• President Biden Declares Ideological War Against Dissidents


    Darrell Castle talks about the President’s speech last week in which he basically told us that government is no longer accountable to the people, but the people are now accountable to government.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is September 17, 2021, Constitution Day for those of us who still recognize the document, and today I will be talking about the President’s speech last week in which he basically told us that government is no longer accountable to the people, but the people are now accountable to government. Several times during his speech the president portrayed the unvaccinated as a potential enemy, and a domestic danger. Those who don’t want the vaccine often tend to be conservatives with right of center views so President Biden appears to have declared class or ideological warfare on dissidents.

    The president attacked not only the unvaccinated but everyone he considers to be accomplices in their refusal to obey him. He said this is not a freedom issue when it clearly is. He wagged his finger in the faces of the American people and said we have been patient, but our patience is running out. I wonder who exactly he means by we? He seems to be saying we the elite, we your betters, have spoken and you will obey or else. He obviously thinks of himself as benevolent dictator who has been patient with his unruly children but now its time for corporal punishment.

    He attacked, not just the people, but the infrastructure surrounding them which he thinks aids them in their disobedience. Dissident doctors were told that their medical boards should threaten their licenses to practice if they did not comply. Those who disagree will have the weight of the federal government brought to bear against them. He also said that the vaccinated would be turned upon them. Vaccinated America is growing frustrated he said, with the 80 million people who have not received shots and are fueling the spread of the virus.

    The federal government has been telling Americans for many decades what they could not put in their bodies. In fact, the prisons are almost bursting at the seams with people who put something in their bodies the federal government did not approve of. The federal government is so certain that it knows what is best for us that it claims the sovereign right to tell us that if we consume something prohibited, we will certainly go to prison. Now, for the first time the federal government, speaking through its mouthpiece, Joe Biden, claims the right to tell us what we must put in our bodies.

  • The House Built on Lies is Crumbling


    Darrell Castle talks about lies spoken from the top of our government and its supporting bureaucracy and how those lies are being revealed and the revelations are not going over well with the average American.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is the 10th day of September in the year 2021 and I will be talking about many examples of lies at the top of our government and its supporting bureaucracy and how those lies are being revealed and the revelations are not going over well with the average American.

    The Castle Family is very happy this week as the family daughter is scheduled to arrive from Los Angeles this very evening. We haven’t seen her in almost two years so if you are a parent then you know I don’t need to say anything else.

    This Castle Report was finished when it was too late to include the President’s dictatorial decrees about vaccine mandates. Perhaps I will be able to address them next week when we know more. I just want to say today that when a person tries to assume dictatorial powers and he is stopped by congress, the courts, or simple refusal to obey then all you have is a silly person with delusions of grandeur, but if no one stops him then he is indeed what he presumes to be, dictator.

    I think it was former Senator Al Franken who coined the phrase lies and the lying liars who tell them, but in any event, it is a phrase appropriate for today’s commentary. Dr. Anthony Fauci is director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and chief medical advisor to the president of the United States. He has steadfastly denied being responsible for any gain of function research into the COVID virus since the outbreak began. He testified before congress on many occasions and denied it under oath.

  • The Collapse of Command Authority in the West


    Darrell Castle talks about his perceived collapse of American command leadership or command presence and what that means to America, NATO, and the West in general.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is the 3rd day of September 2021, and this is Labor Day Weekend when we get 3 days away from work to celebrate work. I will be talking about what I perceive to be the collapse of American command leadership or command presence as the Marine officers would say it, and what that means to America, NATO, and the West in general.

    The Castle Family is still in good health as far as we know and looking forward to Labor Day Weekend when we will have 3 days away from work. Ribs will be cooking on the Castle grill on Monday, but the real excitement is that the family daughter will leave her safe haven in Los Angeles and head to Germantown to be with her parents’ next weekend. We haven’t seen her in almost 2 years, so we are very excited.

    I will put this in very common terms to start and that is that Joe Biden has lost his Mojo, his command presence. That means America has lost its Mojo as well because to the rest of the world right now Joe Biden is America. He is especially America to Communist China, North Korea, Iran, Russia, and to Islamic Jihadists around the world. You’ve probably heard the adage that power abhors a vacuum and in this case something or somebody will step in to fill the vacuum left by the collapse at the top of the American Institutions upon which American and Western safety and security depend.

