• 2023 – The Post Constitution Year


    Darrell Castle discusses how a group of unelected billionaires and the politicians and global organizations they own, have supplanted national governments along with their constitutions and justice systems.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 5th day of January in the year of our Lord 2024. This Report will discuss how a group of unelected billionaires and the politicians and global organizations they own have supplanted national governments along with their constitutions and justice systems by cleverly using their vast wealth to destroy Western Civilization and its ideas of individual liberty, thereby moving the world toward more and more authoritarian control.

    Obviously, I can’t discuss or even remember all the things that happened last year but at the risk of criticism for reporting only bad news, I will present as realistic a picture of 2023 and the final billionaire conquest of the Western world as I am able. By the way, the reason I report mostly bad news is that the news is mostly bad, however, I admit that’s just my opinion. 

    The trend that continued from 2019 through 2023 was the leftover effects of the Covid psyop. I see many people now including those in government who admit that it was all just a psyop although they would never use that term. The world was going along just fine but then a group of mad men apparently led by the science, Dr. Anthony Fauci, decided to release on the world a virus which they weaponized to make it more virulent and more infectious. According to the work of Dr. Naomi Wolf who examined the Pfizer documents using a team of 3500 professionals, it was nothing less than an attack on humanity and an attack on the ability of humans to reproduce for the billionaires’ insane depopulation agenda.

  • Attacking the Pillars of Civilization


    Darrell Castle talks about how the pillars that make modern civilization possible are under attack from those who say they want to save the planet from climate change.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 15th day of December in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about how the pillars that make modern civilization possible are under attack from those who say they want to save the planet from climate change. To save the earth they tell us we must dismantle the very building blocks of civilization.

    Before I start, I remind you that next Friday and the one after that are the Fridays before Christmas and New Years Day so I will be in a festive and hectic holiday mindset as I suspect will you so I will talk to you again, God willing on Friday, January 5th, 2024.

    This is December, the holiday season for most Americans and the festive atmosphere is well underway. We get ready for Christmas with our families, especially our children as we love to enjoy the excitement of Christmas with them. Family gatherings, office parties, shopping for presents, and attending holiday festivities occupy our time and make December, a time of vacation for many, one of the busiest and most hectic months of the year for many others.

  • World Gone Mad


    Darrell Castle talks about examples of madness occurring in America and around the world that he never thought he would live to see.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is the 8th day of December in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about madness occurring in America and around the world that I never thought I would live to see. The continuation and funding of pointless wars by the United States around the world along with continuing and intensifying attacks on Jews in America and around the Western world are just two of the many examples of madness.

    Before I start with the madness Report, I remind you that yesterday, December 7th was the 82nd anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor or the day of infamy as FDR put it. Today is the beginning of Hanukkah for our Jewish friends as they suffer the brunt of much of the madness that I will be talking about. Tomorrow December 9th is my dear wife’s birthday so happy birthday Joan. In a couple of weeks, we will celebrate our 46th anniversary, and that is no small achievement today.

    War is my subject and my beat today, and the war in Gaza seems to have taken the war in Ukraine off the front pages at least for a while, but that doesn’t mean the U.S. has stopped fighting Russia. The German Corporation, Rheinmetall, has been given a large contract by some unnamed NATO country that has been a large financial supporter of the Ukraine war effort. Well, I scratch my head and I wonder which country that could be. Who could afford to give a German Company 142 million Euros to build 155MM howitzer shells for Ukraine. How many rounds of 155 shells, tens of thousands is all they will say.

  • The Masses Revolt Against the Global Order


    Darrell Castle talks about examples which indicate that the deplorables are starting to revolt against the global ruling elite.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 1st day of December in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about three or four examples coming simultaneously, or at least back-to-back which indicate that the deplorables are starting to revolt against the global order. They have apparently reached the end of their patience with the neoliberal world order that has been forced on them for decades.

