Davos Man and the Annual Meeting of New Champions
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Darrell Castle talks about the conference of the World Economic Forum which just concluded its summer meeting in Communist China. This report is a continued warning that the WEF is real and its members work night and day for the destruction of human freedom around the globe.
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Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle report. This is Friday the 7th day of July in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the summer conference of the World Economic Forum which just concluded its summer meeting in Communist China. This Report is a continued warning that the WEF is real and its members work individually and collectively night and day for the destruction of human freedom around the globe.
The World Economic Forum would be a joke if it were just some bunch of university professors talking about imposing their will on the world, but it is instead made up of the richest and most prominent people on earth. Titans of industry, especially high-tech industry, university intellectuals, bureaucrats, and politicians from virtually all governments meet to discuss how they can destroy the freedom and independence of the rest of us. They refer to themselves in this summer conference as (AMNC) and that means, believe it or not, The Annual Meeting of New Champions.
This summer’s conference concentrated on the most woke and anti-freedom ideas disguised as inclusive but in fact hiding in plain sight its genocidal ideology which it inherited from the Nazi father of its current president Klaus Schwab. Specifically, this conference met with its primary agenda the current status of Central Bank Digital Currency. Quote from the Conference as to status:
Abuse of Power
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Darrell Castle talks about the abuse of power, the corruption, and the willingness of the President of the United States to sell his country for money.
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Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 30th day of June in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the abuse of power, the corruption, and the willingness of the President of the United States to sell his country to foreigners, some of them enemies or at least very hostile to America, for money. Did he do that or was it just Hunter? That’s our subject for today.
It saddens me greatly to have to discuss such things especially on the Friday before the 4th of July, but nevertheless wishing that it had not and is not happening won’t make it so. It appears that the President of the United States is so vile, so wicked, so totally corrupt, that he used his son as a conduit to extort money from foreign corporations and governments in exchange for favors and influence from the Vice President, and currently the President of the United States. The accusations I just mentioned are, as Ron Paul just stated, imminently impeachable.
Will the President face impeachment charges over any of the corruption that he appears guilty of? I doubt it very much because of past behavior of this government and the weak, gutless nature of Republicans in congress. More and more evidence pours out of the cesspool of house oversight committee hearings every single day but it gets nothing more than a nod or raised eyebrow from the Democrats. When did members of the House and Senate transition into advocates for a corrupt President?
The Peace Speech Plus 60 Years
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Darrell Castle talks about the 60th anniversary of President John Kennedy’s speech given at American University on June 10, 1963, in which he made a dramatic call for peace — a watershed moment in American politics and foreign policy.
Transcription / Notes
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 23rd day of June in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the 60th anniversary of President John Kennedy’s speech given at American University on June 10th, 1963, in which he made a dramatic call for peace. I argue that the speech was a watershed moment in American politics and foreign policy because the organization in control of those things hated and feared peace as much in 1963 as it does now.
What was President Kennedy trying to do? What kind of peace did he seek—he tells us.
“Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children—not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women—not merely peace in our time but peace for all time.”
“I speak of peace as the necessary, rational end of rational men. I realize that the pursuit of peace is not as dramatic as the pursuit of war—and frequently the words of the pursuer of peace fall on deaf ears. But we have no more urgent task.”
Jack Smith’s Statement Is All Wrong
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Darrell Castle talks about the criminal indictment of Donald Trump in Miami this week, specifically regarding the statement of prosecutor Jack Smith and why that statement is all wrong.
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 16th day of June in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the criminal indictment of Donald Trump in Miami earlier this week. I wish I didn’t have to talk about it but I do because it is the most important story of this week. Primarily, I will be talking about the statement of prosecutor Jack Smith to justify his actions and why that statement is all wrong.
