• The World Is Run by Lunatics


    Darrell Castle talks about those who run the world or at least front for those who run it with a special emphasis on war, in particular the war in Ukraine.

    Transcription / Notes


    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 23rd day of September in the year of our Lord 2022. I will be talking about those who run the world or at least front for those who run it with a special emphasis on war in particular the war in Ukraine.

    I know what you must be thinking. What would make Darrell refer to world leaders, even elected ones, as lunatics? How dare he make such a claim or say such a distasteful thing. Well, I make that statement because I’m trying to be kind and respectful to the world’s leaders. I’m trying to give them the benefit of a doubt for their actions because the alternative of lunatic would be homicidal maniac and I sure would not want to put that label on anyone without evidence.

    So, to give them the benefit of the doubt I conclude that they are simply crazy, mad as a hatter, wild as a March hair to avoid the possibility that they are taking mankind to the brink of destruction on purpose. Let’s look at some of the evidence I can offer to support my conclusions. The President of the United States does not want the war in Ukraine to end. He, in fact, wants it to get worse, to destroy more lives, more property, and the taxes of more Americans. The Administration has committed weapons to the conflict that according to the Wall Street Journal, will not be ready for shipment for three years.

  • Killing The Golden Goose


    Darrell Castle talks about the deliberate destruction of that “golden goose” upon which rests the whole of the Western world’s economy.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 16th day of September in the year of our Lord 2022. Today I will be talking about the deliberate destruction of that “golden goose” upon which rests the whole of the Western world’s economy. Civilization experiments with destruction and devolution by attempting a change from fossil to un-fossilized fuel which change our elite rulers tell us will save us from climate destruction and an apocalyptic future, but could the opposite be true.

    They know they are right, these world improvers. They know they are on the side of the angels and the rest of us who want to see civilization continue are extremists, and fascists or at least semi-fascists.

    For example, when recent problems in California began to manifest themselves with rolling blackouts and mandatory shutoffs of electricity due to the State’s decision to forego traditional sources of energy in favor of wind and solar officials of the state chose to double down rather than come to their senses. The Washington Post interviewed Siva Gunda, the vice chair of the California Energy Commission; “We understand we cannot have the lights go off, but the fear of these questions being brought up is not a reason to slow down from what we know is morally and societally what we need to do.”

  • The Ghosts of Nuremberg


    Darrell Castle talks about President Biden’s September 1st speech at Independence Hall in Philadelphia during which he referred to MAGA Republicans as a threat to the Republic.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 9th day of September in the year of our Lord 2022. I will be talking about President Biden’s September 1st speech at Independence Hall in Philadelphia in which he referred to MAGA Republicans as a threat to the Republic among other things. What does the speech mean and why deliver it with the red and black, tales from the crypt background with two Marines ominously visible behind him.

    Just about everything that can be said about the speech has been said, but I will endeavor to look at it not only from a what perspective but also why. America caught at least a partial break since the speech competed with opening night of the college football season so no contest for television viewing. I read the transcript the next morning as I usually do, and I was so intrigued I pulled the video and watched it.

    Have you ever watched one of Hitler’s speeches at those gigantic Nuremberg rallies? You can find them on You Tube and although you probably don’t speak German you will quickly get the idea and see the comparison. Whoever wrote Biden’s speech had undoubtably watched some of those videos because the mannerisms of the speakers and the hellish backdrop are so similar it can’t be a coincidence. The sinister screaming of the speakers with the two fists shaken in front of them, are uncanny so watch both and compare.

  • Trouble at the FBI


    Darrell Castle talks about the FBI and the accusations about it and the Department of Justice. Is the FBI still the nation’s premier law enforcement agency and above reproach or has it devolved into just another corrupt agency acting as the muscle of the Democrat Party?

    Transcription / Notes:


    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 2nd day of September in the year of our Lord 2022. I will be talking about the FBI and the accusations about it and the Department of Justice that have come to light over the last few years. Is the FBI still the nation’s premier law enforcement agency and above reproach or has it devolved into just another corrupt agency acting as the muscle of the Democrat Party.

