The Worst Thing That Has Happened to Humanity
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Darrell Castle talks about how fear of the pandemic is being used by various people around this world to dismantle democracy, obliterate constitutional rights, and usher in totalitarian governments.
Transcription / Notes
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 10th day of December in the year 2021. This report will discuss how fear of the pandemic is being used by various people around this world to dismantle democracy, obliterate constitutional rights, and usher in totalitarian governments and leaders.
Before I begin I make note that last Tuesday the 7th of December, was the 80th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor that launched the United States into World War ll. That date is an appropriate start from which to begin a discussion of fear and what it is currently doing to the once free people of the world. The United States had a population of about 160 million at the start of the war and during the four years of conflict about 16 million served in uniform or about 10% of the population. They served because their nation had been attacked and because evil had to be eliminated from the world. Their victory gave the world, even defeated foes, a chance at democracy or the right of people to govern themselves.
Today, we find ourselves in another battle, the greatest battle of our lifetimes, possibly of all time, according to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in his book, “The Real Anthony Fauci” which I again urge you to read. Mr. Kennedy describes how a coalition of forces—intelligence agencies, pharmaceutical companies, social media titans, medical bureaucracies, mainstream media, and the military, are using fear induced by a health crises to impose totalitarian control worldwide.
Anthony Fauci is the face of this coalition, its most prominent face, because he has been medical advisor to six presidents. Mr. Kennedy argues that the concept of regulatory capture has turned U.S. public health agencies into veritable pharmaceutical companies. For example, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) receives 45% of its annual budget from big Pharma. Big Pharma receives much of its profits from the U.S. taxpayers via vaccine payments, etc., which money is then used to fund governmental agencies responsible for regulating the industry.
Fauci in his role as head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) no longer looks out for public health but instead is in the business of pharmaceutical promotion. Just a few of the facts exposed in this book would be enough, but there are more than just a few. In 1984 when Fauci took over NIAID, 11.8% of Americans had a chronic disease, and now it is 54%. It was his job to research and discover why autism, allergies and many other diseases were increasing and eliminate the toxins causing it. Instead of acting as a true public health agency he used it to develop and sell pharmaceutical products.
He accomplished these things by creating a climate of fear in America and around the world that would make the world run to pharmaceuticals. These drugs were funded by U.S, taxpayers and some of the profits were then funneled back to the agencies that were charged with regulating them. So much money changed hands that it corrupted everyone it touched and the incentive to create more unfounded fear increased accordingly. Originally, it was the AIDS epidemic which was supposed to wipe out the human race. It was a disease which anyone other than IV drug users and male homosexuals had only an infinitesimally small risk of contracting, but it was used to create fear in the general population and thereby sell the drug cocktails developed to treat it.
AIDS was terrible and scary but something more frightening was needed to induce the population of the world to rush to the coalition’s only available preventive. A series of flus started to appear in the world usually originating in China. Swine Flu, Bird Flu, H1N1 Flu, Zika Virus, all fell upon humanity until vaccines were widely available to supposedly stop them. Everyone had to get a flu shot so people gradually became conditioned or used to the yearly vaccine routine.
The anthrax attacks after 9/11 helped with the fear factor as well since several prominent politicians supposedly received letters containing white powder presumed to be anthrax. Fear was ramped up in the population by leaps and bounds. Anthrax allowed Fauci to circumvent the treaty preventing research and development of bioweapons and that research was funded by the U.S, military as joint or dual use material. Dual use is research that could possibly be civilian, but the real purpose is military thus the military funding of biowarfare agents.
That is the program under which Fauci funded gain of function research at U.S. University labs and later in China. The CIA and the Pentagon through DARPA were all apparently working in tandem with Fauci to teach the Chinese how to weaponize bat virus. Dangerous pathogens were studied and made far more deadly to humans through all this research. Most people can see that this is all very sinister, and this man is not someone who should be running U.S. public health, but its even worse. According to Mr. Kennedy his sordid past goes back to the AIDS crisis and his diabolical experiments on children which killed at least 85 children at least. The experiments were barbaric and illegal, but he did it anyway. He gained control of foster homes in 7 states and then turned the pharmaceutical industry loose on these children.
