The Beast Wants Control Over the Whole Earth
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Darrell Castle talks about the fact that the digital prison is much closer than we might choose to think. The digital surveillance state closes its digital barbed wire around us while we are sleeping, literally and figuratively. The real food for thought today is the sobering similarity between the mark of Revelations and the Central Bank Digital Currency being tested as he speaks.
Transcription / Notes:
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 16th day of December in the year of our Lord 2022. We are just a couple of days from a week before Christmas and my law office will be closed the Friday before Christmas and the Friday before New Years Day so no Castle Report for the next two weeks, but I will endeavor to give you your money’s worth today. I will be talking about the fact that the digital prison I mentioned last week is much closer than we might choose to think. The digital surveillance state closes its digital barbed wire around us while we are sleeping literally and figuratively.
“And there was given to him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them; and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If any man have an ear, let him hear…
And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” Revelation 13-16 KJV.
Conspiracy, Stupidity, or Just Coincidence
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Darrell Castle talks about recent and ongoing actions by the global ruling elite which may appear to be conspiracies but could be simple stupidity or just coincidence.
Transcription / Notes:
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is the 9th day of December in the year of our Lord 2022. I will be examining recent and ongoing actions by the global ruling elite which may appear to be conspiracies but could be simple stupidity or just coincidence. The best example is the recent release of part one of the Twitter Files by Twitter CEO, Elon Musk through reporter Matt Taibbi which clearly show collaboration between the ruling Democrat Party elite and the tech companies to influence elections and suppress unwanted speech known otherwise as opinions they disagreed with.
Speaking of conspiracies, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that two days ago the 7th of December was the 81st anniversary of the attack on the United States Naval Base at Perl Harbor. The Day of Infamy as FDR labeled it, in which some 2400 U.S. military personnel died and which launched the U.S. into the worst war in human history.
Back in 2022, it can be noted that many strange events appear to be conspiracies but can more accurately be described as stupidity by an individual or group of individuals. Sometimes the coordination of the event in question by elite actors is apparent but is that necessarily a conspiracy. Most of the players go to the same top and acceptable schools where they study under the same group of like-minded academics. They are members of the same clubs and they come up through government service in the same agencies and institutions.
Revolution Is In The Air
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Darrell Castle talks about revolution or at least the hint of it primarily in China, but also in other countries as the people of the world start to demand freedom.
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Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 2nd day of December in the year of our Lord 2022, and I will be talking about revolution or at least the hint of it primarily in China, but also in other countries including the United States as the people of the world start to demand freedom. I make the case that conditions are ripe and growing riper by the day for a French version of Revolution.
The French Revolution began in the early 1790’s, but the conditions that provoked it had been simmering in France for at least a decade. The French government was virtually bankrupt having squandered the nation’s resources on foreign wars including the American Revolution as a proxy against the old enemy England. Conditions for the man on the street grew more and more desperate as the economy was in a state of near collapse.
Louis XVI was king and his queen, his wife, was Marie Antoinette. The king did nothing to improve conditions in the country and chose to just ignore the suffering of the people thus Marie Antoinette’s legendary reply when she was told that the people have no bread; let them eat cake. The callous attitude of the ruling elite along with the equally callous Catholic elite caused resentment to grow to an unstoppable level.
Greenwashing the Naïve
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Darrell Castle talks about how greenwashing, or the propaganda of green energy ideology, is being used to make the unjust appear to be just, and how the real effect is a reduced standard of living for the naïve middle class and starvation for the helpless poor.
Transcription / Notes:
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 18th day of November in the year of our Lord 2022. I will be talking about how greenwashing, or the propaganda of green energy ideology is being used to make the unjust appear to be just, and how the real effect of that is a reduced standard of living for the naïve middle class, and starvation for the helpless poor.
