An Outward Sign of an Inner Rot
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Darrell Castle talks about freedom of speech and why that concept is no longer held in high esteem by the new culture.
Transcription / Notes
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday February 12, in the year 2021 and today I will be talking about freedom of speech, and why that concept is no longer held in high esteem by the new culture. The title of this Report comes from an interview with Doug Casey concerning the First Amendment. Doug believes that the devaluing of freedom of speech is a sign of the inner rot of our culture. In part, this Report will also delve into the mindset behind America’s growing trend toward cancel culture or blacklisting.
The Castle Family is frozen into an Arctic prison today. This is probably mild compared to what some parts of the country are going through but for us it is very unusual and very unwelcome. It started raining ice two days ago but today it is just cold. We had to work from home yesterday but today we are back at the office in good health and good spirits.
The freedom of speech clause in the First Amendment was intended to be absolute as was the entire Bill of Rights and that view was upheld in past days by the Supreme Court. Today, however, thanks to the changing nature of our culture, and especially the oligarchs from Silicon Valley, the Freedom of Speech Clause and the entire Bill of Rights are no more than the symbols of a bygone, pretechnological age.
Stalin Often Got 100% of the Vote
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Darrell Castle talks about Democrat efforts to complete the necessary political structure to gain a permanent hold on power.
Transcription / Notes:
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday the 5th day of February in the year 2021 and in this Report, I will be talking about Democrat efforts to complete the necessary political structure to gain a permanent hold on power. I remind you that what the Democrats are working toward has been done before. In 1937 95% of the Russian people voted and Joe Stalin received 100% of that vote. It was all reported as headlines in the New York Times. Stalin was elected but he had absolute power for as long as he lived.
The Castle family is doing well this week despite all the upsetting political news, we carry on. Earlier this week we celebrated the family daughter’s birthday by Zoom. We could not be together as a family, but we celebrate as best we can, and we are grateful for the video capabilities of Zoom.
Joe Stalin had absolute power and complete control of the voting process and the vote count. Opposition to his candidacy tended not to survive very long. The Democrats in America are not there yet but they are building toward permanent power all the while describing their efforts as unity. They continually ratchet up the tension when they have opportunities to calm it down. Joe Biden and Joe Stalin share some frightening similarities. Joe Biden on behalf of the Democrat Party seeks total power by way of majority control of the Senate, House, Supreme Court, and the Presidency. Stalin did it by purging and executing those he feared as disloyal or enemies.
Nothing Says Unity Like Soldiers and Razor Wire
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Darrell Castle talks about the first 9 days of the Biden administration and the many unconstitutional executive orders he has signed.
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Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is the 29th day of January in the year of our Lord 2021 and I will be talking about the first 9 days of the Biden administration. President Biden used his first 9 days to rule by decree with the signing of many, (last count 30) executive orders as well as other actions designed to kill Trumpism and reestablish the authority of the global establishment. I wonder whether President Biden has the presence of mind to know what he is signing.
Today in the Castle family, as far as I know, there is no sickness and certainly no virus. We are grateful for that as we try to take each day as it comes. When the grasshopper asked the master how can one remain peaceful when all around him is nothing but violence? The master replied that peace is not found in what is outside the man, but from what is inside the man. In the Castle family we seek peace in the ancient words of the Bible, and we internalize it as best we can.
It’s For The Common Bad
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Darrell Castle talks about the militarization of Washington, DC, the inauguration, and the upcoming Democrat administration.
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Weeks When Decades Happen
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Darrell Castle talks about the events of January 6th in Washington, D.C. and tries to answer the questions of what happened, and what are the results.
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Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday the 15th day of January in the year 2021 and on this Report, I will be talking about the events of January 6th in Washington DC. What happened, why did it happen, and what is the result? Everyone has an opinion based on his own view, so let’s take a look at some of the fallout.
Before I begin, I will tell you that the Castle family is doing fine here in Tennessee although we are mired in the depths of winter. For those of us in this part of country winter is not that bad so I have nothing to complain about. I’m happy to say that the family daughter is fine and virus free. She apparently only had some seasonal thing so thank God for that.
