin this Report without reminding you that tomorrow June 4th is the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Midway. That battle fought in the dark and desperate early months of World War ll changed the course of the War and the course of history in general.  Due to the sacrifice and courage of all those naval officers and men of the U.S. Navy, Japan’s ultimate defeat became inevitable, but it took three more years of bloodshed and atomic horror before they would accept it.

    The President of the United States celebrated Memorial Day by delivering the commencement address to the graduating officers at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland on Friday May 27th. I’m not going to indulge you by making tired jokes about his slurred delivery, his confusion, his inability to pronounce words or to say the correct words because all that is old news now. He did make some terrible gaffes and he did continue his creepy habit of leaning over the podium and whispering. He did do a lot of literal screaming when talking about Russia to these young officers.

  • Ordinary People


    Darrell talks about ordinary people and what they face in this new world today. A world run by powerful and wealthy people who meet in dark cabal to decide the fate of ordinary people and their prodigy.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 27th day of May in the year of our Lord 2022 and this is also Memorial Day weekend when we pause to remember all those who served and especially those who died. Today I will be talking about all those ordinary people and discussing what they face in this new world today. A world run by powerful and wealthy people who meet in dark cabal to decide the fate of all those ordinary people and the fate of their prodigy as well.

    To introduce this Report, I turn to the words of economist Bill Bonner. “Basic expenses—food. Shelter, and fuel—are going up so fast, households have less and less left over for discretionary spending, which leaves the big box retailers with a lot of unsold product in the box. And today we feel their pain—the misery—desolation—and anguish of the working classes, both at home and abroad. These are the guys and gals with chainsaws and work belts—with 18 wheelers to edge into a tight spot—with a night shift to complete without falling asleep—with croissants to bake or laundry to wash.

    These are the people who made the world what it is. They fell on Normandy beaches—built the Brooklyn Bridge—put down the hardtop roads—baked the cookies—and delivered the mail. And now they are still the people who add the most real value to our lives. Not the hedge fund managers, influencers, or policymakers—but autoworkers, farmers, UPS drivers, cooks, baristas, and waiters—carpenters, plumbers, and masons. And here’s the gist of our story: the masses have been cheated, deleted, and mistreated. And it’s going to get worse.”

  • Food Shortage – Intentional or Just Incompetence?


    Darrell Castle talks about food by asking the question is there a worldwide food shortage or one inevitably coming and if so, is the cause deliberate sabotage of humanity or just the incompetence of the world’s leaders.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 20th day of May in the year of our Lord 2022 and on this Report, I will once again be talking about food and asking the questions is there a worldwide food shortage or one inevitably coming and if so, is the cause deliberate sabotage of humanity or just the incompetence of the world’s leaders.

    I don’t know the future only God knows it for certain, but I can look up at the sky and see the dark clouds rolling in and make a reasonable assumption that rain is coming and soon. The price inflation and empty grocery store shelves are similar in that they tell me that a food shortage is on its way. It is hard to imagine a food shortage any where in the Western World let alone here in America, but when there is a crises like the COVID virus or even a sudden snowstorm, we get a glimpse of empty shelves. Without the panic of a crisis what could cause such a thing?

    It seems that there are many causes some of which are war, sanctions, inflation, reactions to COVID, and supply chain disruptions caused by a combination of all those things. Looking at sanctions placed on Russia is to the food supply as the dark clouds are to rain. When we hear the West’s politicians talk sanctions, we know we are going to be hungry. For example, the German Foreign Minister declared recently that sanctions against Russia will only be lifted after a complete withdrawal of all Russian troops from Ukrainian territory. Well now, Foreign Minister, let me think, yes, I remember now that Germans killed about 27 million Russians during WWll and isn’t that enough.  Maybe you should consider sitting this one out, but I guess you must sit at the feet of your master.

  • Does The Biden Administration Want Direct War With Russia?


    Darrell Castle talks about recent actions of the U.S. in Ukraine which causes him to question whether the current administration is try to provoke direct war with Russia.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 13th day of May in the year of our Lord 2022. I will be looking at some recent actions of the U.S. in Ukraine which cause me to question whether the Administration is trying to provoke direct war with Russia in place of the proxy war it is now waging with Ukrainian blood and American treasure.

    A second name for this Castle Report might be mind your own business. That is a concept that is completely lost on American politicians today because minding our own business is the one thing they will not do. They want to stick our collective fingers in every rattlesnakes nest they find in this world, but do anything to protect our border, not on your life. Will they do anything about rising food and fuel costs, not likely. Reports indicate that food and fuel will cost the average American family an extra $3000 this year, but pay increases are hard to come by. In other words, we are getting poorer each day, but at least Ukraine gets its weapons. How about the coming food shortage that threatens every American, no time for that, but war on the other side of the planet, we can’t wait.

    The U.S. seems to be pursuing a course of action in Ukraine which puts it in direct conflict with Russia. By direct I mean outside the obvious proxy war that Washington loves so much. It is a dangerous gamble, but one the administration is obviously willing to make with our lives. Once again, I ask myself if the shoe were on the other foot what would the U.S. do? These proxy wars have been fought between the powers surviving World War ll since that war ended. For example, In Korea the U.N. army led by the U.S. was opposed by Communist China and Russia with direct intervention by China, and proxy intervention by Russia.

  • The Truth Is Out There


    Darrell Castle talks about the truth and the extraordinary efforts the Biden Administration is taking to keep us from finding it, specifically the government’s new Disinformation Governance Board formed under the Department of Homeland Security.


    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 6th day of May in the year of our Lord 2022. I will be talking about the truth and the extraordinary efforts the Biden Administration is taking to keep us from finding it. Specifically, I will address the government’s new Disinformation Governance Board formed under the Department of Homeland Security to ferret out all the disinformation and misinformation floating around and restrict us simpletons to the truth as the Federal Government defines it.

    When George W. Bush consolidated several government agencies under the title of Homeland Security, I knew it was a frightening idea. The name just sounds scary, like it belongs in the history of despotic regimes with a title like Gestapo, or at least not in America. My fears about that agency have proven to be correct as mission creep has expanded it from one mission to the next. The primary mission of Homeland Security is to secure the homeland, but that is the one thing it refuses to do.

    Securing the homeland starts with securing the border, but this administration refuses to perform even that simple task. The border no longer exists under the current Department of Homeland Security which repeatedly sends its head, Alejandro Mayorkas, before congress to give lip service to the Administration’s lies about the border. Now, Secretary Mayorkas has a new task and that is finding and eliminating disinformation or misinformation from our minds.