The children were powerless with no legal representation and no guardian. They were tortured literally to death. Many of them did not even have HIV but were simply human guinea pigs. Those children who refused the drugs or were noncompliant were taken to Columbia hospital and had feeding tubes installed to administer the drugs. At least 85 died during the experiments. This atrocity wasn’t enough for him though, so he took the experiments to Africa where he killed many pregnant mothers.
This is all horrible isn’t it, perhaps too horrible to be true. No, it is all true and documented in Mr. Kennedy’s book, but if Dr. Fauci disputes any of the charges let him file a lawsuit against Mr. Kennedy and his publisher for defamation. I doubt that any such lawsuit will be forthcoming, so the public has a chance, finally, to understand what all the fear and all the hype, and all the destruction of the economies of the world is about, but they first must read or at least listen.
This is a planned and orchestrated use of pandemics to clamp totalitarian control on the world’s population. Throughout man’s time upon the earth, he has dreamed of being able to control the whole world. You know all the names of those who tried and failed, but the difference is that for the first time it is now possible. The involvement of the intelligence agencies such as CIA, even though it has nothing to do with health, is a giveaway.
“The intelligence agencies and health agencies have developed these extraordinary techniques for using fear to disable critical thinking. If you look at the whole rationale behind this pandemic, all of these rationales collapse, why are we mandating vaccines that don’t prevent transmission? What is the possible reason? That’s just one of many absurdities of what we’re doing today, but people who are subsumed in the orthodoxy, which is the product of orchestrated fear, misinformation, and propaganda, need to be woken up.”
I add my own words to say that the woke and the unwoke, the liberal and the conservative the Democrat and the Republican, all need to wake up and understand what is happening to them. It looks very bad for our future if people continue to blindly obey and submit to totalitarian control.
“I think this is historical jeopardy to humanity that we’ve never seen before. You know, the black plague and WWll are arguably rivals for it. But I would argue that this is the worst thing that has ever happened to humanity because the essential ambition of the totalitarian state is to control, not just conduct, but self-expression and thought. And for the first time in history, because of the technological revolution, the capacity for totalitarian forces to literally control every aspect of human expression and even human thought is now unprecedented.”
Keeping all that in mind the 80th anniversary of the start of WWll is an interesting coincidence. Those people fought to free the world from NAZI oppression, from Japanese Imperial militarism, and the other forms of evil that seeks to enslave mankind. They sacrificed their lives for their country certainly, but also for the chance to give the world the ability to shake off the yoke of totalitarianism. What have we done with that right, with their sacrifice? We should educate ourselves enough to at least be able to intelligently answer that question.
The nations which were freed by victory in WWll are almost all sinking into totalitarianism based on fear of the pandemic that I just talked about. Australia is sending people to a literal camp behind wire against their will. Austria has locked down the entire population of unvaccinated people and won’t allow them out of their homes. Germany is perhaps the most restrictive country in Europe, and we all know what has been happening here in the U.S. The U.S. response has been by way of unconstitutional mandates rather than by debate and vote of the peoples’ representatives. The work that the Nazis, Japanese, and Italians could not accomplish in four years of total war is being accomplished through the application of fear.
There is, however, a little bit of good news about all this coming from the nation of India. Quoting from the complaint: “Petitioner has sought prosecution of AstraZeneca’s (Covishield) manufacturer Bill Gates, his partner Adar Poonawalla and other Government officials and leaders involved in the murder of a 23-year-old man, who lost his life because of vaccination. The deceased took the Covishield vaccine by believing in the false narrative that the vaccine is completely safe and also owing to the compliance requirement set by the Railways that only double vaccinated people would be allowed to travel.”