I’m going to approach this story differently from the Soros prosecution story because it is federal and the real issue is what is happening to our country because of the obvious weaponization of the Department of Justice to attack a political opponent. When I was in law school, I was taught that it is highly unethical and a disciplinary offense for a lawyer in a civil case to threaten criminal charges to intimidate his opponent thus sweetening his civil amount. Here we have a case where the entire power of the politicians, bureaucrats, and other apparatchiks of the deep state could not win fairly at the polls so they decided to use their immense power in a criminal way.
This use of the Department of Justice to prosecute and possibly take away freedom from a political opponent reflects on all of us. Trump’s right when he says they are out to get me but they are really coming for you, I’m just in the way. Whether or not Trump was just pontificating, this misuse of what used to be justice, but is now just a weapon, is a threat to all of us. If I could get only one thing across in this report it would be that whatever side of the political divide you are on, this is a threat to all of us. It is a serious threat to the system and whether Donald Trump may have committed some jot and tittle violation of some records law is irrelevant to what is really happening.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Struggle for Liberty
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Darrell Castle talks about what he believes to be Robert Kennedy Jr.’s heroic struggle for what is left of liberty in America.
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 9th day of June in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about what I believe to be Robert Kennedy Jr.’s heroic struggle for what is left of liberty in America. Sometimes it becomes necessary to resist those who seek your enslavement and who seek tyranny for your nation and right now Bobby Kennedy is doing a fine job of fighting back.
Yes, I imagine it’s lonely out there on the battle lines against those who want to keep Americans in the dark and deny access to virtually all truthful and reliable information. Time after time, throughout most of my life Americans have been brainwashed, indoctrinated, and deceived. Not many political candidates stand against that deception that all candidates pay lip service to. They say they will drain the swamp but in the end the swamp is still there only deeper and more impassible than ever.
Kennedy, on the other hand knows full well the consequences of attempts to tell the truth to the American people. The truth is so vital, so important, that it is hard to imagine a free country without truth. We in America are denied the truth time and time again and therefore, we are not truly free. Sometimes we the people would just appreciate a real investigation to at least attempt to find the truth, but instead we get some type of sham investigation run by those beholden to one side or another.
Riding the Train to World War III
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Darrell Castle talks about America’s latest war which it is fighting along with its NATO allies against Russia on the battlefields of Ukraine while riding on the train to World War III.
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Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 26th day of May in the year of our Lord 2023 and this is also the Friday before Memorial Day which for most of us is a three-day weekend but it is also a time to pause from our barbecue grills and remember those who have fallen over the roughly two and one-half centuries of America’s existence. In that vein I will be talking about America’s latest war which it is fighting along with its NATO allies against Russia on the battlefields of Ukraine and on the train to World War III.
Before I start, I must tell you that next weekend my dear wife and I are going to spend some time with our daughter and son-in-law so no Castle Report next week. God willing, I will talk to you again on Friday the 9th of June. Today’s Report concerns the frightening escalation of the war in Ukraine which is obviously a war between America and its NATO allies against Russia. Ukraine is the battlefield and it is remarkedly similar to the battlefield the Russians fought on about 80 years ago. That war, fought on the plains of Kursk and this one just a few miles west of Kursk in what is now Ukraine.
The battles raging now are primarily on the eastern border of Ukraine and Russia in virtually the exact area that Germany fought the Soviet Union in some of the greatest armored battles in history. So, the Russians should have that area indelibly etched in their collective memories since they have been fighting off invaders in that region for centuries. They fought the Mongols, they fought Napoleon, and they fought Hitler, but the difference is that this time the Russians are the invaders or so it seems.
Stolen Elections and the Idea of America
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Darrell Castle discusses the Durham Report and argues that it proves that the FBI, the Department of Justice, and the CIA conspired with the Hillary Clinton campaign to steal the 2016 Presidential election.
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Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 19th day of May in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the report that the nation has waited four years for Special Counsel John Durham to deliver. The report confirmed something that I have been arguing for many years now and that is that everything in government is corrupt and not to be trusted. The U.S. government has been taken over and destroyed by its ruling elite which is destructive of the Constitution and destructive of even the idea of America.
