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Dan Rhinehart
Youbare truly a blithering idiot, and a blight on the face of America in general and conservatives in particular.
You act as if Puerto Ricans are foreigners. I seriously doubt that you even know that each and every Puerto Rican is as much an American Citizen as are the residents of Iowa and Kansas. Moreover, Puerto Rico is every bit as much a part of the United States as New Mexico and Arizona were in 1912 when they became states.
There are more Americans living in Puerto Rico, than there are in Alaska and Hawaii combined.
You actually have the audacity to openly state that you do not want these Americans to have the same rights as other Americans because they will vote the wrong way!
Maybe by your logic take away the voting rights of American States such as Colorado that are strongholds of the Democratic Party. Perhaps Colorado should be deprived of its Statehood because it’s citizens vote the wrong way.
You as such are a repugnant open wound on the face American Republic, and a cancer in the body
of true conservatism in America
Jacques Chabot
I think another area that would be good for your podcast would be IHeart Radoi.
You are a great defender of the Constitution Darrel, Thank You
Jacques Chabot ~ Jac Lou