What Now?
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Darrell Castle addresses the question of what happens now to our country assuming Joe Biden is inaugurated.
Transcription / Notes
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday the 20th day of November in the year 2020 and today I will be attempting to answer the question that many people have asked me about the election, what happens now. The Castle family is fine this week although a little down that we will not be together for Thanksgiving. We have chosen to not travel this season and we live in different parts of the country, so we comply with Dr. Fauci by accident. Speaking of Thanksgiving; next week there will be no Castle Report as Joan and I try to relax and give thanks as I trust you will also. Since I will not be talking next week, I will try to give you your moneys worth this week.
What now? That is the question that I am often asked these days usually by someone who has no interest or experience in politics. People are worried, concerned, even frightened by the uncertainty in the country and they want an answer from someone they trust. I spoke to a family friend the other day who said she had been waiting to talk to me so she could ask me what is going on, what is going to happen in this country right now. OK if you put it that way, I’ll take a guess.
Free and Fair Elections
Podcast: Download
Darrell Castle talks about the concept of free and fair elections and addresses the question of what happens when a supposedly self-governing people do not have free and fair elections.
Transcription / Notes
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday the 13th day of November in the year 2020, and today I will be talking about the concept of free and fair elections and addressing the question of what happens when a supposedly self-governing people do not have free and fair elections. First, I will tell you that the Castle family is doing fine again. I have at least partially recovered from my melancholy and everyone else is happy and healthy. I have to mention that last Wednesday was veteran’s day and Tuesday was the 245th birthday of the United States Marine Corps. My service there is now almost 50 years in the past, but it is not forgotten. Now, some commentary about our recent presidential elections.
There are so many things that could bring about the destruction of the American Republic, but one of the most obvious is a corrupt election process. We find ourselves today in a fight for the continuation of the Republic and ultimately for the survival of Western Civilization. The stakes could not be higher than they are right now. Some people are so used to losing and so self-loathing that they immediately capitulated to the enemy, but others realize that sometimes fighting to the end and even to the last man is preferable to surrender.
Election Night – What Happened
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Darrell Castle asks what does the election really mean for our future in America.
Transcription / Notes
Hello this is Darrell Castle with Today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday the 6th day of November in the year 2020 and to tell you the truth I don’t feel much like talking today, but I’ll try. I won’t lie to you by telling you that the Castle family is doing fine today because some of us are suffering. I’m sure the family daughter is just fine, and my dear wife Joan just rolls with the punches and tries to keep me levelheaded, but I have been suffering since Tuesday night.
There is no clear winner as of this recording, and there might not be for weeks. Will there be a new court ordered election or just endless counting and fraud allegations? One thing seems clear and that is that the world has seen the American Democratic process with all the glory and grandeur stripped away and only the chaos and division remaining.
The Greatest Problems Facing the Nation
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Darrell Castle talks about the November 3rd election and why it may be the most important election in American history or why it may not matter at all.
Transcription / Notes:
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday the 30th day of October in the year 2020, the day before Halloween, the penultimate day of October in this plague year. The authorities tell us that Halloween has been cancelled this year because of the virus. We wouldn’t want any kids out having fun and possibly being exposed to the virus now would we. Right now, for my children, I would fear visible predators of the human variety more than invisible ones of the virus variety.
The Castle family is doing alright as we enter the Thanksgiving month. We are certainly thankful that our family is healthy and virus free as far as we know. The family daughter is still celebrating because her team, the Los Angeles Dodgers, won the world series.
Next Tuesday, the 3rd of November is election day when the people will select a president to serve for at least the next four years. Sometimes people ask me if I am a supporter of Donald Trump considering some of the things, I have said about him during his first term. In the words of my old friend Doug Casey, choosing a Republican instead of a Democrat would be like selecting a heart attack over terminal cancer.
The Worst Enemy the United States Has Ever Had
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Darrell Castle talks about the worst enemy the United States has ever had — The New York Times and the entire corporate media.
Transcription / Notes
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday the 23rd day of October in the year 2020 and in this rather difficult trying year, we in the Castle family are doing fine. We certainly have had our problems with business and personal life in this plague year, but who hasn’t? The family daughter has her new dog now and seems very happy so that translates to happiness for us.
