Darrell L. Castle’s Tribute to Howard Phillips, the Constitution Party’s Founder
Howard Phillips, founder of the Constitution Party, died at 3:50 PM, EST Saturday, April 20, 2013.
I met Howard in early 1992 when I was introduced to him by Don McIlvaney. Don asked my choice for the election that year and I said neither so he introduced me to Howard who was trying to start a new party. My wife, Joan and I became the Tennessee delegates to the first national convention.
Over time, Howard mentored me in politics and became a political father to me. Little by little he brought me along as I was able to accept more and more responsibility. Most of all he was my dear friend and I’ll miss him.
Howard enabled Joan and me to serve in the great cause of liberty and in the struggle for the soul of America. It will not be the same without his advice, wise counsel, and his eloquent speaker’s voice at every meeting. Listening to Howard’s stories and jokes were the highlights of every CP meeting. He knew so many different people in government that he could entertain endlessly with stories from his past. Howard had a great sense of humor and always appreciated a good joke. He loved theater, movies, and his family and never tired of talking about his children’s accomplishments. He never failed to inquire about family members not present and was intensely loyal and expected the same in return. He was always loyal to me and I like to think I was the same for him.
I remember Howard as being the best at speaking in front of a camera or just in front of a group. He had a matchless gift for the English language and was merciless as an editor. I learned a lot from him in that regard.
Howard Phillips was a lot more than I have been able to say with these few words. In the words of his son Doug he was the most principled and courageous statesman of his generation. He inspired many thousands of people with his courageous fight for liberty. He was a larger than life figure whose intellect towered over most of us.
I am honored to have known Howard and to have called him friend and brother. We were brothers in the fight for liberty and for western civilization, and we were brothers in Christ.
Rest in peace, Howard.
Darrell L. Castle
Member of the Constitution Party Executive Committee
2008 Constitution Party Vice-Presidential Candidate