Pandemic Accord – The Train To Global Government
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Darrell Castle talks about the World Health Organization’s (WHO) proposed treaty which will give it global control over the response to pandemics of every country on earth.
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Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 10th of March in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about The World Health Organization’s proposed treaty which will give it control, globally, over the response to pandemics of every country on earth which signs the treaty. This treaty is supposed to promote so called. Global Health Equity which means that in a pandemic or other worldwide disease emergency, Americans should not get better or faster health care from their own government than inhabitants of third-world countries get from the American government.
The World Health Organization is a United Nations affiliate formed in 1948. Its website says it does exceptionally beneficial work in mostly third world countries and maybe it does normally. Today, it is demanding that the world’s nations surrender sovereignty over the health of their people to this organization which is now more of a World Economic Forum affiliate than a director of world health. The United States has good relations with WHO and even has an ambassador assigned and we will talk about her in a minute.
This treaty, which by the way is not a treaty according to the Biden Administration, but an agreement because a treaty must be approved by a two thirds vote of the U.S. Senate to be ratified, but an agreement, according to the administration, can be made binding by executive order. Yes, that’s how dishonest, nefarious, and sinister this administration is. Americans will undoubtedly suffer and die needlessly because of this “agreement” but the president intends to enact it by executive order in May of this year.
Powder Keg
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Darrell Castle talks about the most dangerous powder keg in the world right now and that is the Crimean Peninsula where Russia has its Black Sea Fleet and where Ukraine has desires of reconquest.
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Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 3rd day of March in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the most dangerous powder keg in the world right now and that is the Crimean Peninsula where Russia has its Black Sea Fleet and where Ukraine has desires of reconquest. Crimea has very important strategic interest to both sides and is therefore a powder keg that could explode in nuclear war.
I know that I talk about World War lll and nuclear conflict a lot, but I am not the little boy who cried wolf because there is a real wolf out there right now. Crimea, as Vladimir Putin has said a few times has more than military importance to Russia. Militarily it is home to Sevastopol Naval Base which is Russia’s only warm water base, and it provides Russia with a naval route from the Black Sea into the Mediterranean and from there into the Persian Gulf. It also has the military significance to Russia of preventing the West from using it to stage intermediate range ballistic missiles as part of its plan to surround Russia.
Crimea has spiritual significance to Putin as he has said quite often. It is the location of the Baptism of St. Vladimir who converted to Christianity and then brought the religion of Orthodox Christianity to Ukraine because he was born in Kiev, and then to all of Russia. That was around 987 and at that time there was no Ukraine and Russia because it was just Russia. Without going into the entire history, it is important to note that in 1783 Catherine the Great took Crimea back from the Ottoman Empire where it remained until the death of Stalin in 1954. Stalin’s successor, Nikita Khrushchev decided to cede it to the Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine which became independent after the Soviet fall in 1989 but was then a Russian state so he knew Russia would still control it. In 2014 after the fall of the Pro-Russian government in Ukraine, Russia recaptured Crimea.
Eternal War and a Nuclear Arms Race
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Darrell Castle talks about the withdrawal of Russia from the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New Start), Mr. Putin’s annual speech to the Russian Parliament, President Biden’s trip to Poland and Ukraine, and China’s Global Security Initiative (GSI) Concept Paper.
Transcription / Notes
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 24th day of February in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the withdrawal of Russia from the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New Start), as well as Mr. Putin’s annual speech to the Russian Parliament, President Biden’s trip to Poland and Ukraine, and finally China’s Global Security Initiative (GSI) Concept Paper.
President Biden reportedly left Washington in secret at 4:15 am on Sunday morning, flying to Poland where he made a speech and then he took a 10 hour train ride to Kiev Ukraine. The secrecy of the trip and itinerary was certainly understandable given the security issues with a U.S. president today. I’m pretty sure the secret service had quite a difficult time in advance work for this trip.
He chose to deliver a speech in Poland where he expressed pride in the accomplishment of building a coalition from the Atlantic to the Pacific to oppose Russia. He missed his words a little bit, but he was trying to say that NATO, the U.S., and Japan were all in on their determination to stop Putin’s brutal war of aggression. He almost always uses that rhetoric even though reportedly in a phone conversation with Putin in January as well as Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in a meeting with Secretary of State Blinken, the Russians appealed to the U.S. to stop the inflammatory rhetoric to give diplomacy a chance to work.
An Unequivocal Act of War
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Darrell Castle talks about the report of journalist Seymour Hersh released the 8th day of this month in which he reported that under direct orders from President Joe Biden, the U.S. Navy blew up the Nord Stream pipelines.
