• Courage Is Contagious


    In this report, Darrell Castle acknowledges that there are subjects of vital importance today, like the war in Ukraine for example, but he has decided to turn his attention back to Canada and discuss what the actions of Prime Minister Trudeau mean for us and the rest of the world.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 25th day of February in the year of our Lord 2022. I know there are subjects of vital importance today, like the war in Ukraine for example, but I have decided to turn my attention back to Canada and discuss what the actions of Prime Minister Trudeau mean for us and the rest of the world.

    I want to begin my discussion of Canada with a discussion of a Canadian pastor named Artur Pawlowski who is the inspiration for the title of this Castle Report. Pastor Pawlowski is also a kind if poster child for the entire incident of Canadian martial law, or as Prime Minister Trudeau calls it, the state of emergency.

    The good pastor was ministering to the Canadian truckers in Ottawa by conducting church services for them each Sunday. He was ordered to stop doing so by the Canadian government and he refused to comply. I invite you to watch the you tube video of his arrest if you have any doubts about what I am telling you. Surrounded by a dozen armed officers he is ordered to come along, but he does not comply. Like the Gandhi protesters in India and the followers of Martin Luther King, he drops to his knees with his hands behind his head.

    Evil calls to us and tells us to comply, but we are expected to refuse compliance as Pastor Pawlowski did. He did not resist he just refused to assist and forced the officers to drag him to their arrest van. The officers did not hesitate and seemed very willing to carry out their orders. The Pastor had been in trouble with the Prime Minister before since he was once ordered to stop saying negative things about the vaccine. Once again, he refused to comply, so he was ordered to put a warning label on anything he wrote or said about the vaccine. He again refused to comply.

  • Another War of Intelligence


    Darrell Castle talks about the threatened war between Russia and Ukraine with the possible involvement of NATO including the United States.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is the 18th day of February in the year 2022 and I will be talking with you about the threatened war between Russia and Ukraine with the possible involvement of NATO including the United States.

    There are, as usual, a lot of hills to die on this week including Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau invoking the Emergency Act to put down with force a peaceful act of civil disobedience. We also have rising inflation with 7.5% in January the worst in 42 years resulting in Americans getting poorer each day as their wages are stolen by inflation, and soaring rates of violent crime. I have decided, however, to turn my attention to the plains of Russia and Ukraine which have been fought over for centuries and are threatening the world again.

    The world is tired of war, and it collectively groans at the thought of yet more blood and treasure expended for no good reason. If we have war, it will again be a war of intelligence because the brave leader must rally the people to sacrifice to defeat yet another blood thirsty dictator. Last week I told you that intelligence is provided to the president or leader from a variety of sources. Those sources know what the President wants to do, and their intelligence has a way of reaffirming and bolstering that decision. They gather it for him, and he briefs Congressional leadership to get them on board and then the people are rallied.

    Even the New York Times is aware of this tendency, so allow me to quote from the Sunday February 13 edition. “Intelligence agencies prodded by the White House, have declassified information, which in turn has been briefed to Congress, shared with reporters and discussed by Pentagon and State Department spokesman. But the disclosures are complicated by history. Before the United States invasion of Iraq in 2003, the Bush Administration released intelligence that officials said justified pre-emptive action, including purported intercepts of Iraqi military conversations, photos of mobile biological weapons labs and statements accusing Baghdad of building a fleet of drones to launch a chemical attack on the United States. The material was all wrong, reliant on sources who lied, incorrect interpretations of Iraq’s actions and senior officials who looked at raw intelligence and saw what they wanted to see.”

  • Unacceptable Views


    Darrell Castle talks about the Canadian Truckers Protest, specifically from the standpoint of how the leadership of Canada reacts to people who disagree. It reminds him of what George Carlin once said, “Knowing how to sing the blues is fine, but what’s really important is knowing why the blues need to be sung.”

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 11th day of February in the year of our Lord 2022 and today I will be talking about the Canadian Truckers Protest, specifically from the standpoint of how the leadership of Canada reacts to people who disagree. I realize that I am late to this party, but I still would like to put in my two cents worth on the topic.

    The Castle Report was off the air last Friday because of Joan’s illness, so I appreciate all the prayers and well wishes you sent my way. She is doing much better now that she is two weeks into the Covid symptoms. She is basically just very tired, but she hopes to return to work next Monday and after 44 years of marriage I am very grateful for the old girl and what she has meant to my life.

