Terrorist or Freedom Fighter
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Darrell Castle talks about former member of Congress, Tulsi Gabbard, and how she has been investigated, followed and branded publicly as a potential domestic terrorist under the government’s new “Quiet Skies” program.
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 16th day of August in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about former member of congress Tulsi Gabbard and how she has been investigated and followed and branded publicly as a potential domestic terrorist under the government’s new “Quiet Skies” program.
Yes, it seems that Tulsi has upset all the wrong people or all the right people depending on your point of view, and she has been placed on what amounts to a dangerous terrorist watch list under the Quit Skies program. She has been and is being tracked by government agents in a program that reminds one of the surveillance regimes of the Soviet Union or perhaps East Germany before the Soviet breakup.
This all came to light because one of those agents was disturbed by what he was ordered to do and became a whistleblower by contacting an organization called Uncover DC. The whistleblower said that Tulsi was singled out as a terror threat and Tulsi said his report matched her experiences and explained why she had been having so much trouble moving about the world in recent days. She went abroad for a short trip just a couple of days ago and was harassed at each leg and in each airport of her journey.
She and her husband had their boarding passes marked with the quadruple SSSS designation which means Secondary Security Screening Selection. The quad S is usually a marker that tells the agents of TSA or any other airport personnel that the person so designated is a terror threat. So, from this point just imagine Tulsi as a threat to commit an act of terror. Perhaps she might say or write something the regime that seems to be in control of all Western nations considers to be not in compliance, but actual terror.
For Tulsi the quad S meant delays of up to 45 minutes every time she went through an airport security process. Tulsi, an Iraq war veteran and current Army reservist said she usually packs light but sometimes that made it even more difficult because it was easier for them to go through and examine with their eyes and their hands each item of clothes she had in her carry-on bag. She said she had a couple of blazers; workout clothing and underwear and they squeezed every inch of each item at each airport change for her trip.
Agents unzipped the lining inside the roller boards of her suitcase and examined every inch of the liner. She was ordered to take out every piece of electronics and turn each one on including her military phone and computer. Tulsi said she normally uses her military ID to get through security but for several trips including one trip to her reserve base in Oklahoma, the ID failed to get her through. One agent saw the quad S and said how can you be quad S and be in the military. I suppose that’s a good question would have been her answer but that’s just a guess.
She reports that on one flight there were at least six agents doing her screening, along with dog teams. There were dogs in Dallas and dogs at the gates where she had to wait. Yes, indeed Tulsi Gabbard is quiet the terror threat. The whistle blower said that she had been placed on a domestic terror watch list. According to him she had two explosive detection canine teams, one Transportation Security Specialist (for explosives), one plainclothes TSA supervisor, and three Federal Air Marshalls assigned to every flight she boards.
Uncover DC said she was placed on the list July 23 and the trio of Air Marshalls began flying with her on July 25. So far at least three Marshalls have flown with her on at least eight flights. The goal, according to the Quiet Skies program, is to surround people with human watchers. There are potentially 15 such Marshalls or human watchers assigned to each gate where the quad S flyer is waiting.
Tulsi said, “this is not a woe me situation, instead it’s bringing to the forefront how brazen the political retaliation and abuse of power continues to be under the Biden-Harris administration.” It seems to me that all this abuse heaped on Tulsi has served to confirm that she has been right about things all along. Tulsi’s not the first to be tracked by this Stasi imitation government that we are under right now and she won’t be the last, but she is perhaps the most high-profile target and I might add the most obviously undeserving of such treatment.
The quiet skies program was expanded to identify and follow each person who could be identified as having been in the capital on January 6th, 2021. The government does this by pressuring their servants in the corporate world to hand over credit card information for every person who purchased anything within several miles of the capital that day. They also examined every camera in the capital and used facial recognition software to track each individual.
It’s bad enough that Americans are so corrupt that they will follow other Americans for no reason, but Tulsi is different. She is a war veteran with no connection to January 6th or any other government false flag operation. Her appearance on a terror watch list is an indication that the event we were warned could happen has in-fact happened. The surveillance powers surrendered by congress to the various intelligence agencies that make up homeland security have been turned against the American people who through their words demonstrate that they are not one hundred percent in lock step with the regime.
How does Tulsi feel about all this and about how she has been treated by the government she risked her life to serve. “I enlisted because of the terrorist attack on 9/11. I was like a lot of Americans. We enlisted to ensure the safety, security, and freedom of the American people and go after the terrorists who attacked us. And so now to have confirmation—I guarantee there are other men and women in uniform or veterans now being targeted. I can’t think of a word that adequately captures how I feel. The closest I can think of is the deepest sense of betrayal. It cuts to the core.”
I know she feels betrayed and it has left her with a sadness that she lost something precious. I can see it in her face when she appears on video and I can hear it in her voice. She went on to talk about the Homeland Intelligence Experts Group which was led by psychotic lunatic John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper. The documents recently released identify Trump supporters, people in the military, or religious people as indicators for extremism or terrorism. The intelligence community she tells us is therefore targeting people of “many stripes”, but especially those who wear the uniform or have worn the uniform.
