When Will You Be Fully Vaccinated?
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Darrell Castle asks the question “Are You Fully Vaccinated?” If your answer is yes, don’t be so sure because the definition is continually changing.
Transcription / Notes
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is the 17th day of December in this the year of our Lord 2021. Are you fully vaccinated? If you answer yes, well don’t be so sure because the definition is continually changing. If your answer is no, then when will you be fully vaccinated? I can answer that question in this opening paragraph and save us all a lot of trouble. The answer is that you will never be allowed to be fully vaccinated for more than a brief time because you will always need the next booster.
Christmas is next week folks plus I am moving my law office to a new building next week, so I am going to leave you in peace until the first Friday in January. Speaking of peace, take time to celebrate the coming of the prince of peace into the world. This has been quite a year and that is for sure. We tried to return to normal but although the football stadiums were full again the people of some cities and some states are still not free to move about as they see fit. If only everyone would get vaccinated, we would all be fine but some people are just too hesitant or at least that seems to be the official story.
The health authorities, i.e., Dr. Fauci direct us to have two injections and then after 6 months a booster and that would make us fully vaccinated so we can receive our permission card to travel and participate in a somewhat normal life. If you have not had all those injections, then you don’t get the card and only the federal courts can order your employers to continue your employment. If you go along though, whether you believe the hype or not, just go along, you will be OK and perhaps even virtuous, correct? Just comply and do whatever the authorities command. Just join the right side of history and be obedient.
Well, no, that is unfortunately not correct. From the very beginning I have predicted that COVID was just the beginning and that a series of new strains and new virus would continue until we are all sick, disabled, childless, dead or at the very least totally obedient to the dictates of the new totalitarian state. First, we had the Delta Variant which seemed dangerous, and now we have Omicron which even the doctor who discovered it describes as infectious but mild. For that we must once again tear our world apart and lock ourselves inside, at least in some cities.
Let me give you an example from the Los Angeles Times issue of December 15. “For many Americans who scrambled to get vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as their turn came up, the relief of gaining immunity was just one reward. Achieving fully vaccinated status conferred a faint halo of virtue as well. Now, both the shots’ biological protection and the satisfaction of contributing to the herd’s immunity are proving short lived. And with a worrisome new coronavirus variant threatening to erode vaccine-induced immunity further, health officials are debating whether the definition of fully vaccinated should be amended to include a booster shot.” Whoa that is quite a statement isn’t it. Immunity and virtue all in one or two injections.
Let me attempt to offer a translation of the Los Angeles Times newspeak. We at the times told everyone the vaccine would confer immunity and that turned out to be wrong. We told everyone that Dr. Fauci was and is a well-meaning doctor who should be listened to and followed. Just get fully vaccinated and all will be well but now we have to admit that these people are never going to stop tormenting us as long as we are willing to permit it. Nevertheless if Dr. Fauci says get a fourth shot then it must be absolutely necessary to do so.
“Optimal protection is going to be with a third shot, Fauci told CNN this week. He added that while he didn’t see the official definition of fully vaccinated changing this week or next, it was bound to happen at some point: It’s going to be a matter of when not if.” Yes, Doctor Fauci but, what about that fourth shot for Omicron, Dr. Fauci, when will that be available?
Over in Europe they are struggling with the same issues and trusting Dr. Fauci and their own versions of him. Bill Gates and George Soros are always there in the forefront pushing their vaccines on the public and always willing to reassure everyone that they and only they have the answers. The Catholic Church is still important in some parts of Europe especially Italy and Germany. A German Cardinal has set off a round of controversial discussions of church power and influence because he dared to question those two men.
Gerhard Ludwig Mueller is a high-ranking judge at the Vatican court and last week he was interviewed and had the audacity to speak his mind instead of echoing the talking points he had been taught. He said the COVID-19 pandemic has sparked chaos and turmoil stemming not only from lacking knowledge about transmissibility and danger of the virus itself, but from the will of the super-rich to snatch an opportunity to bring people in line.
“The world’s financial elites are now using the pandemic and the measures governments take to fight the spread of the virus to subject people to total control and establish a global surveillance state. People who sit on the throne of their wealth, see an opportunity to push through their agenda he added, naming Bill Gates, George Soros and the head to the World Economic Forum and great reset founder, Klaus Schwab as some of those behind the global control scheme.”
