The NFL and the Free Market
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Darrell Castle explains how the free market can control the NFL players’ refusal to stand for the national anthem.
Transcript / Notes
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday, September 29, 2017, and on today’s Report I will be talking about the NFL and the National Anthem protests. This has been a very busy week in news with many things happening that are worthy of note such as the re-election of Angela Merkel in Germany, with the German Conservative Party gaining enough support at about 13% to have seats in the German Parliament.
In Alabama, Roy Moore finally won the Republican Primary for the U.S. Senate seat previously vacated by Jeff Sessions. Moore has been in the struggle many years but if he wins the special election to be held December 12, and it looks certain that he will, a populist candidate opposed to both the mainstream of his own Party as well as the Democrat agenda will sit in the U.S. Senate.
In a small church outside of Nashville, Tennessee, a black racist who came to the United States from the Sudan at five years of age shot seven people, killing one so far. The shooter had apparently been radicalized by anti-white rhetoric he had read or seen on social media and decided to do something about it, so he went to a little country church and shot a bunch of older white people.
My discussion today, however, is on a far more mundane subject than any of those. Today I have to talk about football because the National Football League and its players have made it virtually impossible not to talk about it. I doubt if there is anyone left in America who doesn’t know that NFL players have started refusing to stand for the National Anthem. Most kneel but a few teams have stayed in the locker rooms while the Anthem is playing. Last Sunday, at the annual game in London, the teams stood for God Save the Queen but not for the Star Spangled Banner.
The fact that I am even talking about this points to how sports, especially football, have become an obsession to Americans. Every game that is played is now nationally televised, whether it’s the traditional Sunday games, Sunday night, Monday night, and now Thursday night. Families plan their weeks and evenings around NFL Football. It is, to put it mildly, very important to people, and more of an obsession than just entertainment.
I’ve been a sports fan my entire life as my family is painfully aware, and if I watch television at all, it is sports. Even when there is no time to catch a full game, I will catch bits and pieces of games and follow the scores on my phone. There are tens of millions of people out there in America who are far more obsessed than I am. People physically attend each home game their team plays, and most have tailgating traditions with friends and family. It would not be unusual today for a family of four to spend 500 dollars at an NFL game with tickets, concessions, and team souvenirs.
These people have had their world’s disturbed by the protests. They watch football to escape from the cultural divide, not to have it forced into their living rooms. Many argue that the players have a right to do what they are doing and many others say no, they are employees and therefore their behavior is controlled, or should be, by their employers.
Here’s a very simple solution to all the protests that are now spreading to college and even high school games. Stop going, stop watching, stop buying merchandise, stop patronizing the League’s sponsors. Whether you think they have a right to not stand for the anthem or not there is one thing of which I am certain—you have an absolute right to refuse to pay to watch them do it. That’s where the free market comes in and controls sports, and anywhere else it’s allowed to.
If two teams showed up to play in an empty 70,000 seat, billion dollar arena, I’m certain it would get their attention. Ideally, when teams kneel for the anthem, 70,000 people would get up and walk out but we don’t live in an ideal world. It doesn’t take 100 per cent participation to have an impact though; only 20% will drive most teams below their profit margins and cost the television networks hundreds of millions.
That’s what I’ve done, that is, I’ve stopped watching. It’s hard, it really is, because I’m addicted as I suspect many of you are but I’ve stopped watching. More importantly, I’ve stopped caring,which is much harder but I’m working on it. Once you lose a week of keeping up with what happened in each game, and what the record of each team is, and which team each team plays next week and who plays each night, etc., it gets easier.
Yes, I love football, but I love my country more. I don’t see how anyone who has served in the military as I have, or who has had family members in the military could still watch. Why would you want to pay to watch people denigrate the things that you believe in the most? The NFL and the Networks have entered into Golden Goose killing territory, so let’s just let them do it without us.
There are fringe left-wing causes trying to latch onto the protests, and that’s where the danger lies for the NFL. If the League becomes just another left wing entertainment vehicle, they are done. Most fans, I believe, come from the hard working Middle America types, so alienating them is a big mistake.
My hometown newspaper, the Memphis Commercial Appeal, on its front page headline yesterday said, “Kneeling reflects spirit of M.L.K, Jr.” So obviously then, this is a black thing just as Colin Kaepernick said it was when he started it. The sad part of it all is that no real discussion is possible. There can be no real examination of whether or not the assumptions of the protesters are valid or not.
To discuss these subjects must mean that you think there could be reasons and solutions other than the prevailing narrative presented endlessly on television, movies, and now the NFL. The other day I saw a car going down the street in Memphis, and on his back window the driver had written a message, which said that if you disagree with the NFL protests, you are a NAZI. Who wants to be called a NAZI? Who wants to be shunned, fired from your job, etc.? So the subject cannot be discussed or examined, and only one view is possible.
