
  • Challenging the Powers That Be


    Darrell Castle talks about the conviction of Donald Trump on 34 felony counts in New York last week in America’s first Stalinist show-trial designed to be an example of what could happen if you challenge the prevailing ideology of our new post rule of law, post bill of rights, nation.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 7th day of June in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the conviction of Donald Trump on 34 felony counts in New York City last week. This was America’s first Stalinist show trial designed to be an example of what could happen to normal people if they challenge the prevailing ideology of our new post rule of law, post bill of rights, nation.

    Before I get into the conviction, I will remind you once again that yesterday, the 6th of June was the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings on the coast of France. Hundreds of thousands of young men were sent ashore in Normandy to confront the Nazi army that enslaved Europe. Thousands of them died that day but they all knew that death was a real possibility for them and yet they went anyway. When I see the thousands of crosses in the Normandy cemeteries today my first thought is what a terrible waste.

    What private at Omaha Beach or Lieutenant on Utah would have become a great doctor, but now many thousands have been deprived of his care. What Canadian sergeant would have become prime minister of Canada thus sparing us the horrible Pierre Trudeau and his much worse son Justin. These are all things that we can’t know because they are all dead, but there is one thing of which I am certain and that is that the nation is no longer worthy of them because they fought to preserve something that has been squandered as you will hear in this report.

  • Asleep at Arlington


    Darrell Castle talks about the state of our society and the politics that drive and govern it.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 31st Day of May in the year of our Lord 2024.I will be talking about the state of our society and the politics that drive and govern it. I argue that politics and demonic Hollywood are moving ever closer to one and the same. Politicians are worried right now because they can’t seem to figure out why more of the American people are becoming wise to their game of weaponization of the law and have stopped believing their propaganda.

    Please bear in mind that this Report was prepared before the verdict in the Stalinist Show Trial came in so I will have to discuss that at a later date.

    The reason I chose the title, “Asleep at Arlington” was in reference to the president visibly falling asleep on the podium while the secretary of defense was speaking at the annual memorial ceremony in Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day. There are many things the president could have told the nation during that moment but he chose to make it about himself as usual. Donald Trump is often accused of making every speech about himself and I guess that criticism is valid, but when Trump talks about himself he normally tells stories that he believes to be true unlike the president. I’ve never heard Mr. Trump tell how his son was killed in Iraq when he wasn’t, but that is the same story President Biden tells each time he speaks to veterans, their families, or to the nation in general about the military as he did at Arlington.

  • The Changing Face of War


    Darrell Castle talks about war today with an emphasis on how artificial intelligence is changing everything we once thought about war and how wars are fought.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. I will be talking about war today with an emphasis on how artificial intelligence is changing everything we once thought about war and how wars are fought. The wars in Ukraine and Gaza, both funded by the taxpayers of the United States, are serving as crucibles for perfecting the new methodologies of modern warfare.

    Yes, my beat is war today and that is very appropriate because this coming Monday is Memorial Day when we pause to remember those who died in the nation’s wars. If you have suffered through these Castle Reports with me for a few years you know that I talk about war a lot because war is one of the great tragedies of the human experience. It often comes from the dark recesses of one or maybe two human minds, but it affects millions.

    We are currently in the early stages of an epic change in the way wars are fought. You have probably heard many times the statement that generals tend to fight the last war and that is happening today with one variable. Warfare is evolving and changing rapidly in real time while the wars are being fought. Nothing trains a soldier or an army for war like actual combat. I had a law professor who taught evidence and he used the example of a train robbery for the importance of his subject. You can practice train robbery and even rehearse the event, but until you are inside the train with a gun in your hand you don’t know what train robbery Is like.

  • WHO’s Odious Plans for Humanity


    Darrell Castle talks about the proposed World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Pandemic Treaty. It covers pandemic preparedness that would grant WHO absolute power over global biosecurity and would mean the end of representative democracy and with it the end of human dignity.



    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 17th day of May in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the proposed World Health Organization (WHO) Global Pandemic Treaty on pandemic preparedness that would grant WHO absolute power over global biosecurity and would mean the end of representative democracy and with it the end of human dignity.

    The Pandemic Treaty, if implemented, will change the landscape of health globally and will strip people of some of the most basic rights and freedoms that we enjoy as Americans. The Who would have the power to implement digital identities, vaccine passports, mandatory vaccinations, travel restrictions, lockdowns, standardized medical care and more. Your doctor would become nothing more than an employee of a gigantic unelected, unchosen by you, bureaucratic, global control mechanism designed to stamp out human freedom and dignity.

    The sovereignty of the world’s nations would be and in fact is under attack by this proposed treaty. Your ultimate authority over your own body is also under attack. I really don’t think its much of a stretch to say that we would no longer be autonomous human beings but we would be relegated to the status of cogs in a gigantic machine.

  • Who Are the Good Guys?


    Darrell Castle talks about wars in Gaza and Ukraine along with other events in our world today, and asks who are the good guys, and who are the bad guys. Further, how are we to know for sure?

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 10th day of May in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be looking at the wars in Gaza and Ukraine along with other events in our world today, and asking who are the good guys, and who are the bad guys, and how are we to know for sure. Does black and white even exist anymore or is the reality of today’s world nothing but grey.

    My beat is philosophy today as I look at real events happening in our world and how the media that is supposed to reveal facts to us, but often is no more than the propaganda arm of the regime in power at the moment. Sometimes, it seems, it is even difficult to know what or who is the real regime in power at the moment and what or who is just an illusion.

    For example, the nation of Israel as it now exists, and I, are approximately the same age having both been born in 1948. For all my life I have thought of Israelis as the good guys, but now the media gives us the idea that roles might be reversing and Israel’s neighbors are suddenly wearing the white hats. I have seen the wars fought by Israel since 1948 and admired the courage and intelligence of the little country defending itself against much more populous enemies.