They want to bring forth a new man created in their own image and likeness he said that he would not wish that fate on himself. How could anyone who has even superficially studied these men let alone listened to their videos and read their books disagree with what the cardinal said. Nevertheless, plenty of people did including those in the German media, and the German Bishops’ Conference which pointed out that it assumed the Cardinal was only speaking as a private person.
We have been mired in this madness for about two years now and my conclusion is that it is orchestrated, driven, and used by the very people the cardinal mentioned. I find his statement to be courageous, and accurate. I believe he is accurate because I not only read Kennedy’s book which describes it, I read Klaus Schwab’s book, The Great Reset, which sets out the actual plan. When you read it in their own words how can you still deny that it is happening.
Meanwhile from Robert Kennedy’s research we learn that 45% of the FDA budget comes from pharmaceutical companies, Dr. Fauci’s agency owns half the Moderna patents, and Bill Gates owns or controls the majority of the food and medical companies that service Africa. We are also reminded of the track and trace surveillance state, the demolition of the bill of rights, and the destruction of the middle class by those elites who have profited greatly from this pandemic.
What we have been talking about with regard to coercion by the government and its private agencies is the bill of rights and its guarantee of protection of our God given rights. December 15, or just two days ago we celebrated the 230th birthday of that document. It was adopted December 15th 1791, and it sets out and memorializes those basic human rights provided to us by God and protected by the government as ordered by that document.
The writers of the Constitution intended the Bill of Rights to be an additional shield against federal tyranny and the mission creep that always allows the power mad people in government to overstep their bounds.
As Mr. Kennedy so eloquently pointed out the only one of the 10 rights set out in the Bill that has survived the pandemic is the second amendment. Always under attack, but always defended by armed force the 2nd survives for now. I am certainly open to discussion and debate, but which ones are left. Perhaps the 3rd which forbids us from being forced to house and pay for the military directly is still alive but what others.
The pandemic allowed the government, which was already trending strongly in the direction of totalitarianism, to unleash the chains of the constitution and go full unrestrained government by its will as opposed to the will of the people. Sometimes violations of the rules may seem insignificant, but over time the precedents pile up to the point that you have nothing left. In other words, today they came for him so I don’t care, but tomorrow it could be me they come for, Bill of rights has to remain sacrosanct across all political changes and shifts in basic views of politics.
Unfortunately, the evidence is piling up that such is not the case. Human nature allows people to tke advantage of weakness and go as far astray as they are permitted to go. Who will stop the tyrant when the agencies of government are all totally corrupt as they seem to be now? Who will set the standard that corruption will not be tolerated in government? I could present Julian Assange as exhibit number one since a court in the U.K. just agreed to his extradition to the United States to face criminal charges for what? Apparently, he is charged with something to do with spying but there seems to be zero evidence.
He is not an American citizen and did not live in the United States. He was not in the employ of, nor working for any foreign government. He did not steal any secrets, but instead the material was sent to him, and he published it much as Danial Ellsberg did with the Pentagon Papers. The charges against Ellsberg were dismissed although as I remember it the material he published was stolen in a burglary. The U.S. is sending a very chilling message to any journalist who is willing to publish anything unapproved by the new system. Honest journalism is rooted in the first amendment and is vital to a free country, but alas it seems to be gone.
Finally, folks, I saw a poll the other day from Monmouth University which concluded that 30% of Americans would believe and obey the CDC and Dr. Fauci no matter what the advice and 30% would not believe them under any circumstances. The remaining 40% could be persuaded either way, but a country without a free media is blind and so are its people.
At least that’s the way I see it,
Until next time folks,
This is Darrell Castle,
Thanks for listening.