It is now impossible to detach the world of sports from the prevailing ideology that bombards us constantly. It has already hurt the NFL because ratings are down across the board. ESPN, which controls much of sports, has gone all in supporting the protests. Disney, which owns ESPN, is rumored to be trying to sell the network. So when you settle into your easy chair to watch your Cowboys this weekend, just remember that they are not your Cowboys, they belong to Jerry Jones who owns the team and the billion dollar stadium they play in. We can do this, I know we can, and it will get easier each week.
When the NFL apologizes as it inevitably will, and its spokesperson says we really didn’t mean it, we didn’t mean to offend our fans, so please come back, when that happens I plan to say, maybe later, but not now, because you’ve revealed yourself for what you really are.
Finally folks, we are in a war for the survival of our culture, and the NFL is on the wrong side in that war. Let’s let the free market work and just stop caring, so the NFL and the Networks learn just how irrelevant they really are.
Remember, the free market gives you what you deserve, not what you want.
At least that’s the way I see it,
Until next time folks,
This is Darrell Castle.
Thanks for listening.

Mickey White
Thank you . I never watch sports…
Mickey you’ll have to sacrifice something else then.
I think people have the right to free speech…but the problem I have with BLM is the numbers do not match up as far as number of black men shot by policemen,number of white people murdered by black men,etc etc…the thing you touched on about the tennessnee incident…on the news they did not mention the race of shooter or victims…onlice they showed photo of shooter but not victims…in addition,they made sure to mention “this comes 2 years after the WHITE racist Dylan Roof shot BLACK victims in charleston etc etc”…it also seems that when a white person is the perpertrator is will be yelled from the mountain tops…however when it is the other way around the media gets quiet…are they afraid of being called racists?…or is it something more evil? is it intentionally fanning ethnic flames to ride the waves of discontent like a surfer riding a wave? I am not sure you tell me
Yes it is so stop watching. Finally we have something we can do that will be effective.
Thanks for listening.
to be quite frank and honest,i feel as though i am also riding on that wave…my dad is jewish,my parents are both jehovahs witnesses who do not salute the flag and my half brother is somewhat dark and i feel 9-11 is bullshit….so i am conflicted…in my heart,I know this wave is an evil,malignant thing but in my brain i think by destroying the wave i may wipe out on the coral…..oh well i guess as we get older we have less to lose eh?…i would like to see a third party in the whitehouse in my lifetime good luck and may the force be with you!
Joshua McPhail
To me what’s most important during the national anthem is where my heart and mind are. If I am focused on our country and our brave military men and women, then I am probably standing with my eyes closed or fixed on the flag. If I am praying for our great country, I could be standing or kneeling in prayer. I would much rather have someone kneeling and praying than someone who is standing there thinking about their fantasy football league or whether there is enough beer left. If I am really focused on the flag, then I won’t really know what everyone else around me is doing . And if I’m really worried about what the players are doing, then I’m not doing what I need to be doing, which is taking a moment to thank God for this country. My son in the 82nd Airborne told me that taking time talking about people who are doing the wrong thing only distracts us from the work we need to be doing: which is always the right thing.
Jay Roque
More of a question then reply. What do I say to liberals when they ask what’s the difference between us participating and standing during the national anthem in a stadium when we just sit down during the national anthem inside our house
The difference is that players refuse to stand as an insult to their country and fans pay to watch them do it. If we refused to pay they could not do it so we the fans are complicit in their insult.
Jay Roque
I totally agree 100%. Thanks Darrel
I couldn’t disagree with you more on these points, Darrell. First, I wish the nationalism and militarism could be left out of sports. It has no place there just as it has no place in a movie theater. Second, if the federal government insists on promoting the themes of nationalism and militarism at entertainment events, it risks the possibility that some will protest the government and it’s many criminal actions in a very public way. I salute those taking a knee and looking down when the national anthem is played. They should do it in full view of cameras and fans and be proud that they are Americans in the fullest sense of the word. They are protesting the increasing tyranny of our criminal government and doing so in a brave and controversial way. They’re risking something. They are angering their constituency; many of whom are value inverters: those that elevate the symbol of freedom over the actual freedom. My forefathers fought and died to secure this important right to protest the government. I side with the NFL players exercising this important right; not the censors that are angered by their protests.
I’m not a censor. More power to their insults but I won’t pay to be insulted any more. Hopefully all sports hypocrisy and addiction will be broken.
Susan Bishop
“Yes, I love football but I love my country more.” I, too, am not watching!
Thanks Susan. God bless you and yours.
If the mode of protest defeats its purpose and / or aggrevates the issue then that mode is wrong. It is that simple. Thank you Darrell for your weekly thoughts. I am a proud CP member in Minnesota having voted for you and Scott and I have kids that did the same.