    There are so many scandals inside the FBI right now that it is hard to keep them straight until you realize that they are all tied together. The motto of the FBI is Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity, and I’m sure that it accurately describes most of the men and women out there on the front lines. It does not, however, accurately describe the leadership of the FBI which appears to be irretrievably corrupt.

    When I say corrupt, I don’t mean they sell their badges for money like some traffic cop in a third world country. No, the FBI leadership is far worse than that, having tarnished their badges and their honor in a long list of vile, partisan activities on behalf of the globalist forces that run this administration and constantly tell us what we are supposed to believe, who we are supposed to vote for, and that all lies are truth, and all truth is lies, but let’s look at the evidence.

  • New York’s Top Law Enforcement Officer


    Darrell Castle talks about the Attorney General of the State of New York, Letitia James, and more specifically about a recent letter she sent to the Cornerstone Church in Batavia, New York in which she warned and threatened that church regarding an event the church planned to host. The event was held on August 12-13 of this year and was called The Re-Awaken America Tour.


     Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 26th day of August in the year of our Lord 2022. I will be talking about the Attorney General of the State of New York, Letitia James, and more specifically about a recent letter she sent to the Cornerstone Church in Batavia, New York in which she warned and threatened that church regarding an event the church planned to have and did have on August 12-13 of this year called The Re-Awaken America Tour.

    The Attorney general’s letter concerns me for several reasons, but it is especially concerning because it demonstrates the growing belief that government is all powerful and without restraint. It cannot be restrained by anything especially the bill of rights. She campaigned for office on a plan to use all prosecutorial resources of her office to investigate and prosecute Donald Trump. She has been true to her promise, targeting Trump and his business interests relentlessly until finally Trump invoked his fifth amendment rights and refused to answer any more of her questions.

    Her predecessor, Eric Schneiderman, had the same anti Trump attitude taking Trump before the courts of New York and the courts of public opinion. Deciding someone’s guilt before that person even takes office might be a little inappropriate but who cares any more about guilt or innocence. The target is either on your side of the political spectrum or he isn’t, and if he isn’t then he is fair game. Mr. Schneiderman eventually resigned in disgrace amid a multitude of sexual charges.

  • Raid on Mar-a-Lago


    Darrell Castle talks about the recent raid on former President Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago in Florida.


    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 19th day of August in the year of our Lord 2022. I will be talking about the recent raid on former President Donald Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago in Florida. The raid was unprecedented in American history. The raid was conducted against arguably the regime’s chief critic and political opponent: The raid was three months before a critical mid term election that is predicted to be a rebuke of the regime’s policies: The raid was conducted by the regime’s DOJ and FBI proven to be very corrupt organizations. What should we make of all this?

    The first thing the raid tells us is that the FBI, the DOJ, and the Biden Administration in general are liars who can’t even keep their lies straight between them. They will only admit the truth under extreme duress and when all the lies have been exposed to the world. Beset by contradictions, obvious lies, and just plain incompetence, the many explanations offered by the FBI come apart under examination. The lies make the real reason for the raid more obvious and that is that it was a political hit job on a former president to find something, anything, to keep him from running for and perhaps winning the presidency again.

    The president didn’t know about the raid, and he had nothing to do with it. The old, he didn’t know until he heard it on the news story again. The administration set out to distance the president from the raid I would suppose in a vain attempt to make it appear that he was not trying to persecute a political opponent. Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told us no one at the White House was given a heads up on the raid. No, that did not happen you know, he learned about it through the media. So, we are expected to believe that the Department of Justice with the Attorney General appointed by the President did not even brief the president on a planned FBI raid of a former president’s home.

  • A Long Train of Abuses and Usurpations


    Darrell Castle talks about the so-called Inflation Reduction Act passed this week by a dead-locked Senate 50-50 with Vice President Harris casting the deciding vote and sending it to the House where it is expected to be passed.


    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 12th day of August in the year of our Lord 2022. I will be talking about the so-called Inflation Reduction Act passed this week by a dead locked Senate 50-50 with Vice President Harris casting the deciding vote. The bill is expected to pass the House as early as today.

    This bill makes my blood boil when I read it or when I even consider it because it is reflective of a government that no longer feels the need to hide its contempt for the average working American. This bill is evidence of the nation’s continuing ruin by design and by incompetence. We are expected to believe that spending three quarters of a trillion dollars in the teeth of inflation approaching double digits will somehow reduce inflation.

