Military Use of Lethal Force in America
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Darrell Castle talks about a new Department of Defense directive 5240.01 which allows the US military to use lethal force against American citizens when assisting police authorities in domestic disturbances.
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle report. This is Friday the 18th day of October in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about a new Department of Defense directive 5240.01 which allows the US military to use lethal force against American citizens when assisting police authorities in domestic disturbances. This Directive changes the relationship between the American people and their military and coming this close to the election might indicate civil disturbances, otherwise known as a coup, are expected in case of a Trump win.
Yes, it seems that politicians on the Democrat side of the political spectrum, apparently unable to articulate any position on any issue that might be of vital importance to the electorate or the American people in general, are unleashing their inner demons to fuel the fantasies of a few prominent people on the left. The DOD directive allowing the use of lethal force by the US military inside the US is particularly frightening to me for many reasons.
It seems to be a clear violation of the Posse Comitatus Act and the intent of that act which prohibits use of US military in a law enforcement capacity. Posse Comitatus originally passed in 1878, limited the power of the federal government in a law enforcement capacity. It was originally intended to get the military out of law enforcement in the south post-civil war. It has been expanded and reinforced many times, the last being the Defense Authorization Act in 2022. The act has some grey areas for politicians to wriggle through such as the fact that it doesn’t apply to the various state guards or even to the Coast Guard which has law enforcement responsibility offshore.
The Anti-Free Speech Movement
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Darrell Castle talks about the fate of the First Amendment, especially the freedom of Americans to speak their minds without running their thoughts through a government-controlled censor.
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 11th day of October in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about what is perhaps the most important issue on the ballot this November and that is the fate of the First Amendment especially the freedom of Americans to speak their minds without running their thoughts through a government-controlled censor.
Should the federal government be the arbiter of what the public should be able to read or hear. That is the question I will talk about especially how some prominent Democrats have answered that question. Some of the richest and most powerful people on planet earth are now calling for Americans to be censured. That word sounds so benign that it has to be defined before it has any impact. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees that the government can not legally prevent Americans from speaking their minds or expressing their opinions verbally or in print. In other words, the government is not legally permitted to censor us. That is the basic foundation of free people and it is the First Amendment for a reason.
Hillary Clinton seems to have taken the lead in the campaign to restrict our freedom and she has taken her efforts globally by encouraging other countries to restrict the speech of their citizens. She recently asked European governments to censor Elon Musk because he permitted unregulated speech on X. She also went on CNN to talk about how discouraging it is that censorship is such a tough sell to the American people. She said the road the anti-free speech advocates have traveled on has been a rocky and difficult one. “There are people who are championing it, but it has been a long and difficult road to getting anything done.”
Unfit to Lead
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Darrell Castle talks about Democrats in general and Kamala Harris in particular and their complete indifference to the suffering of the people in the Southeast of the United States along with their priority of making America a one-party state similar to the pre-breakup Soviet Union.
Transcription / Notes:
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 4th day of October in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about Democrats in general and Kamala Harris in particular and their complete indifference to the suffering of the people in the Southeast of the United States along with their priority of making America a one-party state similar to the pre-breakup Soviet Union.
Times of crises are the toughest test of leadership and in that regard our current non-leadership fails miserably. Yes, it seems that Vice President Harris is a lot more comfortable begging her Hollywood friends for money than she is providing aid and comfort to Americans who are suffering and have truly lost everything. Finally, after several days of photo ops and fundraising she was apparently told by the Secretariat of Democrats who direct her that she should go down to Georgia to show some sympathy to all those southern deplorable peckerwoods who have lost everything.
I thought about calling this Castle Report the devil went down to Georgia but I was afraid I might run afoul of whoever owns the rights to that song. It would also be an insult to the song and especially to Charlie Daniels. This disaster has been a different kind of disaster for Biden-Harris and her efforts to become President. Who would vote for this completely unfit and unfeeling woman after seeing her response to this disaster. Democrats and illegals I guess. Well, there are a lot of people in the Southeast United States who will not be able to vote at all this year except maybe the dead ones who can vote Democrat of course.
