The Light Shines In The Darkness
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Darrell Castle talks about the decision by YouTube and Facebook to take down several videos and the channels associated with high-profile anti-vaccine activists including Joseph Mercola and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Transcription / Notes
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 1st day of October in this the year of our Lord 2021. My Report today concerns the decision this week of the social media giants, Facebook, and You Tube to take down several videos and their channels associated with high-profile anti-vaccine activists including Joseph Mercola and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The Washington post which initially reported this decision tells us that “experts” say these men are partially responsible for helping seed the skepticism that’s contributed to slowing vaccination rates across the country.
The Castle family is doing quite well this week as we are all healthy as far as I know. The 11th day of this month I will be 73 years old, and I suppose that is reason to celebrate so we will. I always thought I would remain about 25 forever and with just the right break I would win the Olympic Marathon, but alas it didn’t happen. The family daughter is doing well and rumored to be interested in possibly leaving LA. I would be happy for her as right now any place USA seems brighter.
Yes, the Washington Post, spokes paper for the Democrat Party, for the Biden Administration, and for the tech giants, one of which owns the paper has reported that Facebook is Canceling two of the most important messengers of truth in America. The Post is also telling us that only the view authorized by authority is acceptable. I wonder, does that frighten anyone besides me? The toadies of the elites who think they control this world are like rats with their own light switch that they hope will keep us in the dark so we can’t see them.
Naturally, when I read this article in the Post I was alarmed, and a bit flabbergasted at their brazen authoritarianism. Let’s take a closer look at some of the things the article reported. “Misinformation researchers have for years said the popularity of anti-vaccine content on You Tube was contributing to growing skepticism of lifesaving vaccines in the United States and around the world. In July, President Biden said social media companies were partially responsible for spreading misinformation about the vaccines and need to do more to address the issue.”
Translation, the truth is getting out and that has to be stepped on, and hard. The worst purveyor of lies in this country basically orders its social media toadies to stop allowing the truth to be heard. The arrogance of these people never ceases to amaze me. They are now plainly out in the open with their position that only their views have a right to be heard. Once again, I ask if that frightens anyone besides me? You Tube and Facebook refer to anything anyone prints or films that is contrary to the view of the prevailing elite as misinformation.
Naturally when I read the Post article, I went straight to the web sites of Mr. Kennedy and Dr. Mercola but on Wednesday the 29th of September, Lew Rockwell.com carried an article by Mr. Kennedy under the auspices of his Children’s Health Defense. The article entitled, “The Emperor Has No Clothes: COVID Math Simply Doesn’t Add Up” challenges the numbers reported by the public health officials as overstating the risk and therefore demanding such drastic measures in response.
“Whether one looks at leaders’ willingness to engage in wanton economic destruction, or the rapidity with which billionaires have amassed new wealth or the multisectoral efforts to link and mine people’s intimate data, it is hard not to recognize that something much larger than a health crises is afoot. However, even if one restricts oneself to the narrow confines of the health narrative, 18 months of data—emerging in spite of ferocious censorship—have repeatedly illustrated that the official story is full of lies and omissions.”
Translation, there is so much evidence of untold suffering by innocents and the accumulation of untold wealth by the elite that perhaps some of the theories about depopulation might be true. Since the purveyors of all this are liars and the truth is not in them, yes indeed perhaps there is something else afoot. Even if we set all that aside and just examine the cold data that is able to escape the memory hole the story is based on lies and omissions. Furthermore, these lies, and omissions are killing us now and God knows what the future will look like.
“One of the biggest holes in the story is the trail of destruction that the experimental COVID vaccines are leaving in their wake, with hundreds of thousands of reported injuries in the U.S. alone and, according to some statisticians, as many as 150,000 dead Americans. With this level of damage after just nine months, now is as good a time as any to reexamine “COVID math” and highlight some of the embedded falsehoods that cast serious doubt on official and corporate pronouncement about risks and benefits.”
Translation, the results of the administration of COVID vaccines across a population of millions of people are quite different when different eyes are allowed to view and report data. Perhaps that is why the liars flee so desperately from the light and try to squelch the light. The figure of 150,000 dead, according to some statisticians, is from a study entitled vaccine impact the government’s own data reveals that at least 150,000 probably dead in U.S. following COVID-19 vaccines.
The study is 40 pages long and you can find it through Mr. Kennedy’s article or go directly to it. The allegation of the study taken from VAERS, the vaccine adverse episode reporting service as well as many other sources, is that many, perhaps most, of the deaths reported as COVID just might be either the vaccine or other health service mandated treatment. The study also concludes that one area that reflects the deaths and disability is in the labor force or lack of it. If the conclusion is true, then with employer mandates for the vaccine the labor shortage will get much worse.