    The officials of this government talk a lot about taxing the rich, but apparently, they could not find enough of them to cover this monstrosity, so they have to go into your pockets and the pockets of every small business in America. They plan to do that by spending 80$ billion to hire 87,000 new IRS agents to harass and audit ordinary people who just want to make a living and feed their families.

  • What Does Standing With Taiwan Really Mean?


    Darrell Castle talks about the island known to the West as Taiwan and offers a few thoughts on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s recent visit there.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 5th day of August in the year of our Lord 2022 and on today’s report I will be talking about the Island known as Taiwan except to China where it is known as China. Specifically, I will offer a few thoughts on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s recent visit to Taiwan.

    Why is Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan such a big deal? After all she is not the first member of congress to visit that nation. She is, however, a duly elected, official of the United States as well as second behind Vice President Kamala Harris, in line for the presidency of the United States. I suppose that makes her visit very important to the Chinese. It is akin to a state visit to what they consider to be part of their sovereign territory.

    All that was well know to the speaker of the house of representatives before she planned her trip, but she did it anyway. The president said he thought it was not a good idea and so did the secretary of defense, but she went anyway. Why, what did the trip accomplish, and how did it properly represent her constituents in San Francisco? The U.S. claims that since the speaker represents the legislative branch, and the executive branch handles diplomacy and is empowered to determine U.S. foreign policy that her trip was therefore insignificant.

  • Malthus Was Wrong But Famine Is Still In Our Future


    Darrell Castle talks about the evil globalists who seem to have so much influence over governments and the organizations that are suppose to serve them and now appear to be intentionally inducing famine across the world.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. I will be talking about the evil globalists who seem to have so much influence in the world today. Influence over governments and the organizations that are supposed to serve them. Population reduction through famine, war, disease, and civil disorder seems to be all part of their plans for humanity. Only a small population of compliant people can be cataloged, monitored, and controlled like animals and that appears to be what the world is giving these monsters.

    Thomas Malthus was an English economist who lived in the late 1700’s and early 1800’s. He developed a theory about population and food and people who adhere to his theory are even today referred to as Malthusians. He predicted that famine was the inevitable byproduct of agriculturally successful populations. His idea was that as populations advanced in agricultural ability they would grow faster as they produced more food and inevitably, they would eventually out produce their food supply and starve. Malthus predicted this result was unavoidable though tragic.

    We know today that he was wrong because the population of the earth is many times what it was in his day and yet, here we are. Technology and modern agricultural techniques would allow the entire earth to be well fed if only the globalists and their toadies would leave us alone. I will call them globalists for lack of a better word, but that requires a bit of explaining. I use the word globalist to define a group of people who believe it is their right, their destiny to catalog, control and manage the world’s population. To be able to do that the population has to be drastically reduced which requires and justifies the killing of perhaps billions of people.

  • The Roaring 20’S


    Darrell Castle talks about how polls and other measures of popular acceptability and obvious ineptitude just keep getting worse for Joe Biden and the Democrats.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 22nd day of July in the year of our Lord 2022. I am going to be talking about how polls and other measures of popular acceptability and obvious ineptitude just keep getting worse for Joe Biden and the Democrats as the approval numbers for President Biden threaten the 20’s thus the title of this report.

    I am sure you’ve heard the expression just when you think it can’t get any worse it does. CNN has traditionally been kinder to President Biden than any other Network, even through its polling, but now that seems to have changed. The New York Times is the gate keeper for what the American Media is permitted to say about Democrat politicians and in a recent article and follow up piece the Times opened the flood gates of criticism of the President.

    The Times article said he’s too old, he shuffles, his aides prop him up, etc. you know the story. This article was a directive that it is open season on Joe Biden and there has been numerous criticism from the Democrat Party’s mouthpieces since then. We can’t win with him and so we have to let him go and therefore you are permitted to openly critique him is what the article was saying if one reads between the lines. Even the first lady appears to have been given the word and she did an interview where she said he had so many good things in mind, but the current problems got in the way. Stories of his wife and other staffers giving him pills to get through public appearances, etc. have appeared as well.