    You probably all know the story of the Canadian Truckers by now, and I’m sure you have seen the videos of thousands of trucks lining the highway for 50 miles all rolling into the capitol city of Ottawa. The truckers decided to protest vaccine mandates that were affecting their ability to work and feed their families. The mandates were also imposed by the United States, not just the Canadian government, The difference is that the US mandates, imposed by the Biden administration, restricted the Canadiens from crossing into the US and the Canadian mandate restricted their ability to work at all.

  • War Makes a Good Scapegoat


    Darrell Castle talks about the failure and complete collapse of the Democrat/Joe Biden agenda and the replacement of the Covid crisis with a nuclear crisis.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 28th day of January in the year 2022. I will be talking about the failure and complete collapse of the Democrat/Joe Biden agenda. The COVID Virus was the convenient or planned vehicle to carry the agenda forward as a never-ending crisis allowing a complete totalitarian revamping of the power of government. The end of the COVID crises demands another to take our minds off the failing poll numbers and to augment government power and that crises is conflict with Russia. Everything is driven by money today, and nothing by truth and public interest or public health. It is an agenda, I will submit, that deserves rejection by all decent Americans.

    This quote from the recent Rally Against Mandates held in Washington lays out the destruction that is possible from the agenda’s vaccine mandates. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. “We love the United States Constitution. And we have witnessed over the past 20 months a coup d’état against democracy and the demolition, the controlled demolition of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, and starting with the censorship, James Madison, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson all said the same thing; we put freedom of speech in the first amendment because all of the other rights that we were trying to protect relied on that right. If you give government the license to silence its critics, you have given them the capacity to commit any atrocity they want, and to obliterate all the amendments and rights in the constitution.”

    Whether you believe the COVID Virus is a man-made bioweapon accidentally or intentionally released on humanity, or you believe it to be a naturally occurring mutation of nature, as Mr. Kennedy points out, it has been and is being used to obliterate the bill of rights, thus opening the door to totalitarian rule by government. It also illustrates how easy it is to generate world-wide lock-step action by governments and their health organizations egged on by compliant media. In other words, global conspiracy is possible obviously.

  • Joe Biden’s Greatest Asset


    Darrell Castle talks about the first year of President Biden’s term from the perspective of Mr. Biden’s first press conference of the new year.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 21st day of January in this the year of our Lord 2022. This is a great opportunity to review one year of Joe Biden since this is exactly one year and one day since his inauguration and coincidently this week was his first press conference of the new year. I confess I did not watch the Presser live as I was at work, but I did see the replay and it left me a little depressed that the President appears to be delusional. That is if he actually believes what he said he believes. What about his first year? Did he have any successes that we can talk about?

    The question of what is his greatest asset, is an easy one to answer because his greatest asset for the last year and even for the year of his campaign has been that he is not Donald Trump.  That’s not an asset for the 74 million Trump voters, obviously, but for all those in the extreme left of the Democrat base it is an asset. The harder question to answer is whether it is still an asset. My answer based mostly on gut feeling or instinct is no it is not. Joe is doing well though in his eyes at least as he expressed in last Wednesday’s press conference. Everything is just fine according to the President.

    Everything’s changing. It’s getting better the president said. If you take a look at what we’ve been able to do, we made enormous progress. If you don’t see it that way its probably because there are a lot of things you just don’t understand. The polls confirm that the American people overwhelming agree with his policies and all those polls that show otherwise, well he doesn’t believe them. I won’t call those answers delusional because politicians commonly are so narcissistic, they simply cannot come to grips with their own failure, but the polls this morning are dangerously close to the 20’s.

  • January 6th and the Human Desire to Be Treated Fairly


    Darrell Castle talks about the nation’s Capital on January 6, 2021. He tells the story from a different angle that perhaps you have not heard at least not very often. He refers to his podcast of January 15, 2021 as a previous statement on the incident.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with todays Castle Report. This is Friday the 14th day of January in the year 2022 and I am going to be talking about the incident at the nation’s capital on January 6, 2021. I know you have heard the story ad nauseum from politicians and media pundits, but my goal is to tell the story from a different angle that perhaps you have not heard at least not very much. I refer you to my Castle Report index or archives of January 15, 2021, for my previous statement on January 6th.