We see the world dividing into hostile camps right now with nations coming together to resist the moves to continue the economic hegemony of the West. The BRICS nations that I have mentioned many times are primarily an economic bloc of nations resistant to Western economic dominance but now it also includes many other things. The nations in the original bloc include Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, but now many others are lining up to join. Some of those include Argentina, Venezuela, Iran, Indonesia, and even Saudi Arabia. Yes, its ironic that long time enemies like the Saudis and the Iranians would consider coming together economically, but I guess the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
The economic blocs that have developed involve nations jockeying for position in this new world that is developing and that involves a lot more than green energy. Western leaders attend their climate conferences and they set climate discussions within conferences as they did at the recent G-20 summit in Indonesia this past week. It would be funny if it were not so serious to see and hear how President Biden who just once again publicly said to the attendees, I will do my part, no more drilling in the United States.
November 8th Was Hard to Understand
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Darrell Castle talks about the elections last Tuesday, but primarily about one election which he argues illustrates better than all the others the condition of America today. He asks the question, how can this be?
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November 8th Was Hard to Understand
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is the 11th day of November in the year of our Lord 2022. I will be talking about the elections last Tuesday, but primarily about one election which I argue illustrates better than all the others the condition of America today. I ask the question, how can this be, how could this have happened, and I look for answers.
Yes, that’s right I’m talking about the election of John Fetterman to the United States senate in Pennsylvania but first I must remind you that yesterday, November 10th was the 247th birthday of the United States Marine Corps. The birthday falling on Thursday is good for Marines because it means that today, the 11th is veterans’ day and that gives Marines a four-day weekend. Some 20 million have served and are serving so take a moment and honor one of them or their surviving spouse and children.
John Fetterman, its very difficult to believe, but he was just elected to the United States Senate by a comfortable margin. I would never make fun of or belittle someone who has been a stroke victim and has brain damage, but neither would I want that person to fly my airliner or perform surgery on my heart. There are some jobs that require certain physical and mental skills, the absence of which eliminates one from those careers. I had to give up my dream of playing center field in Yankee stadium and of winning the Olympic marathon because I did not have the physical ability to achieve those goals.
The Most Dangerous Decade Since WWII
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Darrell Castle talks about a speech made by Vladimir Putin on Thursday, October 29th at the Valdai Club, A Moscow based Russian think tank.
Transcription / Notes
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle report. This is Friday the 4th day of November in the year of our Lord 2022. I will be talking about a speech made by Vladimir Putin on Thursday October 29th at the Valdai Club, a Moscow based Russian think tank. Mr. Putin emphasized his continuing struggle with the West and described this decade as the most dangerous since WWII.
Mr. Putin said he had no regrets about what he still describes as a special operation meaning his invasion of Ukraine. He said that Russia has never considered itself an enemy of the West, but that period of time between the breakup of the Soviet Union and now in which the West has had undivided dominance over world affairs is ending whether the West wants it to end or not.
The fall of the Soviet Union left the West in the worst possible position and that is without an enemy to motivate the people and to feed the insatiable appetite of the military, industrial, security state. Since there was no more Soviet Union against which to pit the labor of the American people the United States, bit by bit started to become more and more like its 45 yearlong enemy. That is my opinion and not one expressed by Mr. Putin.
New York Supreme Court – It Was About Compliance
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Darrell Castle talks about a very important decision of the New York Supreme Court to strike down the city’s vaccine mandate for employees ordering them to be reinstated immediately with back pay.
Transcription / Notes:
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 28th day of October in the year of our Lord 2022. I will be talking about a very important decision of the New York Supreme Court to strike down the city’s vaccine mandate for employees ordering them to be reinstated immediately with back pay.
From the Court’s decision:
“It is clear that the Health Commissioner has the authority to issue public health mandates. No one is refuting that authority. However, the Health Commissioner cannot create a new condition of employment for City employees. The Health Commissioner cannot prohibit an employee from returning to work. The Health Commissioner cannot terminate employees. The Health Commissioner cannot exempt certain employees from these orders. Executive Order No. 62 renders all of these vaccine mandates arbitrary and capricious.”