I would prefer to make this Report about the real problems that confront the nation right now, problems which are not debated or even talked about by the candidates, but I can’t do that quite yet. I still have another Friday before the election so maybe I will do that next week. Today I must continue the discussion of the war, the cultural war and the various combatants who wage it. Remember folks, this is commentary on the news or the comments of one person, me. I endeavor to report only what I think I can defend but still the words are mine.
Religion and Politics
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Darrell Castle talks about religion and politics which are front and center in the Senate confirmation hearings of Judge Amy Coney Barrett as an associate justice of the United States Supreme Court.
Transcription / Notes
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday the 16th day of October in the year 2020 and so far, this month the Castle family is doing well. We have beautiful fall weather here in Memphis with warm days and cool nights. The leaves are just starting to fall as the colors begin to change. The geese are on the wing more often now although they are not coming down the Mississippi River fly way yet. That happens when cold weather hits Minnesota and Canada.
Today I am going to talk to you about the two subjects we are taught from childhood to never discuss in public, religion, and politics. I will discuss those things at the same time since they are front and center in the Senate confirmation hearings of Judge Amy Coney Barrett as an associate justice of the United States Supreme Court. There may be some problems with judge Barrett’s confirmation because she is catholic, but when you take away religion as a legitimate target of attack what is left.
Insanity Is the New Normal
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Darrell Castle talks about why there has been so much hatred, so much vitriol, leading to an attempted coup by certain Democrat politicians against the President of the United States.
Transcription / Notes
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is the 9th day of October in the year 2020 and that is significant because the 11th day of October, this Sunday is my 72nd birthday. Yes, I’m 72 years old but still in very good health with no virus in sight. The Castle Family is doing fine as well, and I expect I will see the family daughter on video this weekend.
Today though, I am talking not about me but about how society reached a peak and then seemed to go in reverse. I claim no knowledge of the future, and I’m no expert on prophecy, but I do claim to having at least a passing grade knowledge of the past. I recall, for example, the famous picture of John Kennedy looking out the window of the oval office, agonizing over the decision he had to make during the Cuban Missile Crises. The nation felt for him and agonized with him, and we trusted him to make the best decision he could.
What Happens if Biden Wins?
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Darrell Castle talks about the recent presidential debate and explains what would happen if Joe Biden is elected President.
Transcription / Notes:
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday the 2nd day of October in the year 2020. That’s right, its October already and it seems impossible but here it is anyway. What happened to this summer and what happened to this year? The virus happened I suppose, and the government reacted to it. Well, the Castle family is doing fine anyway. We are all healthy as far as we know and there is no virus among us.
Today I’m talking about the debate that was held last Tuesday the 29THof September. Debate is what that television show was called but it didn’t fit any of the rules I have come to think of as governing civilized debate. In some ways it was like two chimpanzees screaming and throwing feces at each other. I have been involved in many debates in my life and in fact as a lawyer almost every conversation is a debate. I’m not talking about conversation though, but instead I am talking about formal, organized debate.
Who Should Replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg?
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Darrell talks about the nomination of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s successor. Should there be a nomination prior to the election, and if so, who should be nominated?
Transcription / Notes:
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is the 25th day of September in the year 2020, perhaps a year that will be pivotal in the history of the United States and the world as well. First, I want to tell you that the Castle family is doing fine during these very unusual and difficult times. The family daughter is adjusting well, and she seems more upbeat, more positive than she has in a while, and we are very grateful for that.
Today, I am talking about questions that are ever before us if we watch or listen to the news at all these days. We all know that Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) recently died at the age of 87 after 27 years on the United States Supreme Court. RBG had reached iconic status both as a Court Justice and as a feminist leader and trend setter.
When Will We Return to Normal?
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Darrell Castle talks about when our world, which has been torn apart by the virus and the government’s reaction to it, will be allowed to return to “normal”.
Transcription / Notes
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday the 18th day of September 2020 the day after Constitution Day. That is a day set aside each year to remember and honor the U.S. Constitution may it rest in peace.
Here at the Castle Family we are doing just fine enjoying the cooler weather kicked up by hurricane Sally which just came ashore in the Gulf. The family daughter is getting back into living in a first world country which has modern marvels such as a machine which dries clothes, a nice bed, and a real bathtub. It is good to live in such a wonderful country, and once you have been away it is easier to appreciate that.