    The Washington power establishment made up of the intelligence, security, diplomatic, and military which project American command and authority around the world are in a state of almost complete collapse. You can bet the farm that the rest of the world is noticing. This collapse has been brought to the forefront by the debacle in Afghanistan, but the rot has been eating at the foundations for some time.

  • A Terrible Week


    Darrell Castle talks about a terrible week for the Biden administration, but an even worse week for America.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 27th day of August 2021 and today I will be talking about the last week we just lived through. It was a terrible week for the Biden administration, but even more terrible for America. 13 dead Marines in Kabul at last count along with hundreds of civilians. That number is exactly 13 more than during the entire last year of the Trump administration. It was all unnecessary so buyer’s remorse anyone.

    The Castle Family is doing pretty well this week considering the week we just went through. Nobody is sick as far as we know and the family daughter is out in LA avoiding the smoke as best she can, but I just hope and pray she is able to avoid the woke.

    Yes, it has been a terrible week for Joe Biden and for America. 13 dead Marines all good men willing to risk their lives when called upon to do so but unfortunately, they were led by cowardly imbeciles. I’m not talking about their superior officers. I’m referring to the leaders, so called, who sit in the White House and on the joint chiefs. Those leaders are a lot more concerned about teaching critical race theory at the academies and making sure transsexuals are in uniform than in preparing an army to fight and win wars.

  • Afghanistan Graveyard — Claims Another Victim


    Darrell Castle talks about Afghanistan, and how the 20-year long effort of the United States to bring gender identity and social justice to a medieval society ends in failure in about 72 hours.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 20th day of August in the year 2021 and I will be talking about Afghanistan as the 20-year long effort of the United States to bring gender identity and social justice to a medieval society with a strange religion, strange culture, and where the word gender does not appear in any of the many languages ends in failure in about 72 hours.

    The Castle Family is doing well this week as the kids are back in school and the summer winds toward a close. We get up each day and go to work where we work hard and then we return home for a night’s rest and work around the daily chores of living. That is life in America today for the fortunate ones like us. I’m sure the family daughter is enjoying many of the same things safe in the golden land of Los Angeles, California.

    Why is Afghanistan sometimes referred to as the Graveyard of Empires? For the answer I turn to writer and economist Bill Bonner. “The British Empire concluded 80 years of warfare in Afghanistan in 1919. Their empire survived approximately 20 years after that when it faltered, declined, and was replaced by the United States as the new emperor of the world.

  • Why Must the Whole World be Vaccinated?


    Darrell Castle talks about the tremendous pressure being brought to bear from the government against private citizens and businesses to take or require the vaccination for the COVID-19 virus.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday the 13th day of August 2021, yes, it is Friday the 13th but whether it will prove unlucky remains to be seen. I will be talking about the tremendous pressure being brought to bear from the government against private citizens and businesses as well to take the vaccination for the COVID virus. Come out now and be vaccinated for the good of all they say. I will offer two competing theories for this pressure, and you can decide or perhaps offer your own theories. 

    The Castle Family is still healthy as far as we know and enjoying what is left of summer. Temperatures have been in the high 90’s this week so it is still summer although the kids are now back in school. I don’t know the temperature situation where the family daughter lives, but she is healthy and safe in LA. 

    To give us an illustrated picture of the first theory I will turn to the New York Times edition of last Sunday. The times devoted most of its editorial section to the vaccine and what the Times refers to as reluctance.

  • Infrastructure, Boondoggles, and Greasy Palms


    Darrell Castle talks about the 2,700 page new Bipartisan spending bill that is known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 6th day of August in this the year of our Lord 2021, and on this Report, I will be talking about the new Bipartisan spending bill that is to be finally voted on this week or next week. The 2700-page bill known as The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is not an investment and whether it creates any new jobs remains to be seen.

    Fortunately for the Castle Family we do have jobs despite the federal government’s policies this week and it is indeed a beautiful summer week in Memphis. The July heat has moderated leaving mid 80’s temperatures. The family daughter remains safe in the glorious and golden state of California.

    I am going to introduce this Report with a quote from Dr. Ron Paul which is a very good representation of my own views and the premise of this Report. “For Libertarians—and even many non-Libertarians—it’s not shocking to discover that a US Administration lies and deceives the electorate. For government on all levels, lying to the American people is as American as apple pie. Sometimes the liars are held to account for their deception, but most often they are not.”

