
Who Governs America?


Darrell Castle talks about the recent presidential debate and what it says about America today.

Transcription / Notes


Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 5th day of July in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking today about the recent presidential debate and what it says about America today, and since this is Independence Day weekend, I will be mercifully brief.

Yes, it’s 4th of July weekend here in America when most people have 4 days off from work, but this lonely podcaster sits here on the 16th floor of Memphis, Tennessee to bring you a few words from his heart. I suppose that everyone saw the debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump a few nights ago. If you didn’t see it, you undoubtedly know what happened, but perhaps you are not as terrified as I am. In one sense it was a disaster of epic proportions and in another sense, it was just eye opening and mind boggling.

It was a disaster in that the whole world could see that the person who is supposed to be running this country can’t possibly be doing so. That is the important question for us to consider right now. The issue is not will Biden continue as the candidate or will he be replaced, but who exactly is running this country. Do you know what terrifies me even more than wondering who is in charge. What if its him because he can’t possibly be president. When someone wakes him and says Mr. President, we have detected a nuclear launch from, Russia, China, North Korea, wherever what does he do, He would have literally only minutes to execute launch on warning thus putting us into global nuclear war. That would be scary for anyone but right now it is terrifying. It seems to me that the nation is in extreme peril without leadership that is cognizant of what is happening in this world.

There are other issues that one wonder about but the finger on the nuclear button is of course what he is responsible for. Who signed all those executive orders and policy directives. I know it was the president but was his mind so diminished that he didn’t know what he was doing. Who decided to permit and even invite mass illegal immigration without any vetting so that the crime rate is falling in Venezuela and El Salvador but soaring here because those countries are emptying their prisons onto our borders. Who decided to foment climate change policies so austere that our economy would be slowed perhaps permanently.

Who decided to fuel a proxy war in Ukraine that threatens to draw us into a catastrophic war with nuclear armed Russia. Who decided to give unqualified support to Israel no matter how disproportionate their response to the terrorist attacks of October 7. Was the president behind all or even any of those decisions and if so, how would we know. His mental state was laid bare for the whole world to see the other night. His responses were incoherent, confused, lost, without the ability to complete even the most basic thoughts.

This is a period of national shame and the country is left without any confidence as to in whose hands our future lies, at least humanly speaking. It is so funny that it is hard not to laugh at the president’s responses but when one realizes the magnitude of what is at stake it becomes sobering indeed. Do you think Mr. Xi, Mr. Putin, the little rocket man, and the Mullahs were watching that debate. You know they were, and I would guess they are wondering the same thing I am, and that is whose finger is on the nuclear button.

The deep state of unelected bureaucrats which the Supreme Court has been trying to chop at the branches of but not the roots of, must be in charge. It is obvious now for the whole world but especially Democrats and most importantly Democrat media that we have been walking on uncharted ground since the 2020 election. Joe Biden was not in 2020, and is not currently, fit or able to discharge the duties of the world’s most important job. His enablers and handlers from his own family to the Democrat power brokers continue to exploit him and the country for their own personal benefit.

Right now, we are indeed walking on uncharted ground but I think army colonel Douglas Macgregor said it best:

“It is time to ask; who truly governs this country? Is it we the people, as our founders intended, or have we surrendered control to unelected bureaucrats, sprawling federal agencies, and affluent donors who do not have the best interests of ordinary Americans at heart? To say it is a national shame is an understatement. This travesty should end immediately. It is now obvious that the governing power to determine our nation’s destiny lies in unelected hands.”

Yes, the colonel’s analysis is spot on. This nation that we are constantly told must protect “our democracy” is neither a democracy nor republic. When we point out that constitutionally this nation is a republic not a democracy we are called fascists, etc. The truth is now out and can’t reasonably be denied and that is that people who have not been elected are exercising power of an immense nature and are doing a very poor job of it. These unelected people, whoever they are, have something other than the best interests of the American people in mind or else they must all be complete idiots.

The real question that needs to be addressed is not who will replace him because at this point it’s impossible to have any confidence in any Democrat politician. The real question that the news media should be asking but isn’t asking, is how long have you known and why didn’t you tell us. That question is being avoided instead of asked so it’s obvious that the captive media is in league with the devil serving as his assistant instead of reporting his actions.

Did he suddenly lose his mind in 90 minutes or have you known all along and kept it secret from us. People knew before his campaign when he ran it from his basement. Government and media have been perpetuating a hoax on us and that hoax is that for this entire administration’s time in office, someone other than the president has been running the country, someone not answerable to voters. Who are these people who live in shadows, answerable to no one. The media cover-up for them, they don’t ask who they are.

Finally, folks, the system is supposed to work in reverse of how it is currently working. The media is there to protect the governed from the government, but instead it protects the government from the governed. That has to change if we are to live without fear of an out-of-control government, or no government at all. If we reward these people by reelecting them I guess we deserve what we get.

At least that’s the way I see it,

Until next time folks,

This is Darrell Castle,

Thanks for listening.