Now, back to Mr. Kennedy’s article. “One fact, especially, bears repeating: Through age 19, children and adolescents have a 99.9973% COVID-19 survival rate. This information, which has been a constant throughout the reported pandemic, is reiterated in the most recent analyses by Stanford physician, epidemiologist, and statistician John Ioannidis, who has been a steadfast critic of COVID alarmism from the very beginning. And Ioannidis’s good news does not stop with the 19-and-unders. Until people hit their seventies, all age groups have survival rates well over 99%”
I will add here that even for those like me who are over 70, the survival rate is plus 97% unless of course you are unfortunate enough to be admitted to a hospital in which case it drops to 94.5%. These numbers and percentages are hard facts, not guesswork. With each new study and each new revelation, the deadly pandemic gets a little less deadly and a lot less frightening. Perhaps that is why those who profit from vaccines and those who want the world vaccinated for other reasons fight so hard to keep us in the dark.
It is becoming obvious to many that the vaccine could be more dangerous than the virus, and as evidence, another recent report from VAERS data by Health Impact News showed that in 2021 12-19 year olds have been 50 times more likely to experience heart problems after receiving experimental COVID shots—and nearly eight times more likely to die—compared to all other FDA-approved vaccines combined. I will close discussion of Mr. Kennedy’s voice which Facebook and You Tube seek to silence with the following.
“Increasingly, members of the public are not fooled by the statistical shenanigans. When a Detroit TV channel recently tried to drum up hostility against the unvaccinated by asking viewers to submit tales of recalcitrant uninjected relatives dying from COVID-19, they instead got more than 182,000 comments about loved ones who had died or been injured after receiving one or more COVID shots. These replies provide compelling evidence that what we are now experiencing is a pandemic of the vaccinated.”
Now for the other canceled man who is trying to bring light to darkness, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Mercola has a book entitled The Truth About COVID-19 Exposing The Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, and the New Normal. In his book and in various videos and articles he says that we must unite in a global movement for health and freedom. The forward to his book is by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
The following quote will give you enough insight into Dr. Mercola that I will not have to belabor the point. “Since early 2020, the world has experienced a series of catastrophic events—a global pandemic caused by what appears to be an engineered coronavirus; international lockdowns and border closings widespread business closures, economic collapse, and massive unemployment; and an unprecedented curtailment of civil liberties and freedoms in the name of keeping people safe by locking them up in their homes. We are now living in a world that is increasingly ruled, not by our democratic systems and institutions, but by public health fiat, carried out by politicians who rule by instilling fear and panic”
Maybe, just maybe Mr. Kennedy and Dr. Mercola are right and the goal all along has been forced vaccinations and the international vaccine passport. If so, perhaps we the people of the world could use their often-quoted position of never let a crises go to waste against them. Perhaps this is an opportunity for the people of the world to take back their health and bring about accountability. I’m convinced, however, that it will be difficult to impossible to do so at the ballot box.
People must first come to grips with this information well enough to realize that the people they believed, entrusted, and relied on have committed perhaps the worst crime against humanity in history. Once that realization is made then the rest will naturally follow. Why is the government, public health, social media, and legacy so insistent that the whole world be vaccinated? When you, of whatever political view, see their faces on TV just realize that you are looking at some of the worst mass murderers in history.
Finally, folks, the bottom line is that this is not about health, but instead it is a war against humanity? The future of humanity is at stake, but the government is telling us what communism used to tell us and that is wishful thinking will get us through while with the other side of their mouths they are killing us. It is all based on a horrible perverse lie, but millions of people have been coerced into accepting it.
At least that’s the way I see it,
Until next time folks,
This is Darrell Castle,
Thanks for listening

William Haugen
Going light touch comment on this one. Happy 73rd Birthday on 11th if I miss next week’s podcast. Really enjoy these and catch as many as I can. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is one of the good guys in this. Honestly don’t know much about Dr. Mercola, so I guess I’ve got some homework to do there. Best to you and your family.
Dr. Mike Scordato
Thanks once again for your updates. God uses you to bless the nation. Happy birthday early. Just had mine, I’m now 39, lol! A next generation which your influence. I am a Mass Emergency & Crises Manger advising public health, military, hospitals, & local government overseas…my Ph.D. is tired lol!
Vaccination confusion & political pressure is huge amoung the medical community. So much in violation of basic fraud, waste, & abuse regulation + laws, let alone our greater medical & constitutional laws. Mentioning fraud, waste, & abuse is the simplest legal explanation I can give relatable to common people. This is because all work sites give training on this.
Vaccinations do not stop you from getting any virus, but rather they are suppose to help your immune overcome the virus swifter. I can take a throat swab sample of any person vaccinated & show you them still infected & spreading Corona Virus the same as an unvaccinated person. The vaccination drops your immune for up to 2 weeks, causing you (if infected) to be battling 2 Corona viruses at one time. Just look it up, CDC/NIH speaks on these things. This will be shown by you having even worse symptoms and be much closer to death than if you caught the virus without the weakeness caused by the vaccination initially.
People tend to fraudulently think the vaccination is a magic shield therefore pushing requirements to see your illegal abuse/fraud Corona 19 passport. This is the type of philosophy the Biden administration illegally tells people, when it is a solid falsehood…it is fraud & can be held in legal court to this as you already know. Of course you would have to find a court willing to accept the case in our broken almost lawless “legal” system.