    What is this neoliberal global order that the masses are starting to revolt against. Mass immigration floods Western countries with immigrants who compete for jobs and drive wages down. They don’t compete with the elite because the elite own the factories, they don’t work in them. They also compete for housing, not in elite neighborhoods, but in the margins. When they are permitted, they vote for people who promise to allow more immigration.

    Immigration on a mass scale is a problem but not by any means the only problem. The world created by today’s global ruling elite is difficult and perhaps unsustainable for millions of working people. The governments produce invisible, printing press money like there is going to be no limit or end to it, but they are all on their way to having such unpayable debt that not only can it not be paid, but it also cannot even be serviced. Something is starting to occur to today’s young and today’s poor and that is that when one generation gets something for nothing the next gets nothing for something. The foreign policies of the elites who run our world have set the rest of the world against them. Military policies and attitudes against other nations have them constantly, perpetually at war. Green energy policies virtually guarantee that the offspring of today’s working people will not have the same freedom and prosperity as older generations.

  • One War – Three Views


    Darrell Castle talks about the ongoing war in Gaza and looks at the different views of the war by different people who have different perspectives on the same series of events.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 17th day of November in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about war, especially the ongoing war in Gaza. I will be looking at the different views of the war by different people who have different perspectives on the same series of events and I will argue that neither of the first two perspectives is completely accurate but the third perspective explains not only Gaza but war in general.

    I will begin by reminding you that next Thursday is Thanksgiving Day and I plan to spend some time with my family having a good meal and giving thanks so no Castle Report next week. Have a good holiday with family and don’t forget to give thanks.

    What do we know for certain about the war in Gaza? I don’t mean what the news media tells us or what we hear through rumors but what do we know for certain. There are so many conflicting opinions of the war that we don’t know much beyond what is happening on the ground with the movement of troops, etc. We can have at least a little confidence in what the reporters on the ground monitoring and reporting on the fighting tell us, but even then, their work is filtered through their networks, newspaper editors, etc.

  • Hatred of Israel or Hatred of All Jews


    Darrell Castle talks about the war in Gaza and explores the hatred being expressed against Jews around the world. It seems that the hatred expressed is not just against Israel, but Jews in general.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 10th day of November in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking once again about the war in Gaza and exploring the hatred being expressed against Jews around the world. It seems that the hatred expressed is not just against Israel, but Jews in general and that said hatred is coming primarily from the very far left rather than the very far right.

    I cannot begin this report without noting that today is the Marine Corps’ 248th birthday so happy birthday Marines. Tomorrow is Veterans’ Day, and how appropriate that days are set aside to honor those who have fought the nation’s wars over the centuries because once again we find the world at war and threatened with annihilation. Our current war is on the other side of the world, but as usual the United States is right in the middle of it as a willing participant.

    My subject today is not so much war as it is hatred being expressed around the world against Jews.  Here in America, last Saturday 10’s of thousands of people marched on the White House screaming Allahu Akbar which means God is Great. Along with God is Great they screamed various vile profanities which seemed to be directed personally at President Joe Biden. They attempted to breach the White House security cordon but were denied access by armed and uniformed Secret Service and other White House Security. They defaced government property by committing acts of vandalism including spray painting and throwing blood on various monuments.

  • This War Smells a Little Like Armageddon


    Darrell Castle talks about the war between Israel and Hamas and the terrifying potential for it to escalate.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 3rd day of November in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the war between Israel and Hamas and trying to make sense of it as I am able at this time. What is the war about right now, and what does it have the terrifying potential to escalate into soon.

    I can’t use a title with the word Armageddon in it without talking a little about what the word means. It is a word coming from the Christian Holy Bible in the book of Revelation chapter 16 verse 16. “Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon. “The battle of Armageddon is basically predicted to be the final battle between good and evil or God’s forces against the kings of the earth. Do I think this war is the actual battle of Armageddon, no I don’t but what I am trying to say is that unless cooler heads prevail it could morph into something at least resembling it.