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 17th day of February in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the report of journalist Seymour Hersh released the 8th day of this month, in which Mr. Hersh revealed that the United States Navy, at the direction of President Joe Biden, was responsible for the September 26, 2022 attacks on the Nord Stream pipelines carrying natural gas between Russia and Germany.
This story should be world wide news because it is not everyday that the United States commits an act of war against a nuclear armed nation and against one of its closest allies. Blowing up Nord Stream was an act of war not only against Russia but against Germany as well and one could argue against all of Europe which benefited from the Russian gas. Germany got its energy from Russia and that Russian gas fueled the German economy and Germany is a U.S. ally and a member of NATO. The report, however, indicates that the German Chancellor was somehow in on the deal because during the planning stages he was reported to be “firmly in the Americans camp”. Maybe then he is a traitor to his own people, but this report is not about Mr. Scholz, instead it is about President Joe Biden.
Who is Seymour Hersh and why is he reporting such terrible things about United States President Joe Biden. Controversy seems to follow Mr. Hersh since he won a Pulitzer Prize for revealing the Mai Lai massacre in Vietnam many years ago. He also reported the torture and extreme conditions of the prisoners held at Abu Ghraib. In both cases the federal government said no it wasn’t us and, in both cases, it turned out to be true. I find Mr. Hersh’s report on the attack on Nord Stream to be believable and I do accept it as true. I’m sure that as in his other exposes additional information will be found and brought out into the light.
SOTU – 2023 A Long Pointless Speech
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Darrell Castle talks about the State of the Union Speech delivered by President Joe Biden on February 7, 2023.
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 10th day of February in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the State of the Union Speech delivered Tuesday night, February 7th by President Joe Biden. I call the speech pointless because it has become just another campaign speech filled with lies and boondoggle promises of things that can’t and should not be afforded. There are always a lot of promises of a glorious new future, but it is hard to see how this old politician can lead us into such a future.
Yes, it was filled with lies or if you wish to be kind just a lot of political puffery. This entire Castle Report could be filled with nothing but a list of lies in the speech but what would be the point. I always dread the speech even if given by a president that I personally voted for let alone this one. This would have been a good year to return to the Jeffersonian practice of writing a letter and having it read to congress assembled by a clerk. Egos are just too strong, the allure of the TV cameras and the world press too much for today’s politician to resist.
The speech to a joint session is supposed to be a time for the United States to put the majesty and glory of its political system, its achievements, and its power before the world for all to see. So, the 80-year-old politician walks up to the podium and delivers a speech written by others but supposedly with his advice and approval. He brags about the economy and tells us that 12 million new jobs have been created on his watch, but he knows it is more like two million or not quite enough for each migrant he has invited. He doesn’t mention that millions of families struggle every week to buy groceries which are up in price more than 20% on his watch. Those same families struggle to buy gas to get to work since it is now over $4.00 per gallon for many.
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Darrell Castle talks about a corporation named Pfizer and specifically about the mRNA vaccines supposedly designed to prevent Covid infection and transmission but which have been proven time and again to do neither.
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Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 3rd day of February in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking today about a corporation named Pfizer and specifically about the mRNA vaccines designed supposedly to prevent Covid infection and transmission but which have been proven time and again to do neither.
Almost every time an objection to the vaccines such as, they have not been properly tested and private test results are withheld from the end users, we were told to just forget our skepticism and follow the science. Dr. Fauci once famously remarked “I am the science.” So today I will try to follow that advice and to the best of my ability follow “the science.”
“Covid mRNA vaccines are clearly the most failing medical product in the history of medical products, both in terms of efficacy and safety and should be withdrawn immediately as they cause an unprecedented level of harm including the death of young people and children.” Those are the words of professor Retsef Levi, an expert in analytics, risk management and health systems at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Levi has been on the faculty at MIT since 2006 and he has more than 30 years of experience in analyzing risk in the context of health systems and health policies.
Ukraine – Sounds Like World War III
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Darrell Castle talks about the continual ascent up the escalation ladder in Ukraine by the United States and NATO. Things are starting to look a lot like 1937 again in Europe as a limited war with limited objectives is expanding into a full-blown combined arms conflict.
Transcription / Notes
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 27th day of January in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the continual ascent up the escalation ladder in Ukraine by the United States and NATO. Things are starting to look a lot like 1937 again in Europe as a limited war with limited objectives is expanding into a full blown combined arms conflict.
Deals are in the making and have been for weeks to supply Western main battle tanks to Ukraine. Those deals will open the door for more and more advanced weapons to be introduced into the struggle. The Ukrainian President pleads for more advanced Western weapons telling the world that Russian “terror” can only be stopped on the battlefield. Several NATO countries have agreed to send advanced offensive weapons into the struggle.