Dr. Mike
Stating “Variants” of Corona virus is slightly fraudulent as what they mean is different from reality. The virus has not mutated, adapted to nature much in comparison to typical natural diseases. These “variations” of Corona 19 are so slight they cannot be medically classified as a different strain & the current vaccinations work at the same effectness level as the first Corona 19 found. “Variants”, are simply mass showing of a slightly similar faces of the virus. Typically losing power, but more clingy. The flu (for example) changes a lot so they make a new vaccination each year, not typically keep pumping you up with the same shot. The problem that is faced is that this is proof the vaccination only works part way & is not the cure they fraudulently claimed it to be. Vaccination effectiveness can only truly be rated in survivability of patients not in preventing disease since you still get Corona Virus & will still spread it! Get a throat swab & see. This is just silly. Actions prevent disease catching, not vaccinations. Why lie? So just overdose on more of it?! It already is overdosed @ 2 shots! The second shot has a huge negative medical impact on people to include a high rate of death! 3rd shot? 4th shot? Japan is given 3rd shot at half dose since it is dangerous. Why not instead introduce curing methodologies which will allow people to survive in mass without the negative as well as kill off the disease? We have them, they are being researched more & more. Why not cure people instead of leaving them infected with your own new lab made strain of Corona Virus that is worse than the omicron “variant” long term medical wise? You get the actual virus your immunity stays longer as well. I could go on & on. Ask for a side by side picture of all the “variants” against the original Corona. Investigate the photos & disease yourself you’ll catch the “drift” of what I’m saying. Medical genetic pun intended. The Corona Virus (as seen once again with “omicron”) seems to be getting weaker as it naturalizes. Pray it keeps going in that direction. This is once again another proof that this virus has not already naturally developed, but was created/escaped from a lab. But historically this is nothing new. Don’t believe the media lies since they are fraudulent sales people trying to get people to pay for more Corona 19 vaccinations since they over stocked. Think of most journalist as a television salesmen, nothing more, nothing less (sorry Darrell, it is not catagorizing you).
Yes I’m an extremist since I believe that people should follow the law, but the law should be applied through grace. The Political Nobles (you have to call them this title to begin to understand what is happening) have their religion which they use to control the world. People have their religious rights but their religion supercides all countries law & order therefore their religion is actually illegal as it now declares not to follow any constitution of any country. Political Nobility of the worldwide order state, “Believe what we say you can believe at the moment”. And it is ever changing which shows it is never based off of a pure truth for foundation. Each step sinks so they have to jump to something new, typically worse. America now has no valid justice system which follows law (unless convenient), it follows this religious mafia powered system which includes flat out lies such as saying “there is no such thing as a man or woman”. This is like saying th earth is flat. Wait…didn’t go through that once in history legally? Even the Bible says it is round & floats on nothing! Isa. 40:22, Job 26:10, Pro. 8:27, Job 26:7…etc.
Remember Biden is not Constitutionally supported as President. You may strive to fight me on this, but President George Washington would be on my side. Mr. Biden never has been Constitutionally Presendent as well as constantly violates the law in his descion making. He is only in the Presidency via political noble religion. He rules through the political noble’s mafia, like how China operates. If this wasn’t so, he would have let the election results be finished being studied, by March he would’ve ‘proudly’ shown he was truest President. He didn’t let it happen, forced a system of evidence immediate destruction, & we verified later that the election had more than enough tampering to be considered invalid on legal standings. Let alone the additional truest fact that Mr. Biden cannot legally hold a secret let alone a top secret clearance with his bad business ethics & international business social background. He doesn’t qualify the safety verification checks (Ive been through them all myself). But our government check & balances threw up their hands and unanimously declared they will not do their constitutional job to get in the way…which of course is direct treason. Mr. Biden may sit on the chair, but Mr. Biden holds no constitutional support legally no matter what what anyone states at this point. His actions speak louder than my words to verify this. Illegal immigrants are used as the Political Nobles invading armies to solidify their one world dominance across the globe. What goes on now does not make sense from any righteous legal perspective. Our only solid foundation to view this with is how China runs their lands. China has one hand with a gun while telling everyone what to they are allowed to think & do. This is not conspiracy, it is what has happened & is happening right now. I see this glorified on the US military installation since it is federally run. Votes don’t matter now in many places. The declaration of “We The People” represents the first & last check & balance of government…but we have been but to sleep with a tranquilizer of fear in mass. What should we do now? Mayors & Governors need to step up to protect their states since the federal government is being run by a rogue non-constitutional mafia agency. Lower government is the protection the United States made for the people in case the federal government goes corrupt; States, County, and City divides. And of course we have to protect our families individually. Feel free to debate this, but please measure it to the Constitution with your Bible open. Remember that the Declaration of Independence is covered by, to be included into, & read along with in legal stance as part of the Constitution. It holds the same authority, believe it or not, since the Constitution says so. But that is another research topic.