    Fairness is a rather ancient concept in the Western World going back to at least the Magna Carta in 1215. It is a world under assault and very threatened right now but still the desire to be treated fairly is one of the most common desires in humanity. Lady justice that all lawyers are familiar with is a symbol of society’s efforts to be fair, to achieve justice and equal protection under the law. The lady is holding a scale in her right hand and a sword in her left, and she is blindfolded.

    She weighs the evidence without seeing any undue influence, and she backs up her justice with the sword. Go to Europe and you will see the same symbol with a different artist’s touch and a more medieval look to the lady. It is all a symbol of a desire, a pledge, to seek justice and fairness in our legal system.

  • Who Really Has the Power in 2022?


    Darrell Castle talks about what in his opinion is most likely to happen in the upcoming year. What are the trends that we can expect to continue and get stronger, and what trends will weaken and perhaps die.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 7th day of January 2022, as well as the first Friday of a new year. Instead of a year in review this Report will focus more on what in my opinion is most likely to happen in the upcoming year. What are the trends that we can expect to continue and get stronger, and what trends will weaken and perhaps die?

    I spent Christmas with Joan and my sister, and we had a wonderful time together. My sister told me about the morning worship of the Dean of Canterbury Cathedral, and I’ve been listening to that each day, but perhaps the best gift and the inspiration for this title, was the Dean’s reading of the Charles Dickens novel, A Christmas Carol. He read the book in three parts, and it was wonderful to hear it in his English accent. The ghost of Christmas future, as you may recall showed Scrooge what his future would be like unless he changed. Scrooge asked the ghost if what he was seeing was what had to happen or what might happen, but he received no reply.

    Dickens’ novel was and is a part of and an example of the Civilization of the West, or Christian Civilization that I often remind you deserves to be preserved. By way of explanation, I defer to the words of Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.

  • When Will You Be Fully Vaccinated?


    Darrell Castle asks the question “Are You Fully Vaccinated?” If your answer is yes, don’t be so sure because the definition is continually changing.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is the 17th day of December in this the year of our Lord 2021. Are you fully vaccinated? If you answer yes, well don’t be so sure because the definition is continually changing. If your answer is no, then when will you be fully vaccinated? I can answer that question in this opening paragraph and save us all a lot of trouble. The answer is that you will never be allowed to be fully vaccinated for more than a brief time because you will always need the next booster.

    Christmas is next week folks plus I am moving my law office to a new building next week, so I am going to leave you in peace until the first Friday in January. Speaking of peace, take time to celebrate the coming of the prince of peace into the world.  This has been quite a year and that is for sure. We tried to return to normal but although the football stadiums were full again the people of some cities and some states are still not free to move about as they see fit. If only everyone would get vaccinated, we would all be fine but some people are just too hesitant or at least that seems to be the official story.

    The health authorities, i.e., Dr. Fauci direct us to have two injections and then after 6 months a booster and that would make us fully vaccinated so we can receive our permission card to travel and participate in a somewhat normal life. If you have not had all those injections, then you don’t get the card and only the federal courts can order your employers to continue your employment. If you go along though, whether you believe the hype or not, just go along, you will be OK and perhaps even virtuous, correct? Just comply and do whatever the authorities command. Just join the right side of history and be obedient.

  • The Worst Thing That Has Happened to Humanity


    Darrell Castle talks about how fear of the pandemic is being used by various people around this world to dismantle democracy, obliterate constitutional rights, and usher in totalitarian governments.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 10th day of December in the year 2021.  This report will discuss how fear of the pandemic is being used by various people around this world to dismantle democracy, obliterate constitutional rights, and usher in totalitarian governments and leaders.

    Before I begin I make note that last Tuesday the 7th of December, was the 80th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor that launched the United States into World War ll. That date is an appropriate start from which to begin a discussion of fear and what it is currently doing to the once free people of the world. The United States had a population of about 160 million at the start of the war and during the four years of conflict about 16 million served in uniform or about 10% of the population. They served because their nation had been attacked and because evil had to be eliminated from the world. Their victory gave the world, even defeated foes, a chance at democracy or the right of people to govern themselves.

    Today, we find ourselves in another battle, the greatest battle of our lifetimes, possibly of all time, according to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in his book, “The Real Anthony Fauci” which I again urge you to read. Mr. Kennedy describes how a coalition of forces—intelligence agencies, pharmaceutical companies, social media titans, medical bureaucracies, mainstream media, and the military, are using fear induced by a health crises to impose totalitarian control worldwide.