Pressure to commit main battle tanks and thus expand the war into a combined arms struggle has been relentless and now it looks certain that the U.S. has succumbed to that pressure. The German Government has been under the most pressure and recently accepted the resignation of the German Defense Minister because of her reluctance to supply Leopard 2 main battle tanks. Poland’s tanks came from Germany and the U.S. and are not supposed to be exported without the permission of the country of origin, but now Poland says it with send them with or without permission.
Davos Man – Making the World a Worse Place
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Darrell Castle talks about a special kind of man, that being Davos Man, who holds an annual meeting called The World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
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Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 20th day of January in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about a special kind of man on this report and that is Davos Man. He is meeting this week in a small village high in the Swiss alps called Davos. His meeting, held annually, and called The World Economic Forum, ends today so he will have hundreds of gleaming limousines take him to an airport where he will board more than 1000 private jets which will fly him to his destination. During his week in Davos he was guarded by more than 5000 Swiss soldiers less he become endangered or made to feel insecure.
Hundreds of world leaders, politicians, titans of business gathered during the past week to discuss the fate of the rest of us lesser people. Davos Man is not like us for he is a kingpin, a chief of planet earth. He is great and he is good, a one-world, deep stater, a world improver, and he alone can save planet earth from the ravages of lesser beings like us. For example the top U.S. representative was John Kerry who holds the title of climate czar, savior of the planet, or words to that effect. The attitude of Mr. Kerry reflects the attitude of many as they are made to understand their own awesomeness. Quote from Mr. Kerry:
“If you stop and think about it, it’s pretty extraordinary that we, a select group of human beings, because of whatever touched us at some point in our lives, are able to sit in a room and come together and actually talk about saving the planet. I mean, it’s so, almost extraterrestrial to think about quote “saving the planet.” If you said that to most people, most people think you’re just a crazy, tree-hugging, leftie, liberal…you know, do-gooder ,whatever…and there’s no relationship. But really, that’s where we are.”
Euthanasia A Growing Phenomenon
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Darrell Castle talks about euthanasia as practiced primarily by doctors in Canada but which is being made legal in more and more countries around the world.
Transcription / Notes:
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 13th day of January in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about euthanasia as practiced primarily by doctors in Canada but which is being made legal in more and more countries around the world. The Netherlands was the first country to legalize what it called “Death with Dignity”, but Canada now seems to be the world leader in allowing doctors to legally kill their patients.
There are two types of euthanasia, assisted suicide, or mercy killing depending on what you choose to call the practice, active and passive. The passive kind is where care that could possibly prolong life is withheld allowing the person to die. That practice is legal everywhere but is nevertheless subject to stringent legal guidelines. Not many would argue with or find fault with a close relative who chose to allow medical staff to withhold treatment for a loved one who had no hope of recovery. Doctors and nurses must have responsible permission or a last will which permits the withholding of such treatment before they can do so.
Active euthanasia, on the other hand, is a completely different situation. That is where a doctor, sworn by oath to the profession of healing, deliberately causes the death of a patient and in many countries it is now perfectly legal. Active euthanasia is currently legal in the nations of Australia, Belgium, Canada, Columbia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, and Spain. Although technically illegal in many other countries the legal system simply looks away when physicians kill or assist patients in dying.
Congressional Bipartisanship
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Darrell Castle talks about the end of 2022 as the United States Congress came together in an act of bipartisanship to prevent a government shutdown and pass the $1.7 trillion, 4,155 page omnibus spending bill.
Transcription / Notes:
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 6th day of January in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the end of 2022 as the United States Congress came together in an act of bipartisanship to prevent a government shutdown. Congress was able to attend to its priorities quite well during December 2022 and I will be looking at the priorities of Congress as manifested by the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill passed at the last minute as the last act of 2022 or the first of 2023 depending how you want to view it.
I’ve heard the Democrat Party referred to as the evil Party and the Republican Party referred to as the stupid Party. Occasionally they get together and do something both evil and stupid which is known as bipartisanship. Yes, everyone knows that the U.S. is more than 31 trillion in debt it cannot repay. More than 3 trillion would have to be shaved from the budget this year to reduce the debt by 1 trillion and then do that for 31 years so unpayable is a reasonable word.
Instead, the plan is to destroy what’s left of the American economy by spending wantonly, irresponsibly, and foolishly on waste and war. The passage of the bill funnels more than $47 billion additional dollars to aid the Ukrainian efforts to fight Russia. That will bring the total aid package to roughly $111 billion. U.S. defense contractors such as Raytheon and General Dynamics will be happy since they will build the weapons paid for by U.S. taxpayers. Some of the missiles being ordered will reportedly not be ready for shipment until 2025.