I suppose that Mr. Gates should plan to stay away from India for a while because if convicted the sentence is death. Now, one final quote from Mr. Kennedy’s book. “Today we have this situation where the U.S. military and the CIA are conspiring with the Chinese CDC and military scientists, developing bioweapons together and conspiring to lie to the public…We have U.S. federal officials who are conspiring with Chinese military officials to hide truth from the American public.”
Finally, folks, is this the worst thing that has ever happened to humanity? You can decide for yourselves, but for me this entire program of fear stampeding us to destruction is run by a bunch of satanically inspired homicidal maniacs and is the spirit of antichrist.
At least that’s the way I see it,
Until next time folks,
This is Darrell Castle,
Thanks for listening.

Dr. Mike
Great article!
I use to works as a biological weapon responder for the US government. I’ve quarantined/eliminated very bad infections disease before successfully. China (which is actually many small countries controlled by a mafia military- not one united country) always render to be center if new disease strain development going back over the past 100 years. The US as well has created & released diseases on accident or on purpose over the years…this is why lime disease, for example, spread so large (they teach these things in military school). The US did lots of experiments using communist/socialism sourced “doctors/scientists” dealing with chemical & radioactive weapons as well during the periods of the world wars. These modern day experiments now mostly are conducted outside US territories. My dealings with the FBI are dark, always “this never happened” said at the end of sourcing my assistantance. I’ve never dealt directly (that I know) face to face with the CIA…though I’ve dealt with other Men-In-Black agencies.
It is illegal to force vaccinations, let alone vaccinations are simply a help not a cure. Cures should always be the focus so the disease can be eradicated. Lack of cure availability keeps diseases around longer. Masks help curve disease spread/protection by a scientific percentage, but the government has no authority to make non infected people wear them outside of federal/state facilities or transport. That is where their authority in the matter ends. They have no legal grounds to enforce masks on the non-infected general population while walking about. Quarantine camps for those coming from overseas does have some legal wiggle room, but they have to be very nice facilities to even be considered by a court of law for citizens. Quarantining/lockdown of people not infected who have only been in country does not have that much wiggle room legally at all beyond the first two weeks of a new pandemic. Quarantine/restrictions on people who have not been vaccinated falls into the category of legal fraud & abuse of power.
Fraud, waste, & abuse is the simplest legal aspects for common people to observe the law violations around since everyone who works receives fraud, waste, & abuse training. Report it as such when you can!
Hope this stirs up some discussion on this topic. Pro. 23:23, “Buy the truth & sell it not…” Don’t ever just take my word on these things…look it up! Tons of history & many, many books can be sourced. There are many “demons in the freezer” across America that I have witnessed. Again, look at all of this information with your Bible open. Feel free to debate my thoughts in search of truth & best answers.
God bless.
Dr. Mike
Emergency & Crises Manager (Public Health Advisor), Ph.D.
Darrell Castle
Thanks as always for your incredible I sight.
Just wanted to refer you to a video I saw online by a Dr. Robert Willner. He was a Dr in the 90’s who exposed the aids virus as bogus and a fraud and he said back then that head of the niaid that you brought up in this article here had a lot to do with it. Very interesting video I think it is still on youtube I am sure you can find it, he explained how he discovered it was a fraud very well. I know it sounds hard to believe but I recommend you hear him out before you decide, he said in the video that the head of the niaid ( same nab you brought up here) as well as others who helped perpetuate the lie should all be in jail.
jonathan Robert taub
not to be negative,but i hope you know what you are talking about on the fauci book so that my nazi collabroator brain implant is TRUE…..because i got other info on the mandate regarding covid 19 federal
well….what i origanaly wanted to ask you in my messed up mind (due to excessive amounts of 10 year old rye and maurijuiana
it was erased by the AI to protect me (in my 10 year old rye and THC mind) from revealing
Bill Bessonett
Thank you
I’d like to quote Dr. Zelenko here when he said ‘ Noah was a conspiracy theorist until it rained.’
when doctors get deplatformed and get their livelihood threatened just because they are tryng to speak up about their patients getting seriously injured or killed from an experiemental shot, that’s not a ‘conspiracy theory’ that’s a CONSPIRACY.