
Resetting the Global Order


Darrell talks about several things that taken together, in his opinion, represent an attempt by President Trump to reset the global order.

Transcription / Notes


Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 14th day of March in the year of our Lord 2025. I will be talking about several things that taken together, in my opinion, represent an attempt by President Trump to reset the global order. Some of those things include a proposal for a ceasefire in Ukraine, along with the US and Europe’s special relationship and the attitude of the US toward Russia.

US national security advisor Mike Waltz and Secretary of State Marco Rubio went to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for talks with Ukrainian officials about a proposal for ending the Ukraine/Russia war. It’s a very difficult thing to end a war unless you are able to raise your flag over the enemy capitol. Getting two warring sides to just stop fighting and stand in place is very difficult because one side or the other always has the advantage or momentum and wants to keep it.

This particular peace conference was apparently brokered by the Saudis who had several representatives in attendance. One important party missing from the meeting was Russia which will obviously have to be onboard if the ceasefire has any chance of working.

Ukraine agreed to the discussions and quickly agreed to the deal when Zelensky’s visit to the oval office didn’t go so well and Trump cut off aid and Intelligence information to Ukraine. Without that intelligence including targeting information, Ukraine could not prosecute the war so Zelensky swallowed his pride and accepted the deal. Now, it has to go to Russia for approval and that might be difficult because Russia seems to think it has the advantage. Several Russian missile attacks against Ukraine have occurred since the deal was made but that is probably just trying to appear dominant before Putin talks to Trump or whoever it turns out to be.

This ceasefire proposal is set to last for 30 days as a way to start negotiations to end the war. Again, it’s difficult because both sides think they have won or at least should win and winners expect to dictate terms not to negotiate. Trump’s attitude has been to let Zelensky know that the US billions were going to stop flowing and it is in his best interest to make the best deal possible. That deal will not include NATO membership or a US guarantee of security for Ukraine, hopefully. Why couldn’t Europe just admit Ukraine to NATO on its own? No, it can’t because admitting new members has to be unanimous.

Rubio was quoted as saying that Ukraine has to be ready to do difficult things and Russia would also have to make difficult decisions. When asked what difficult decisions he said that both sides would have to conclude that the conflict could not be resolved by military means. Rubio said that the President wants the war to end and Ukraine has accepted that premise and we hope the Russians will accept it as well. My interpretation of that diplomat speak is that Ukraine will have to permanently concede the eastern Russian speaking provinces along with Crimea to Russia. Who will maintain this proposed ceasefire line, I’m not sure but I hope it’s not the USA just as it does in Korea. No, that would be very unacceptable and I hope that Trump would not go along.

Yesterday, in advance of any US—Russia meeting Putin rejected the ceasefire as proposed without “substantial changes.” He said he wanted the root cause of the conflict eliminated but he did not say what he thinks the root cause is. He wants guarantees that the Ukrainians will not mobilize, train soldiers or receive weapons during the ceasefire. These proposals seem reasonable assuming that Putin would also agree to abide by them although his announcement did not say that he would. He made the announcement just as the American envoy, Steve Witkoff was arriving in Moscow so perhaps Mr. Putin thinks Trump’s eagerness to stop the war and his impatience with Zelensky gives him, Putin that is, an advantage so we wait to see what happens.

In my opinion, Trump wants the war to end as part of resetting the US relationship with Russia. He wants a future relationship based on commerce and business rather than who has the most missiles. This, in effect, is a new world order in the making. The new world, as Trump apparently sees it, includes the US, Russia, and China as equal partners, or in other words a multipolar world. The Ukraine war and war in general, and I presume that includes the Middle East, are the things preventing Trump from doing want he intends and that is to reverse what the World Economic Forum calls the Great Reset.

So, what is the Great Reset or world order that he wants to reverse? The world envisioned by the WEF and certain divisions of the UN is a world without religion except ultimately the worship of the new world government. It is a world without nation, without race, and without even gender. It is a world where we, the inhabitants of planet earth, are just an amorphous blob with no identity and loyal to nothing because nothing matters enough to be loyal. It is a world where we eat what the new overlords allow and we will live on the tiny 15-minute city plot to which we are confined. We will not dislike our new lives because everything our overlords think we need will be provided. We will own nothing and we will like it. We will always feel safe and secure because we do have the safety and security of the slave.