Now folks continuing the quote from the Court here is the kill shot for vaccine mandates at least in the City of New York. “Being vaccinated does not prevent an individual from contracting or transmitting Covid-19. As of the day of this Decision, CDC guidelines regarding quarantine and isolation are the same for vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals.”
Biden Begs Saudis for Mid-Term Help
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Darrell Castle talks about the energy policies of President Joe Biden and how he is desperately trying to hold down soaring fuel prices until after the Mid-Term Elections.
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Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 21st day of October in the year of our Lord 2022. I will be talking about the energy policies of President Joe Biden and how he is desperately trying to hold down soaring fuel prices until after the Mid Term Elections, with very little success because It is very hard to hold down energy prices even for a month without actually producing any energy.
Yes, it appears, according to the Wall Street Journal, that President Biden went begging to the Saudis for energy relief just before OPEC met on October 5th. The Journal reports:
“Days before a major oil-production cut by OPEC and its Russia-led allies, U.S. officials called their counterparts in Saudi Arabia and other big gulf producers with an urgent appeal—delay the decision for another month, according to people familiar with the talks. The answer: a resounding no.
U.S. officials warned Saudi leaders that a cut would be viewed as a clear choice by Riyadh to side with Russia in the Ukraine war and that the move would weaken already-waning support in Washington for the Kingdom, the people said.
Casually Discussing Armageddon
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Darrell Castle talks about how President Joe Biden casually discusses the possibility of nuclear annihilation and even the probability of it. He refers to the growing likelihood of nuclear war with Russia as Armageddon, but he does nothing to tone down the rhetoric and openly suggests that is where war with Russia is headed.
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Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 14th day of October in the year of our Lord 2022. I will be talking about how President Joe Biden casually discusses the possibility of nuclear annihilation and even the probability of it. He refers to the growing likelihood of nuclear war with Russia as Armageddon, but he does nothing to tone down the rhetoric and openly suggests that is where war with Russia is headed.
Generally, the term Armageddon refers to an end of the world scenario and I don’t remember an American president during my lifetime which runs from Truman to Biden using that term before. I remember the Cuban Missile Crisis quite well as I was 13 or 14 years old at the time. Everyone was terrified even in the rural area where my family lived. The newspaper and TV told us where the priority targets were located for the Russian ICBMs.
I had a job delivering newspapers and I remember the homes with blankets over their windows to prevent flying glass. People were afraid to come to the door to pay me. That was legitimate terror with nuclear missiles only 90 miles away from our shore. Kennedy and Khrushchev worked it out in a mutually beneficial deal to save the world. Kennedy removed American missiles from Turkey just over the Bosporus from Russia and Khrushchev removed Russian missiles from Cuba. No confrontation on the high seas and no inflammatory rhetoric that made diplomacy impossible. In America we assumed we won, and in Russia I’m sure Russians thought they won.
The FBI Is Just a Political Weapon
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Darrell Castle talks about the FBI and how it has been converted and subverted from the world’s premier criminal investigation agency that it once was to a weapon that serves the establishment to muzzle antigovernment activism and thought, and to harass and intimidate political opponents of the administration.
Transcription / Notes:
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 7th day of October in the year of our Lord 2022. I will be talking about the FBI and how it has been converted and subverted from the world’s premier criminal investigation agency that it once was to a weapon that serves the establishment to muzzle anti-government activism and thought, and to harass and intimidate political opponents of the administration.
This is my return Castle Report after a week off and I find what the military refers to as a target rich environment. We grow ever closer to nuclear war over a country in Eastern Europe that is of no strategic interest to the United States at all. It seems likely, by an overwhelming margin, that people in Washington D.C. committed an act of war against Russia and also against Washington’s European allies by blowing up the Nordstream Pipelines as the President promised to do. Despite all those catastrophes I turn my attention inward to the FBI once again.
It turns out that inward is a proper way to refer to the FBI today because it, as well as many other agencies of government, have been directed away from foreign enemies and domestic criminals and focused on political opponents of the administration. They also specialize in intimidation and persecution of people who sense and believe that something is wrong in this society and therefore they express the desire for change.