This goes along with “Is the vaccination safe”, a common question we are asked. Well the proper actual question would be, “is the vaccination worth the risk, worth the costs?” It is so overpowered that the vaccination stresses all the organs in your body causesing 100% of people to have some sort of negative symptoms, many short term. Typical first problem is low blood pressure right after/shortly after the shot is adminsterd. Some have much worse if you have a potential or already established health condition or a weaker body. It tends to not be reported as they will excuse this as you “being nervous” when it is not when checked medically like it is supposed to be. Remember the FDA approved these drugs for mass trial use, as the drugs are still being modified & studied for the next 5 years. 10 year mark we will see what long term impact it has on things such as your immune.
This in end causes for such waste, the focus needs to be balanced with not only vaccinations but cure availability. Where are the cures? How available are they they? I’m overseas along side the US military & I can tell you that it is hard to get cures in Japan.
Even researchers are studying things falsely, in the wrong directions because of political pressures missing how to beat Corona 19. Medical helps, like Ivermectin, is not really a “full cure” but rather should be viewed as a supplement support like Vitiman D. It is anti-parasite, able to help fight against the parasitic nature of Corona Virus to a degree as well as decrease inflamation. This is the direction research should be using it as, to go along side of treatments so people’s immune can conquer the virus faster. You should not be looking to use it by itself as an overall only cure alone since it is your immune that would beat the virus. Should look at it as a low side effect support.
Sorry for the long rant & lecturing, lol! This is my daily battle locally. I’m sure many have questions & may want to battle with me over these things…so as always, don’t take my word for it. Look up these things & study yourself. I did not dump my medical schooling because of political peer pressures. My job is to look at things big picture to solve the overall problem, not only just locally one-by-one. Proverbs 23:23 Mission continuation & the continuous improvement process must always be observed & enforced to succeed. For it is in ‘God we trust’- Psalm 56:11 on every one of our coins for those who did not know. Read the second half of the verse.
God blessings on you all!
-Dr. Mike
Bill Bessonett
Thank you again and I agree wholeheartedly. Unfortunately it is necessary for things to get drastically worse than they are now. This is so that the vast majority of the world will wholeheartedly welcome the anti messiah when he is presented as the person with the answers to all of our global problems. Never mind that all these problems were created by the governments that will bow down before him. The saddest thing to me is that I’m afraid much of the”right” will not see him for what he is until they have helped him ascend the throne.
I hope you have a joyous birthday ful of love and peace.
I am glad to see other people taking this seriously, I hope the constitution party has greater success as the people see that the ‘right’ is as a opeless case as the ‘left’ and it’s been that way for a long time. I don’t recall the politician but there was one who setup a meeting for nurses to talk about what they’ve seen personally involving the risks of the vaccine and the damage it’s done to people and why they chose not to take it even though threatened by their job to take it in order to keep their job. Let’s be real that’s all that is is a threat to pressure you to do something you wouldn’t normally do. Anyway the politician said during this meeting
“i myself won’t be taking the vaccine, i could probably get some kind of an exemption for not taking it but i don’t think that’s necessary because I look at it as it’s my own personal choice.”
I think that’s a fresh reminder that this is america we live in and sorry to the communists who don’t like it but I suppose you can still take a plane to china and play communist politics there if you’d like I’m sure you will be welcomed into their communist country with open arms provided you do everything they tell you to do at any given time. Leave the freedom loving americans alone in america I’m just saying you could curse out the unvaccinated and blame them for everything under the sun in communist china all day if you’d like. Sound good?
Jim Wade
Happy Birthday Darrell! You’ll be as old a me until 12/8.
Vaccines were on my radar ever since our daughter went to vet school back in the 1990s, but I never really paid any attention until last winter when I decided to start doing my own research. To say I was shocked to learn just how we have been deceived by those we trusted is a huge understatement. What has been done in the past, and especially what is now being done with the covid gene therapy jabs is nothing short of criminal. I pray I live long enough to see justice done on the perpetrators.
I pray for the same thing Mr. Wade. God willing we will be blessed with his divine protection until that day of judgement comes for the criminals. Take care God bless you & family and God bless the Constitution Party. I don’t know if you are a follower of the Party but I hope so the Party certainly needs Patriots I think now more than ever patriots need to unite as much as possible.
jonathan taub
“but the government is telling us what communism used to tell us”….you do not have to pay the bourgeois landlords and hand in your guns so you will be safer….DOES sound familiar does’nt it?
india has released a vaccine that is made from the deactivated virus which allows you body to build its own response which i think would be more like catching it naturally (which i have read gives you more protection from variants) but me thinks the powers that be will drag their feet in getting U.S. approval
i respect indian science since they were one of the first (if not THE first) country to say this virus looked to be man made which looks like it may be true
i remember two of the guys that did the study which proved vaccines did not cause autism in children years ago later recanted and said they cooked the data because they were pressured into doing so….people still quote the data to show vaccines are safe but seem to be ignorant of the recantation