    I can’t personally think of many lies where the government liars have been held to account so let’s take our subject for today as an example. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is a lie by its very name because the planned spending is not an investment and words can not change that. If we assume that the infrastructure of America, the roads, bridges, tunnels, waterways, water systems, airports, need emergency work then we should certainly make those repairs when the money is available. These expenditures, normally made in good economic times are expenses, perhaps necessary, but not investments.

  • Violent Crime and Revolving Doors


    Darrell Castle talks about the growing crime rate in our cities, some causes, and some solutions.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 30th day of July 2021 and on today’s Report I will be talking about the growing crime rate in our cities, some causes, and some solutions. I will share some of what is happening in the great cities of our nation and how the politicians who run those cities have chosen to react to the trends they must obviously see.

    The Castle Family is doing just fine right now, in good health as far as we know, and just enjoying the summer. The weather in Memphis, Tennessee right now is hot and humid with Temperatures hovering around 100. The tomatoes must be watered often to keep them growing. The family daughter is safe in LA just going about the sweet spot of her life.

    Speaking of Memphis, and our topic for today I want to share with you a direct quote from the Mayor of Memphis that comes from the email newsletter he sends to residents each week. “Last week, I talked about violent crime in our community and the revolving door that has unfortunately become our judicial system. I want to talk about it again this week to further reiterate that this issue is deeper than simply arresting people. It will take all of us—elected officials, the court system, public safety professionals, clergy and religious leaders, schools, and families—to solve this complex problem. EXAMPLE:

    September 20, 2020—suspect charged with aggravated assault (shooting at people on the interstate) $7,300 bond.

    September 21, 2020—suspect released on bond.November 29, 2020—suspect allegedly involved in attempted armed robbery in which four men were shot and two pronounced dead on the scene.

    July 21, 2021—suspect arrested and charged with first degree murder, two counts of employing a firearm during a dangerous felony, and three counts of criminal attempt felony to wit especially aggravated robbery. No bond set.

  • Our Coming Crisis


    Darrell Castle talks about the arrival of a new crisis which he believes is headed our way and is inevitable due to the resistance to the restrictions of the COVID response; thus needed to keep the people terrified, inline, and obedient.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 23rd of July in the year 2021 and on this Castle Report I will be talking about the arrival of a new crisis which I believe is headed our way and which I believe is inevitable. People are starting to resist the restrictions of the COVID response because they can see that the restrictions are not based on science and in many cases are anti science. Crisis after crisis will therefore be necessary to keep the people terrified, in line, and obedient,

    The Castle Family enjoyed its family reunion last weekend which was held at a beautiful mountaintop setting in East Tennessee. I’m not sure how many were there but we had food for fifty and it was mostly gone. We had a good time together catching up on each other’s lives and remembering those no longer with us. The family daughter remains in the city of angels with a new mask mandate in place.

    Speaking of mask mandates, those are probably the most resisted of the responses to the COVID virus. The people in authority and those who slavishly follow their dictates can no longer point to masks and tell us to follow the science, and most people know that now. Some people wear them when requested just to prevent a disturbance but some resist wearing them which occasionally results in violence. A retail store can refuse to admit you or tell you to leave, but trouble happens most often when the one refusing the mask is in a closed environment where he can’t just leave such as an airplane in flight.

  • What Is Wrong With The U.S. Navy?


    Darrell Castle talks about the U.S. Navy and its readiness for combat as determined by a recent Congressional inquiry.

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    Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 16th day of July in the year 2021 and on this Report, I will be talking about the U.S. Navy and its readiness for combat as determined by a recent congressional inquiry. Yes, congress or I should say some members of congress are so concerned by reports coming from the Navy including accidents at sea, fires at sea, cancellations of expensive projects, etc. that they commissioned a study and a Report which is the subject of this Castle Report.

    The Castle Family is doing well this week as we try to find something of what is left of those things, we used to call normal. We haven’t been together as a family in about two years so this weekend we will gather for a reunion. Joan and I are looking forward to it, but the family daughter will unfortunately be unable to leave fortress Los Angeles.

    There are many things of a current nature that I could talk about today. Things like the long-term dangers of intentionally destroying legal institutions, customs, and traditions to achieve a short-term goal. Things like the President of the United States channeling Joe Stalin, i.e., its not who votes, its who gets to count the votes that matters. Yes, comrade we know, and I know that is why you are so afraid of voter I.D., but Instead, I’ve decided to continue last week’s Report on how this new politically correct world is affecting the U.S. military’s readiness.