Why Tulsi, why put her on the list when she is so obviously not a terroristic threat. She has been a persistent critic of the politicians in the current administration. She was a member of congress in the Democrat Party from the State of Hawaii but she left congress for her own reasons and ran for President in the 2020 Democrat primaries. Her rebuke of Kamala Harris ended Harris’ campaign without a single primary delegate. Perhaps that has something to do with her current persecution.
The day before she was apparently placed on the list she appeared on the Ingraham Angle and criticized the “proxy war” in Ukraine. She said the administration was using “crap” excuses to turn Ukraine into another Afghanistan. Her put down of Harris during the campaign, I imagine stung and was not forgotten by the newly chosen one. She put over 1500 people in jail, Tulsi said, and then laughed about it when asked if she ever smoked marijuana.
There is absolutely no legitimate reason for Tulsi Gabbard to be placed on the Quiet Skies program. Being listed as a potential terrorist, followed by 9 Air Marshalls and three canine teams everywhere she goes is horrible even by the almost non-existent standards for decency of this administration. This is an administration that opens the border for anyone who wants to enter thus permitting the rape and murder of women and little girls across the country. The new candidate for vice president on the ticket with Kamala Harris said he wished he could give ladders to all those people so they could climb in easier.
So, what is Tulsi to do about this persecution that has been cast upon her. She posted on X this statement. “My own government, my president, my commander-in-chief is targeting me as a potential domestic terrorist, the closest word that comes to mind is a complete sense of betrayal. After serving over 21 years and continuing to serve in our nations’ military, my own government has labeled and is targeting me directly now as a domestic terrorist. They’re using people like the air marshals as weapons and pawns to target their political opponents. Of course, there’s no explanation given, which is why we are taking legal recourse.”
What does she mean by taking legal recourse. It’s a little too early to know right now, but there has been some action. Empower Oversight is a firm that has represented whistleblowers and others in the Quiet Skies program as well as the IRS special agents who testified in the Hunter Biden case. Their lawyers sent a letter to Homeland Security demanding an immediate investigation into the Tulsi Gabbard matter. However, Empower says that it has learned that instead of calling off the dogs (literally) assigned to Tulsi the government is proceeding against the Quiet Skies whistleblowers.
Quiet Skies says that this is a program using a risk-based approach to identify and apply enhanced security measures on some domestic and outbound international flights. Simply applying this risk-based rule to passengers does not necessarily mean anything derogatory, etc. so on and so forth, or said this way blah, blah blah. You don’t have to worry about whether these people have probable cause because they admit that almost none of their search’s results in court proceedings so probable cause is unnecessary. I’m sure that if a court proceeding did result, then probable cause would be found very quickly.
Homeland Security tells us that the terrorist watchlist has greatly expanded lately. The new targets are not Muslims flying in from the Middle East, but domestic terrorist threats. You know all those grandmothers who visited DC on a particular day. They also have to pay very close attention to grandmothers who prayed in DC on January 6th. Yes a 72-year-old lady who had lived her life squeaky clean without even a traffic ticket was just sentenced to a fine of $103,000, 6 months house arrest, 12 months’ probation and loss of internet privileges. Yes, I said privileges because speaking is now a privilege in this country and speaking the truth is a crime. Rebecca Lavrenz is known by her friends as the praying grandma, but the Biden Administration says she is a criminal.
In conclusion, Tulsi said that a TSA agent told her that he had noticed that the well-known Quad S targets he had seen were most often supporters of a former president. Can the deep state be dismantled or can the toothpaste be returned to the tube. It’s very doubtful but a good start would be to dismantle George W. Bush’s Department of Homeland Security with a hard look at each of its 270,000 employees to see whether each can continue under the component agencies. Without freedom to speak our minds we are definitely not free and the Government of the United States of America is working night and day to criminalize speech and deprive us of freedom.
Finally, Folks, it’s too bad about Tulsi. She is a woman who should be honored and lifted up by the government as an example for all of us but instead she is persecuted. She is persecuted because the government is wicked, evil and satanic, and simply will not tolerate dissent. I understand why she is persecuted, but I don’t understand why people continue to vote for the descent of our country into satanic evil.
At least that’s the way I see it,
Until next time folks,
This is Darrell Castle,
Thanks for listening.

MsRhuby Star-Diamond
270,000 people working for DHS and we have an open border? Make that make sense!
God bless!
Jonathan Robert Taub
damm sad state of affairs….seems like we are going the way of the CCP in small steps but increasing
after WW2 the U.S. was the great generation that fought facism…now we are the great satan it seems what happened?
tulsi does not seem radical to me in any way….seems like the type of citizen most countries wish they had more of!
it seems like a lot of veterans are well meaning but become victims themselves of “the free press”….meaning they think of foriegn communist countries as being countries with no free press not realizing how its happening here too but at a slow rate like increasing the temperature of a frog in a pot of water
a good example of this is the “china show” a youtube channel that exposes the way that china does things like film a bunch of CCP workers filling sandbags to “help the people” with flooding working in the pouring rain..but in reality,they were only doing a small ten foot section while someone held a hose above them to make it seem they were there while it was flooding…the CCP has been caught numerous times by bystanders with cellphones engaged in this type of propaganda
but then again i remember on CNN two reporters claimed to be in iraq during a gas attack but someone in the studio took a shot showing them on a sound stage