  • Making Wars Worse for All Mankind


    Darrell Castle talks about the foreign aid bill recently passed by congress and signed by the president.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 3rd day of May in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the foreign aid bill recently passed by congress and signed by the president. My take is that its intent is both destabilizing and most of all hypocritical. In other words, it will not deliver what it has promised and it will do far more harm than good.

    My beat today is war once again but along with war comes many other things such as larceny, corruption, deception, and most of all hypocrisy. The foreign aid bill recently passed is my starting point so what was in that bill and what did the president tell us it would accomplish. The president in his own words described what the bill would do.

    “It’s a good day for America, it’s a good day for Europe and it’s a good day for world peace. It’s going to make America safer; it’s going to make the world safer and continues America’s leadership in the world and everyone knows it. We are going to begin sending equipment to Ukraine for air defense munitions, for artillery, for rocket systems and armored vehicles.”

  • DON’T


    Darrell Castle talks about the recent attacks by Iran against Israel and discusses the growing violence with an emphasis on the Israeli decision of whether to retaliate again and if so how.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 19th day of April in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the recent attacks by Iran against Israel and discussing the growing violence with an emphasis on the Israeli decision of whether to retaliate again and if so how.

    Yes, my beat is war this week and there is no shortage of war to talk about. The powers that be love their wars and so they tend to make them happen. There are other issues, of course, like the criminal trial of Donald Trump by George Soros funded proxies in New York City, but war trumps everything, no pun intended. I will also take this introductory paragraph to remind you that there will be no Castle Report next week since I will be attending the Constitution Party National Convention. If you are there look me up, I would love to talk with you.

    I also remind you that yesterday, the 18th of April was the 82nd anniversary of the Doolittle Raid on Tokyo and other Japanese cities. The 80 men who took part are all dead now, but I take this moment to honor their act of courage and sacrifice.

  • Desperation in Ukraine


    Darrell Castle talks about the war in Ukraine and how the NATO forces opposing Russia are growing increasingly desperate as Russia continues to grind down the Ukrainian military.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 12th day of April in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the war in Ukraine and how the NATO forces opposing Russia are growing increasingly desperate as Russia continues to grind down the Ukrainian military. The state of the war is becoming obvious and hard to ignore to all but the most ardent anti-Russia types.

    My beat is war again and this time it’s a war that is all but forgotten with the war in Gaza starting to take Ukraine from the minds of the media. The increasing desperation is evidenced by the threats of French President Emmanuel Macron to send French troops to Ukraine. The Russians, in response, said that French troops would become priority targets if they entered Ukraine. These French troops would be independent of NATO, but that would still put the U.S. on a dangerous path that could lead ultimately to nuclear war.

    It should be obvious to any rational person that Russia has thousands of nuclear weapons and if Russian backs are against the wall by NATO on its border would use them. Unfortunately, it appears that there are a lot of irrational people running foreign policy in the U.S. and other NATO countries. Things could and probably would escalate quickly if Macron sent French troops to Russia’s border. The vice president of the Russian Duma which is the equivalent of Congress or parliament is Pyotr Tolstoy, a descendent of the great Russian, Leo Tolstoy. He warned that it would take only two minutes to nuke Paris.

  • Spiritual War


    Darrell Castle talks about the Christian High Holy Day of Easter or Resurrection Sunday and how President Biden chose to use the day to honor Transgender Visibility Day.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 5th day of April in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the Christian High Holy Day of Easter or Resurrection Sunday along with Transgender Visibility Day which tragically this year occurred on the same day thanks to the President of the United States. Yes, my beat is spiritual today although I admit that theology is not my strong suit, I will endeavor to do my best.

    Whether or not you are a Christian and whether you are a believer in the biblical account of creation, i.e. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,” Genesis 1-1: there is a sentence that humanity has understood throughout man’s time on earth until just a few short years ago. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27. That sentence says there are only two genders in the created order, two sexes, male and female.

    Sunday, March 31st was Easter in 2024, the holiest day on the Christian calendar. It is a day that Christians believe Jesus died to pay for the sins of created humanity not to celebrate those sins. It is the day when we Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then he is still buried somewhere and we as Christians are lost and Christianity fails. God saw all of humanity, created in his image, condemned without a way of redemption so he gave his son as the sacrifice for that sin so we would not have to pay it. That, I argue, is the very essence of Christianity.

  • The New Consensus


    Darrell Castle talks about the new way of looking at things or the new general consensus that emanates from a disrespect for the constitutional framework of law and justice.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 29th day of March in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the new way of looking at things or the new general consensus based on how the system programs us toward a general agreement on a preconceived set of outcomes for a particular series of events. I will argue that the new consensus emanates from a disrespect for the constitutional framework of law and justice now being taught in America’s law schools.

    This is not just Friday but Good Friday, three days before Easter Sunday. Good Friday commemorates the day more than two thousand years ago that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a borrowed donkey to great fanfare. He was the king, but he did not look like what the system thought a king should look like. He did not ride in on a great warhorse, he wore no battle armor, and he carried no sword and so the system and the people rejected him and called for the Roman, Pontius Pilate to order him crucified. The consensus went from hosanna to the son of David to cries of crucify him in a matter of hours.

    Please don’t think that I am comparing anyone alive today with Jesus because that is not my intent. I am just trying to show how the consensus can change quickly and how that can sometimes subvert the entire system of law and justice. Consensus today goes something like this; there’s widespread agreement that something must be done; there is a growing consensus in the country; the general consensus is this; the study shows a strong consensus so let’s take a vote.