The average person in the US and in Europe might not see the new world exactly as I do but they do see it and they have developed a seething rage at what has been done to them and their world. You could call this new energy MAGA or whatever you want but on both continents a determination to root out and change or destroy the enemies of all that’s honorable and decent is growing in intensity. The elite don’t see it, they don’t get it, and so they continually double down on their policies. They continue to tell us that yes, men can get pregnant, and a man can become a woman just by thinking about it.

All over the world, Mr. and Ms. Average understand that globalist efforts to steer us into their global prison are terrifying but obvious so they are turning to leaders who share their opinions and are not afraid of being hated. The other side, and in America that’s the Democrat side, doesn’t seem to see the change that is coming. If you are an alcoholic or drug addict, you probably know that your actions are going to kill you eventually but you can’t or won’t stop. I guess that analogy makes sense when the woke policies are obviously nonsensical but continue anyway even when rejected by a majority.

In Europe 27 countries pledged to continue the Ukraine war by pouring more money and equipment into the struggle. I suppose they will continue until the last Ukrainian is dead. They say they want Ukraine to continue the war but that country has few men of fighting age left and is now recruiting the older and younger generations to pour into the meat grinder. A tiny few Europeans resist the urge to kill their way into the great reset. Victor Orban of Hungary says no I will not help you kill more people because Trump is right about this struggle. “Strong men make peace and weak men make war.”

Here in America the counter revolution continues. It insists on reciprocal tariffs with friendly nations and hostile nations as well, but those who have imposed tariffs on American manufacturers for many years such as Mexico, Europe and especially Canada are starting to understand that the old ways whereby they can impose tariffs on the US but the US cannot reciprocate are changing.

The counter revolution requires a leader who is not afraid of controversy and Trump seems to embrace controversy rather than run from it. He apparently sees what he is trying to do in the world as similar to building a tower in New York against all the odds. Financing has to be found, incidentally in New York prosecutors try to put you in jail for that, deals have to be made, opponents must be overcome, and eventually a beautiful and superior product is delivered to the public. That’s the business model he has used throughout his career.

Fortunately for President Trump his Democrat opposition is the greatest weapon he has. Sane people would look at the results of the election and the way the world is changing and reflect on what that means for them but these people are not sane. They apparently love war in theory at least. I doubt that any of them would want to fight the wars they favor but nevertheless they seem to like it for others. When asked if they want this to continue for another five years they applaud wildly.

They are foul-mouthed to the point that they can’t separate the floor of the House and Senate from their den or some bar. The F word, once reserved to illustrate very important points and always to indicate you reject all forms of conventional morality is now the first word out of the mouths of Democrat lawmakers. They talk of American exceptionalism and yet their conception of it is vile and profane. They are embarrassingly infantile and exhibitionist, and they don’t seem to understand why others don’t appreciate their juvenile antics. They are so completely out of touch with the American people that Trump’s counterrevolution seems perfectly normal.

The same thing is happening in Europe as the European people try to escape from the great reset. Europe doesn’t have our inconvenient Constitution so they simply disenfranchise their political opponents as they recently did again in Romania. They deprive the people of a voice in who governs them just as they did in ancient times. The European elite try very hard to make their countries a blend of all things on earth by rejecting historic Christianity in favor of Islam and anything that promises to be an enemy of traditional Christianity. I suspect that they know that Islam doesn’t come to assimilate but to conquer but they don’t seem to care.

Here in America, Democrats, rather than agree with the things Trump does such as no boys on girls’ sports teams, they choose to oppose everything he does. They have no policy positions of their own to offer, no direction, no leadership, except the most foul mouthed, incompetent ones, but they just double down on what people have already rejected. If Trump succeeds in saving the world from the Great Reset, we will be able to thank the Democrat Party and its foul mouthed politicians for the victory.

Finally, folks, democracy is not the highest form of government. Individual liberty is what made America special and its what has always separated the US from the “other democracies.” Human nature makes pure democracy impossible and unworkable so it will always be controlled by a tiny elite.

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.

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