Example recently to ponder: Black Lives Matter formed because of the corruption of the legal system, courts specifically…courts which did not hold certain police accountable for wrong actions, to include smaller nonlethal actions. BLM the organization is quite corrupt promoting horrible things, not helpful toward the community over all, but black-lives-do-matter people are real & have a real situation they have faced at times. The courts are the end check & balance for the police. So the BLM movement attacked the symptom (which was some corrupt police) but their over reaction in the end destroyed the proper police force causing the good helpful police to leave. In the end only political noble “yes men” would mostly remain…people who would enforce even illegal mandates, such as illegal mask enforcement, etc. I myself have had hundreds of encounters with police officers going after me (not joking) & even have had them bending me over their hood of their police car to frisk me when I didn’t do anything but was walking or standing! I’m Sicilian, so I have a lot of yellow in my skin & tan very well. In NJ silcilians would call my style skin “olive skin” since olives are the green yellow color. So I can understand to a degree & have personally seen police misbehave in their actions & conduct toward all people, specifically toward drug addicts in the community. People on drugs tend to no longer be looked at as a person by police when they deal with them. This is why George Floyd blew up so big since the police did not focus on their duty, provide or allow for CPR, but instead just belittled him as a druggie. He was on drugs & those drugs killed him, but they should’ve focused more on the person rather than the drugs & things would’ve gone much better on a world scale even though he most likely would’ve still died. Feel free to debate this as well since it is hypothetical. There is truth to what I said though in a medical responder legal setting. All emotions put aside, we are taught we MUST respond a certain way or be held legally liable as trained emergency personnel.
I know what I typed fast here on my iPad can stirr up much thought. I’m not perfect, NJ/NY influenced. I also live in Japan working along side the US military (direct federal government influenced). Japan being mostly influenced by California (Tons of West Coast related people come through here.) So I may be impacted with the worse of it at times. Hopefully it is much better situationally for where you are on the local US setting.
Proverbs 23:23, “Buy the truth & sell it not, also wisdom, instruction & understanding”.
God’s blessings on you all! Sorry for the poor grammar as I have somewhere I need to go.
Dr. Mike
Darrell Castle
Dr. Mike: Thanks again for your incredible insight which adds greatly to the Castle Report.
jonathan Robert taub
according to dr mccullough,while the vaccine does wear off with time,the spike proteins remain and accumulate with each shot….i am not going to pretend i even know what spike proteins are but dr mccullough says he is concerned by that and he says they accumulate in places such as in womens ovories which i believe i read about that in a japanese study
meanwhile John Zingsham is hanging on to life in a wisconsin hospital and his lawyers have to sue to allow him to have ivermectin that was lawfully prescribed by his personal doctor….the sub head line in epoch times was:
A Wisconsin appeals court,without being asked,blocked a lower courts order for the patient to recieve ivermectin,a treatment he requested prior to being placed on a ventillator
looks like we are slowly digressing to a state where you will be culled for body parts if the state decides so kind of like china…
jonathan Robert taub
on a side note, there is a giant billboard down the street from my ghetto apartment stating the vaccine is now approved as safe for children as young as 5 years old
why not just inject pregnant women in their bellies and protect the unborn fetusus?….i feel so proud of my country enforcing a vaccine on children that i read had over a 99% survival rate which would give them immunity – its so good to see we are protecting the children!…and lets not forget vaccine equity!…
oh and that quote from the guy above “So I can understand to a degree & have personally seen police misbehave in their actions & conduct toward all people, specifically toward drug addicts in the community. People on drugs tend to no longer be looked at as a person by police when they deal with them. ”
they are addicts…who cares? lol and this is from someone who has been addicted to pain killers and has friends and aqqaintences who are/were addicts
Darrell Castle
It’s a veil of tears. No doubt about that.