The Global Collective – Our New God
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Darrell Castle talks about how 21st century America has replaced God with a new globalist collective.
Transcription / Notes
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday, May 4, 2018, and on today’s Report I will be talking about or at least asking the question, “has the globalist collective state” replaced God in the lives of 21st century Americans and Europeans?
In a recent lecture at the University of Toronto, Professor Jordan Peterson reflected on the statement by Friedrich Nietzsche that “God is dead.” Nietzsche’s exact words were “God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods to appear worthy of it?”
Professor Peterson explains that rather than a triumphal statement, as is usually presumed, Nietzsche is really saying with his “God is dead” statement, which he made in about 1870, that we in the West no longer believe in God. Upon the belief in God, the belief in divinity, the belief in the Divine hangs all Western morality and the entire basis for Western order in society. His statement then was a lament rather than triumphal.
He thought that all hell would soon break loose without a belief in the Divine to give order and meaning to society. How right he turned out to be about the 20th century. Divinity was the total moral compass upon which society rested and the scientists, university professors, intellectuals and politicians of the day destroyed it. Professor Peterson pointed out that Nietzsche saw the entire paradigm of morality on the chopping block and the result was hundreds of millions of deaths that almost destroyed the world.
Don’t worry though we have found a replacement for what Karl Marx called “the opiate of the masses.” We here in the West have made an exchange since the intellectuals convinced us that we simply had to abandon, to give up God. Oh, they knew that power abhors a vacuum so they had a quick replacement all ready for us.
We have not only accepted the government in exchange for God, we have allowed and even demanded that the government take God’s rightful place in the control of traditional families and community institutions. For centuries the church was one of the most important safety nets for communities but no more. Warm personal institutions and people are replaced by the cold government bureaucracies. I spend a lot of time with clients explaining to them that the system is cold and impersonal, and that it is impersonal because the system doesn’t even know who you are. To the system, people who were formerly viewed as created in the image of God are now just numbers, not neighbors and friends. To find someone who cares, the person at the mercy of the system must rely on his law firm and pray – no excuse me, hope, that at least his lawyer cares.
The more people get what they need from government, in the way of health care, education, a job, income, a home, the less likely they are to rely on religion or God for their sustenance. So in this model people are provided help not from the charity of neighbors and friends but from the forced redistribution of the fruits of the collective’s labor. The church was also the anchor for strong neighborhoods and strong social ties and now that is gone as well as it all is absorbed into our new globalist multicultural world. Millions of strangers living together in the loneliest places on earth, our cities; this is the new model that has been created for us. The God of community and neighbor is replaced by the God of “everything should be free.” Consumerism fueled by hedonistic materialism, works overtime to keep us occupied, amused and make us all believe that everything is just fine.
It has all worked out great for us since there is no one to be polite and grateful to, and no one to return the favor to when we have had a hard time. The government is so much easier to satisfy, since the “help” it hands out is obscured by the sense of entitlement that it creates. This creates a feeling among us of a fixed pie. In other words, power is fixed and there is only so much of everything. Man’s desires are infinite but his resources are finite, therefore, the government must take from Peter to pay Paul.
Government is the great decider and the great dolor out of goods and services. Large problems are not really the government’s best work though, and normally when programs are started the problems are never solved, in fact they just get worse. Kicking the can down the road to the next administration to fix becomes the art of a good politician. More and more layers of bureaucracy are stacked on top of each other and nothing ever goes away. I suppose it is easier to take from others than it is to create.
Since this system is so dysfunctional, it places politics, instead of God, at the heart of everything. The best way for the ambitious to reach the top, therefore, is to become a better politician. He is a very gifted politician is a compliment reserved for those with the least character but who win elections. The object becomes votes, not truth or even problem solving. Any good politician will quickly tell you that it is all about the votes.
Those coming along in the shadow of the successful want desperately to amass power for themselves so they have no choice but to play the game. Politicians usually fail to see the primary problem with all this and that is the future. How does their current action affect the country or the world ten years from now; they just don’t care, relying instead on the reward of instant gratification. Remember that if the benefits acquired in religious faith can be obtained elsewhere, then religion becomes just a tool for the politicians to use to fool the people.
If that were all, folks, it would be plenty, but it gets worse. That’s right because now even the nation state is under attack and threatened with extinction. The nation state depends on nationalism, or a respect for or even love of, country, of the soil under one’s feet to exist and be successful, but the globalists want to destroy all that. Globalism teaches us to value the global collective over the protection of individual rights and individual freedom. There is a globalist way to think and nothing else is tolerated. Free speech is seen as something harmful, and threatening, and usually labeled with pejoratives.
Globalism is more than just a political buzzword today; it is a real force in the world, which will ultimately lead to the centralization of power and loss of individual rights. Globalized institutions, such as the United Nations and the hundreds if not thousands of Non-Governmental Organizations that revolve around it, are in a constant struggle to usurp the sovereignty of member nations.
The ultimate goal of all this is to create a disjointed, culture-less, God-less society made up of dependent people with no connection to one another or even to the soil upon which they stand. This broken excuse for a society will find it ever more difficult to rebel against our new masters, which of course, is the whole point.
Let’s create a race of obedient serfs, diverse in appearance but thinking and saying exactly the same because nothing else is tolerated. Not a single soul can be allowed to deviate from the accepted ideology. It is not enough just to agree to tolerate them, you must clap and cheer and proclaim them progressively superior. Not one person can dissent and escape unpunished because then it would become clear that the whole thing is based on deceit and a fool’s agenda.
So we’ve allowed them to kill God and replace him with this globalist monster.
At least that’s the way I see it,
Until next time folks,
This is Darrell Castle,
Thanks for listening.

Bill Bessonett
I think Paul was safe in telling Timothy that times of difficulty were coming when people would be lovers of self rather than lovers of God. Mainly because that has always been the case. Paul himself said that he had learned how to be content in all circumstances indicating that he had not always been content. Not being content with what God has allowed us is a great sign of our own selfishness. Take Satan for example, his circumstances could not have been any better. But he was not content to be a creature of God but rather wanted to be God. He passed that same desire on to our parents. You hit the nail on the head when you said that the people don’t really care what the decisions they are making will do to the future generations. This hass always been the problem. We all want what we want and we don’t care how it affects anybody else. In Philippians chapter 2 Paul says look at Jesus and follow his example how he gave up everything for us. He showed us that selflessness is God’s way.
Michael Lohin
Isn’t it ironic that those who rebel against a higher moral standard, decency, accountability, responsibility and national sovereignty always gravitate toward a system of eventual, complete intolerance and totalitarianism, but on only their terms. Collective “salvation” I believe. Sadly, even our modern US governmental and economic systems are tailor made for Godless globalism, and that’s what the Bible prophesied. Moreover, we’re now largely either willfully ignorant, dismissive, or distracted enough to avoid involvement in said fulfillment, or even recognize it at this point. It’s just too easy for some and too good for others to let the system play on and marginalize anyone calling it out.
It is with great delight that I state once again “God is still in control,” and He knows the ending of HIStory and our story. For those who do not know Him, it is difficult for them to perceive anything beyond life here on earth, except when death is at their doorstep, and they really believe that Heaven awaits them without having confessed their sins and asked Jesus into their hearts. Why did Christ go to the depths of Hell to take our sins on Himself, if there is no hell, as the Pope has stated?