The U.S. Government Must Want Trump Dead
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Darrell Castle continues his discussion of the two attempted assassinations of Donal Trump in light of the recently released 94-page report by the Senate Committee tasked with investigating the Butler, Pennsylvania attempted assassination in which Trump was wounded.
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Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 27th day of September in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be continuing my discussion of the two attempted assassinations of Donald Trump in light of the recently released 94-page report by the Senate Committee tasked with investigating the Butler Pennsylvania attempted assassination in which Trump was wounded.
I really struggled with the topic this week because I normally try to look at the most important issue in the world and that is the brink of nuclear war on which the world now sits. In addition, Israel has alerted its armed forces to prepare for a ground invasion of Lebanon. Therefore, war involving the United States appears inevitable and even imminent. I decided, however, to continue with the assassination story despite the U.S. Government’s willingness to risk the destruction of the world in a nuclear holocaust. Perhaps Trump’s seemingly narcissistic statement that he is the only one who can stop World War III is not narcissism but truth.
Maybe that is why the United States Secret Service (USSS) which is supposed to be the best protective organization in the world appears to be completely incompetent. Yes, there are lots of coincidences appearing in the two attempts to kill Trump and the Senate’s 94-page report, while critical of the USSS, paints them as primarily mistakes and coincidences. I will try to look at all the smoke emanating from Washington, Pennsylvania, and Florida, and point out that there might be a little fire going on in all that smoke.
Criminal Negligence or Intentional Act?
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Darrell Castle talks about the second assassination attempt against the life of Donal Trump.
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Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 20th day of September in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the second assassination attempt against the life of Donald Trump in two months. The question that should be answered is, was this latest attempt just criminal negligence on the part of the federal government and its various agencies or was it an intentional act.
When I look at what happened this time I can’t help but wonder what is going on here with this political party in charge of our government. The same political party that tells us Donald Trump is a threat to democracy and a threat to America. Was this an amazing coincidence or could people inside the federal government and its ruling elite be out to stop Donald Trump at any price.
The two soft approaches that are available to a dissident’s enemies have already and are currently being tried. If the dissident politician has enough money to satisfy him so that money doesn’t tempt him, the next step is to publicly demonize him. Trump is usually referred to by any Democrat as a threat to democracy and a threat to America. He is a would-be dictator and if elected he would turn this glorious democracy into a dictatorship and end freedom forever. The other day I heard a lady interviewed on MSNBC who said that he is exactly the same as Hitler. I doubt that she has a good understanding of who Hitler was and what he did but nevertheless its obvious she has bought the propaganda hook line and sinker.
Psychotic War Criminals Endorse Harris
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Darrell Castle talks about some of the people who have seen the light and decided to work for the election of Kamala Harris – Dick Cheney leading the way.
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Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 13th day of September in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about some of the people who have seen the light and decided to work for the election of Kamala Harris. Perhaps the worst and most disgusting, lying war criminal in American history, Dick Cheney and his designated successor, his daughter Liz went public with their endorsement of Kamala Harris.
She must be so proud to have received such a ringing endorsement from such a gentleman as Dick Cheney. I know she is proud to have the endorsement because she said publicly that she was proud. No, on second thought she didn’t say she was proud and I don’t want to misquote her. She said she was “honored” to have Cheney’s endorsement. So, yay, the man we were calling literally Hitler a few years ago just endorsed us. What does that say about us, about me, well folks, I guess we’ll just call that irrelevant for now.
Joe Biden, before he developed dementia, described Cheney as the most dangerous Vice President in US history. Now, when he was forced out of the race in a palace coup he left with his endorsement a woman who then acquired the endorsement of the very dangerous Dick Cheney. I’m just speculating here, but maybe Dick Cheney and Kamala Harris have found common ground as despised Vice Pressidents.
Speech Is a Priviledge to Kamala Harris
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Darrell Castle continues to discuss how important free speech is to the American view of freedom with an emphasis on how Vice President Harris views our right to speak freely as revealed by her own words.
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Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 6th day of September in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be continuing my discussion of free speech and how important it is to the American view of freedom with an emphasis on how Vice President Harris views our right to speak freely as revealed by her own words.