    The war has been ongoing since October 7th so it has been only about two months. The thing that strikes me about it other than the killing and dying which is what war is, has been the propaganda. Real events are used to inflame the populations of both sides as well as the populations of interested countries. Israel is portrayed as the persecutor of the Palestinian people having kept them imprisoned in an open-air concentration camp for 15 years. Hamas is portrayed as bloodthirsty savages. How much of the propaganda is truth and how much is fiction is anyone’s guess right now. We in the West sometimes think we know but often our assurances are just guesswork based on our own innate prejudice.

  • The Classic Mistake of War


    Darrell Castle talks about the classic mistake of war and how the United States seems hellbent on making it as the country rushes toward an out-of-control catastrophe.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 27th day of October in the year of our Lord 2023 and today I return to the Castle Report after three weeks away and I find the world in danger with the United States right in the middle of it of course. I will be talking about the classic mistake of war and how the United States seems hellbent on making it as the country rushes toward an out-of-control catastrophe.

    The classic mistake of war is opening two fronts without the resources to fight them. That was the mistake of Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany whose name is almost synonymous with the mistake. The Kaiser went to war against Russia and a French and English alliance at the same time and the result of his mistake was the destruction of Germany leading eventually to a second world war.

    It is World War I that I am talking about but as a wise man once said, if you don’t learn from history you are doomed to repeat it. The Kaiser’s war could possibly have been contained until England mobilized and declared war, but once that happened it became a World War resulting in the deaths of over 70 million people. The United States today is on the verge of making the classic mistake of the Kaiser. The war in the Middle East might be contained unless the United States enters actual combat, but then the chances of it spinning out of control and going global are too great to contemplate.

  • Despicable Denial


    Darrell Castle talks about the refusal of Joe Biden to provide Secret Service protection to his rival for the Democrat nomination for the office of President of the United States, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 29th day of September in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the refusal of Joe Biden to provide Secret Service protection to his rival for the Democrat nomination for the office of President of the United States, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. That denial is unprecedented and considering the family history of Mr. Kennedy I call it despicable.

    Before I get started, I need to tell you that the 11th of next month is my 75th birthday and my wife has two weeks of parties planned to celebrate my life with her and then I have the Constitution Party National Committee Meeting to attend so I will not be able to continue this effort for the next three weeks.

    I have investigated the rules of the Secret Service as I have been able because it is after all Secret. The secrecy of the Secret Service is understandable given the job of protecting the highest value targets for every terrorist and political nut job in this world. I was able to determine some basic rules or policies as far as who gets the protection and who doesn’t. It seems that a general rule is that if a candidate requests protection he or she gets it.

  • Dispirited People


    Darrell Castle talks about the troubling dissatisfaction that is present in American life today caused by the economic reality of the middle class and the indifferent attitude of America’s politicians.

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    Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 22nd day of September in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the troubling dissatisfaction that is present in American life today and I argue that much of it is caused by the economic reality of life in Middle Class America, and by the indifferent, let them eat cake, attitude of America’s politicians.

    Polling data indicate that my theory is valid and that the middle class is disappearing because it is being incinerated by the economic reality it faces. For example, the President spoke to the UN General Assembly earlier this week and he told them that he supports delivering the health care of Americans into the hands of the globalists at the UN World Health Organization. In the choice between freedom and enslavement he clearly comes down on the side favoring enslavement. Mr. Middle Class sees all this and he doesn’t know what to make of it but he is very suspicious. Not suspicious enough to go to the barricades, not yet anyway, but a report coming from the Census Bureau this week might help him on his way.

    Yes, while the President was telling the UN that we just have to persevere in Ukraine the Census Bureau was telling Mr. Middle Class that he was descending into poverty as if he didn’t already know that. Yes, it seems that the poverty rate increased last year for the first time in 13 years. So, the President goes to the UN or he takes another 10-day vacation and the working people of America slip into poverty. That’s more than likely going to cause some unease among Americans, even Democrats. I suppose the President’s usual answer of Trump did it will have to suffice at least for a while.