The idea of America, the idea held by the founders and by the US Government throughout much of its existence is that instead of being subjects to royal or imperial power, people in America could run their own lives and govern themselves. The Durham Report revealed that to no longer be the case in America.
The FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice colluded with the Hillary Clinton Campaign to rig the 2016 presidential election and apparently CIA operatives working illegally within the US managed it all. The Report consisting of 316 pages reveals incontrovertible proof that federal law enforcement was weaponized to shield the Hillary Clinton Campaign and persecute the campaign of Donald Trump. You might be surprised to learn as well that the CIA, prevented by law from acting within the United States, was nevertheless, also involved in the chicanery.
The Skeletons Report
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Darrell Castle talks about the one politician who is telling the truth in America today and discusses some of the skeletons in his closet.
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Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 12th day of May in the year of our Lord 2023. Empires live and empires die just like people but is it possible to reign in the empire and save the republic before it dies or leads us into World War lll. Is there anyone willing and able to speak the truth and ask the right questions about what this government is doing and why it is doing it in politics today?
Politicians in general almost never do anything helpful, and they usually do the opposite of the thing that would be most helpful. Is there any politician out there today who is willing to ask the right questions to reign in the empire and possibly save the republic. I did get some very encouraging words from the announcement speech of Robert F. Kennedy, jr.
He said one of his goals was to end the divide but so far nobody can find a good or safe way out of that divide. He would do that by encouraging people to talk about the values that we have in common rather than the issues that keep us apart. Most importantly, he said “I am going to do that by telling the truth to the American people.” Well that would be a pleasant change wouldn’t it because it is now difficult or impossible to hear a politician tell the truth about anything.
Tucker Carlson and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
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Darrell Castle talks about the recent firing of Tucker Carlson from his program at Fox News as well as the announcement of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as a candidate for President of the United States in 2024. Is there a connection and do they have anything in common.
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 5th day of May in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the recent firing of Tucker Carlson from his program at Fox News as well as the announcement of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (RFK) that he would be a candidate for the Democrat nomination for President of the United States in 2024. Is there a connection and do they have anything in common.
There is a common thread that runs between the two of them although they appear to be on opposite sides of the political spectrum. Tucker was fired because he had the audacity to present the big topics to the American people. The topics he presented will define the American future but they are simply not permitted to be discussed by the American media. There are other supposed reasons coming from Fox but I believe that is the real reason.
The two men seem to have developed an interest in some of the same topics such as war, civil liberties, artificial intelligence, and other emerging sciences, the COVID and especially the vaccine controversy, corporate power, and the merger of corporate and government power. Tucker’s firing was a shock because he was by far the Fox Network’s biggest star and biggest draw with an average viewership of 3.7 million per episode.
Making China Great Again
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Darrell Castle talks about the economic and industrial nature of modern war and how that nature inures to the benefit of China as well as how the world is turning away from the financial system of the U.S. and the U.S. dollar.
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 28th day of April in the year of our Lord 2023. I will be talking about the economic and industrial nature of modern war and how that nature inures to the benefit of China. I will also talk about how the world is turning away from the financialized system used by the US and how much of the world’s population of people and nations are turning away from the dollar to other currencies especially the Chinese Yuan.
For purposes of our discussion, I will presume that modern war began with World War ll, and that war certainly was industrial. The United States, protected from attack by two oceans, was able to convert its massive industrial base into war production while Germany and Japan were subjected to strategic bombing to destroy their industry and with it their capacity to make war, and therefore, industry was the difference.
Most war today is psychological although there is plenty of kinetic warfare in the world. Both still depend to a large extent on economics and industry. For example, this Castle Report was inspired by an article I read on Russia Today entitled Russia has enough coal for 300 years—Energy Ministry. It seems that Russia has enough coal to last for centuries and while industry in the US is winding down largely because of efforts to convert from fossil fuels to green energy, and the movement of manufacturing offshore. Russia, meanwhile, just goes about digging its coal out of the ground and shipping it all over the world.