It seems that to Ms. Harris, as a faithful authoritarian, speech is something that has to be regulated and controlled by the federal government which she hopes to lead someday soon. I wonder if she has ever stopped to consider that when the government claims the authority to regulate speech it is no longer free. It seems that despite all the “joy” attached to her campaign by the media she is the same person she has always been.
Most of her free speech attacks came long before the January 6th controversy which has been the Democrats lynchpin for why Donald Trump should not be allowed to speak freely. She was advocating that his speech be censored on social media back in 2019. Referring to social media sites, she said that there has to be a responsibility placed on them to understand their power.
The Feds Admit They Censor Americans
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Darrell Castle talks about a letter written to the House Judiciary Committee in which Facebook CEO Mark Zuckergerg admitted to Congress and the American people that under pressure from the Biden/Harris Administration, his social media platform censored American content related to COVID and Hunter Biden’s laptop during the 2020 election.
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Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 30th day of August in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about a letter written to the House Judiciary Committee in which Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted to Congress and the American people that under pressure from the Biden/Harris Administration, he censored them. He admitted to a censorship campaign that targeted content related to COVID and Hunter Biden’s laptop during the 2020 election.
Yes folks, in addition to donating hundreds of millions to the Biden/Harris campaign, Zuckerberg admitted to depriving Americans of real information and feeding them false information that was designed to affect their health, possibly fatally. That wasn’t enough for Zuckerberg and Biden, they also had to cheat, lie, and steal an election all the while telling us that trump is Hitler and a threat to democracy. If you don’t lie down while we steal this election through subterfuge we will tell the rest of America that being a MAGA Republican is akin to being a NAZI.
In a government the size of America the typical voter is hopelessly torn to bits by the flood of information that is constantly fed to him and her. Who is to know what is worthwhile and what is not so one is just blown along by the winds of relentless propaganda fed to him by his own government through its various ministries of propaganda like Zuckerberg and Facebook. The voter hasn’t met any of these people and he doesn’t even know anyone like them. He normally doesn’t associate with power obsessed people but nevertheless they are out there looking to deceive him in order to gain and keep power at any cost.
The Harris Plan to “Fix” the Economy
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Darrell Castle talks about the announced plan of Kamala Harris to “fix” the American economy along with a discussion of that most undemocratic of institutions, the Democrat Party.
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Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 23rd day of August in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the announced plan of Kamala Harris to “fix” the American economy along with a discussion of that most undemocratic of institutions, the Democrat Party.
Why do I refer to the Democrat Party as undemocratic. There are many reasons but primarily that Party seems to regard the will of the people as nothing but a nuisance to keep the ruling elite of the Party from having their way. For example, Hillary Clinton received more primary delegates than Barack Obama but he was nominated because he had more “super delegates.” The current nominees, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz received no delegate votes at all, not a single vote but they have the nomination and not Joe Biden who received 14 million primary votes.
Far a perfect explanation of American politics, and the entire election process I turn to the incomparable H.L. Mencken:
Terrorist or Freedom Fighter
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Darrell Castle talks about former member of Congress, Tulsi Gabbard, and how she has been investigated, followed and branded publicly as a potential domestic terrorist under the government’s new “Quiet Skies” program.
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 16th day of August in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about former member of congress Tulsi Gabbard and how she has been investigated and followed and branded publicly as a potential domestic terrorist under the government’s new “Quiet Skies” program.
Yes, it seems that Tulsi has upset all the wrong people or all the right people depending on your point of view, and she has been placed on what amounts to a dangerous terrorist watch list under the Quit Skies program. She has been and is being tracked by government agents in a program that reminds one of the surveillance regimes of the Soviet Union or perhaps East Germany before the Soviet breakup.
This all came to light because one of those agents was disturbed by what he was ordered to do and became a whistleblower by contacting an organization called Uncover DC. The whistleblower said that Tulsi was singled out as a terror threat and Tulsi said his report matched her experiences and explained why she had been having so much trouble moving about the world in recent days. She went abroad for a short trip just a couple of days ago and was harassed at each leg and in each airport of her journey.