  • jonathan taub

    “Who decided to permit and even invite mass illegal immigration without any vetting so that the crime rate is falling in Venezuela and El Salvador but soaring here because those countries are emptying their prisons onto our border”

    i was not aware of that….i heard el salvador was cracking down on gangs and had turned the situation around but this thing about sending prisoners this way is new to me

    ” These unelected people, whoever they are, have something other than the best interests of the American people in mind or else they must all be complete idiots.”

    could not have said it any better….this is not incompetentcy its willful distruction at this point

    when you see the names (soros,myorkas,schumer,garland, HIAS ect) at face value it looks like a bunch of jews are implimenting this open border BUT rarely mentioned are catholic charities which help the migrants too… i guess they can offload a bunch of south american catholics into the U.S. and get tax payers to pay for it (god forbid the catholic church get taxxed or has to pay eh?)…so what if a bunch of criminal rapists,muslims,blacks,chinese,and maybe even a few terrorists come in too?….guess its collateral damage? If a few americans get hit by an illegal drunk driver or have their daughter raped and/or killed by an illegal they should stop being such racist cry babies and enjoy the cultural enrichment

    may i ask who you are considering voting for?….trump with all his flaws seems like the lessor of two evils right now and the closest thing to an independant that has a shot….kennedy makes good points but he says a lot of stange things regarding DEI and the corona debacle although i did enjoy his book on faucy

    just recently i wents to a grocery store a few times that used to be a vons…(now its a jons)….on three seperate occasions i tried to get help was asking if they had some budwieser in the back…”no english”….the last time i was right by the back of store at the storage area she was in the storage area i pointed to the pack of budweiser zero in my hand and pointed to where she was standing (right next to stacks of beer) and again “no english” even though she knew EXACTLY what i wanted..passive aggressive…on another time i asked the man who spoke english he looked at me with open hostility and anger because i asked him if he could check to see if there was more budweiser zero in back apparently this is THEIR store and they do not want me around?….only one friendly face out of 6 or 7 i interacted with (I probably should learn spanish laziness on my part but i believe there is more going on here than language barrier)…at vallartas store same thing “no english” but friendly and willing to help as a comparison and to be fair….the only other difference i can see is the vallartas market is GENERALLY more light skinned hispanics whearas jons market is GENERALLY more darker skinned south american indian types perhaps? or maybe vallartas is a bigger chain and pays better more benefits so employees are happier? not entirely sure?

    when i walk into vallartas i get the feeling its like a spanish vons or ralphs….but when i walk into jons i get the feeling there should be posters of Che Guevara on the walls for some strange reason?

  • mike lohin

    It is inadequate for me to process the nationally self destructive developments, unipartisan machinations and presidential peoples’ court and soap opera of late in mere political terms. In Daniel 2 he declares (in his prayer regarding his dealings with Nebudchadnezzar of first gen Babylon) that the LORD “removes kings and sets up kings,” and in Isaiah 14 the Lord in His decrees regarding the fall of lucifer and pagan kingdoms including babylon He declares “Surely, as I have thought, so it shall come to pass, And as I have purposed, so it shall stand:” With these concepts in mind I believe your comment of media being in league with the devil is more than apropos if perhaps too limited to just media and their conspiracy within contemporary America. Very detailed and accurate, global prophetic boxes are now being checked given the perverted powers and world influence yet wielded from within the U.S. Moreover, given the most uninuitive and unconstitutional “voting” and adminstrative and judicial malfeasance of recent decades could it just possibly be that kingdom ‘mystery, babylon the great’ of Revelation 17/18 infamy has arrived on prophetic scene to coopt so many individuals, bureaucrats, technocrats, political and global banking and merchandising systems based here to run the Americas and west onto the prophetic rocks at full steam to join those already ahead of us? Current, treacherous events here are not those of the old timey political ebb and flow of the formerly separate red and blue (pick your decade and get a program for who’s who because that swapped between 1980 and ’84) factions of the current uniparty we’re all still instructed to and dutifully obey, embrace and exclusively trust for some unknown reason to deliver us a political messiah. I’m considering this big picture now because I cannot otherwise fathom how the managers of this prominent nation have gone so mad, Godless and pagan so fast, and how a formerly envious if imperfect culture and governmental system is self destructing beyond some fortunate, local levels. So maybe I need to figure out just how to live and serve here honorably yet “come out of her” unless and until she comes to her senses in time?

  • jonathan taub

    in the video below the author postulates about who holds the strings…..possibly if the west could get on crypto and cold wallets and directly do transactions by-passing the banks we could come up with a peaceful solution to their control?…trump is pro crypto…he might not fully understand it but he knows he wants to keep it from going offshore which is what the current administration is doing: pushing innovation offshore

    foreigners are allowed to stake on american exchanges for high interest rates (10-20%) but NOT americans americans are forced to go to foreign de centralized exchanges because of the current administration

    and brain dead biden proposed 30% tax on bitcoin mining