The State of the Union
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Darrell Castle talks about the state of the Union, the actual state of the Union, as he sees it.
Transcription / Notes:
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday, the 8th day of January in the year of our Lord 2021 and on this report, I will be talking about the state of the union. I’m not referring to a speech given by some politician which is just a campaign ad, but the actual state of the union as I see it. When the events at the capitol happened on Wednesday, I had to completely revise this Report from a year in review format to where are we now. Where are we now, that’s the question so let’s take a look.
First, the Castle family had a wonderful Christmas and New Years holiday even though we could not be together with the family daughter. She has been feeling a little under the weather lately which is a concern because Los Angeles is completely locked down and that makes it very difficult to see her if she really got sick. Joan and I leave her in God’s hands and try to deal with that as best we can.
Joe Biden Announces He’s Not a Crook
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Darrell Castle talks about President Imposed Joe Biden’s recent speeches in which he told America that he won the election fair and square and that he is not a crook.
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Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday the 18th day of December in the year 2020. This is not the last Friday of the year because that honor goes to Christmas Day, but it’s the next to last Friday of the year. What a year it has been so good riddance to 2020. The Friday after Christmas is January 1st and that of course is the beginning of 2021, so we are almost at the end of the plague year.
No Castle Report next week or New Year’s week, so I will speak to you again on January 8th which will be 3 days after the Georgia elections and that will present a better view for some type of year in review report. The Castle family is doing well right now considering the loneliness of being apart from loved ones at Christmas time. We pray that next Christmas will be different, but for now we approach the real meaning of Christmas as we are.
Aristocracy and the Virus
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Darrell Castle talks about how the Aristocracy in various societies over the centuries have adapted to changing conditions but that very little has actually changed.
Transcription / Notes:
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is the 11th day of December in the year 2020 and on this report, I will be talking about how the Aristocracy in various societies over the centuries have adapted to changing conditions but very little has changed. They like to control things and things always seem fouled up under their control, but they tell us it’s not their fault. Right now, the aristocracy, the ruling elite, the powers that be, or whatever you call them are facing a very difficult set of problems.
First, this week has been a happy one for the Castle family as we celebrate the 68th birthday of Joan, the family mama so happy birthday Joan. The family daughter honored her mother as best one can via video conference.
Racial Obsession
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Darrell Castle talks about how the country has changed fundamentally over the last 60 years to the point where it seems obsessed by race and racial politics.
Transcription / Notes
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle report. Today is Friday the 4th day of December in the year 2020 and on this report I will be talking about how the country has changed fundamentally over the last 60 years to the point where it seems obsessed by race and racial politics. Before I start, I will tell you that the Castle family had a wonderful Thanksgiving considering we were separated by thousands of miles because of the virus. Joan and I had a zoom dinner with the family daughter from her home in Los Angeles.
First, I want to apologize and retract something I said the week before Thanksgiving. I said that the social credit system in the United States is in many ways worse than the one in Communist China. Bothered by that statement, I spent much of Thanksgiving weekend researching social credit in China particularly as applied to the Uyghur people in the extreme western province.
What Now?
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Darrell Castle addresses the question of what happens now to our country assuming Joe Biden is inaugurated.
Transcription / Notes
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday the 20th day of November in the year 2020 and today I will be attempting to answer the question that many people have asked me about the election, what happens now. The Castle family is fine this week although a little down that we will not be together for Thanksgiving. We have chosen to not travel this season and we live in different parts of the country, so we comply with Dr. Fauci by accident. Speaking of Thanksgiving; next week there will be no Castle Report as Joan and I try to relax and give thanks as I trust you will also. Since I will not be talking next week, I will try to give you your moneys worth this week.
What now? That is the question that I am often asked these days usually by someone who has no interest or experience in politics. People are worried, concerned, even frightened by the uncertainty in the country and they want an answer from someone they trust. I spoke to a family friend the other day who said she had been waiting to talk to me so she could ask me what is going on, what is going to happen in this country right now. OK if you put it that way, I’ll take a guess.