Who Will Be President if Biden is Elected?
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Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday the 4th day of September in the year 2020 and in this Report I will be talking about some of the comments to my last report in which I said that Donald Trump was and is a barrier to enacting the goals of the World Economic Forum as announced in their June communique.
Here at the Castle Family there is good news this Labor Day weekend. We are grateful to have meaningful labor to do, and In the good news department, the family daughter tells us that there is a cargo flight to Auckland, New Zealand next Tuesday and she might possibly get a seat on it. Cargo flights from the jungle bring to mind airplanes with chickens and goats in the aisles but nevertheless she might be able to escape.
In the somewhat good news department, we run an orphanage in Bucharest Romania for children who are living under the most difficult of conditions when we find them. The government forces us to hire outside people to come into our building and do things for the children from time to time. These are things that our people could do better than any bureaucrat, but we must comply with the local regulations. One of these people came into the orphanage while positive for the virus and with obvious symptoms and now our kids are all in quarantine and may not be able to start school on time. The good news is that all our kids have tested negative so far. Mia is a woman of prayer and of faith, so we leave it in God’s hands.
Last week my Report was called Why all this Division, Conflict, Disorder, and Destruction. I raised the question of why the Democrat mayors of the cities and the governors of the states where the riots and looting are happening, will not do anything to stop the violence. Joe Biden finally made a statement the other day in opposition to violent looting, but only after polls showed that he was losing the law and order issue in the polls. The American people are starting to let politicians know that they have never found riots and looting acceptable forms of protest.
That helps to make my point that the reason for not doing something to stop it is because the Democrat politicians think it somehow hurts Trump and his bid for reelection, and because they share the looters ideology. The tactic has been to let the looting continue until it burns out by itself and do nothing to defend your community or the people who elected you and pay your salary. Blame everything from the virus to the riots, on Trump, even if it means destruction of our cities. When the polls start to show that people realize what they are doing, then and only then, like on groundhog day, Joe Biden must come out of his hiding place and attempt to read a coherent sentence from his teleprompter.
The Democrats tell us now that the violence will continue as long as Trump is in office. If you don’t elect us, we will let your cities burn. It basically just mafioso style extortion or a form of protection racket. There is growing evidence that people are becoming weary of it all. They are weary of being told that this country is no different from Nazi Germany and in many ways, the same. They are weary of being told their country is systemically racist and that they are racist simply because they are white.
I talked last week about “The Great Reset” as that term is defined by the World Economic Forum. In the Forum’s manifesto, issued in June the Forum members said that we are going to have a reset of capitalism. I suspect that means a new socialist world system with government and the chosen ones of industry in partnership over this world. A new world currency, based in some fashion, on cyber technology. Return of the Paris Environmental Treaty and the destruction of American manufacturing, a new emphasis on the goddess earth, as well as a new worldwide health system based on forced vaccinations, artificial intelligence, and transhumanism.
I said that the technology to do these things is already here, in place, and waiting only for Trump’s defeat. The only thing standing in their way therefore is Donald Trump. People wrote to me and pointed out that Trump is not who he told us that he was in his first campaign. He said he would do many things which he has not done, and he has done many things he said he would do.
Some of those things as pointed out by those who wrote to me include: Failure to address abortion, complete failure of fiscal responsibility without restraint on spending, plans to use the military to bring the vaccines to us, failure to expose the Fed, and failure to expose and examine 9/11. Those are all things he said he would do, and he has not done. There are many more that I could add to the list, but you get the idea.
Do you really think Democrats universally hate him because of those things or do they hate him less because of those things? Do you think Democrats, and their fellow travelers in virtually the entire high-tech world, as well as the banking and finance world and the media, hate him because of those things? Perhaps they hate him because of his tweets, or because of his brash confidence, his preening sometimes obnoxious behavior?
I don’t think they hate him for those reasons at all, since most of them are the same way. No, I think they hate him because they only want someone in their temple who is one of them and who can assume the role of high priest of wokeism. He also stands as a barrier to the goals of the new world globalist system. He voices opposition to the things I mentioned earlier and so he must be defeated.
The Democrats have selected Joe Biden to carry their banner and to explain all this to us. Nobody is more woke than Joe although Trump refers to him as sleepy Joe. He has trouble communicating when he is under public pressure and he appears to be suffering from dementia. He has trouble even reading a coherent sentence. He did manage to issue a statement to put himself on the side opposing violence the other day. When he doesn’t have to read or speak publicly and someone else writes the material, he does a little better.
I hate to make fun of Joe because he is ill and probably can no longer help how he is being used. Elder abuse is probably a proper term for what his family and the Democrat Party are doing to him. Even though he is suffering from obvious mental decline he has at least a fair chance to be handed the reigns of enough nuclear weapons for total world destruction. Who will lead the nation if Joe is elected? I don’t know the answer, but I can speculate based on some evidence and a lot of rumor.
Most people seem to think that if he were elected, Kamala Harris would actually be president, since he obviously does not have the mental capacity to fill that job. I’m not so sure though, since it would be Joe and not Kamala taking the oath of office. I suspect we might have something like we had when Franklin Roosevelt was debilitated for a while due to illness. Eleanor assumed responsibility for the decision making rather than calling on Vice Presidents Henry Wallace or Wendell Wilkie. My guess is that Jill Biden would like to have that job and has no intention of giving it up to others.
Jill has been with Joe a long time but remained mostly in the background until she had to step out to help him with his medical problems. Perhaps we will get the chance to see what kind of president she will make. As for the swamp or the deep state, there are very few more swampy or deep than Joe Biden. He came into the Senate in 1972 or 48 years ago. Of the 100 senators serving at the time he was first elected, only 12 are still alive, so Joe is a survivor both in a physical sense but also in a political sense.
Many things have happened since 1972 and Joe has been right there for all of them. For almost all that 48 years he has been trying to find some way to get the presidential nomination of his party. Joe has been like a chameleon during his term in the Senate. He changes to fit the coloration of the day and the politics around him. At first, he was a Scoop Jackson type of conservative Democrat but as times changed to fit the 70’s, 80’s and into the new century Joe changed with them. Now he is a revolutionary socialist, but I wonder what Jill is.
Neither Party today is what it has always been advertised as representing. Do you remember when the Democrats were the Party of the working man? For the last 60 years post Kennedy, that Party has been trying to destroy the working man through interest rate fluctuations and jobs offshoring. What about the Republicans? Weren’t they once supposed to be the Party of fiscal conservatism? Now they are on track for a 4 trillion-dollar deficit in one year.
Another calamity that has befallen the country has also been weaponized in the effort to defeat Trump. Several international organizations including The World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control all issued dire warnings about the Covid Virus in the early days of outbreak. They had us thinking that it would be one of the worst pandemics in human history. It was an unstoppable virus for which humanity had no immunity. That was apparently disinformation designed to induce actions that would destroy our economy.
From the recent report of the CDC, which is still on their website, we can see that it was virtually all bogus disinformation. Now they tell us that only a little less than 6% of the deaths attributed to the virus actually had the virus as the sole cause of death. The average was 2.6 other causes besides Covid. Why would they do such a thing? Perhaps they were just mistaken, but if so their mistakes caused Andrew Cuomo to send most of his infected elderly into nursing homes thus earning the title, granny killer.
Perhaps they were trying intentionally to destroy the economy of the United States and the entire west because how could a country with a destroyed economy reelect Donald Trump? Perhaps it was just a raw grab for power over people’s lives. Perhaps it was an effort to make sure that every human on planet earth got Bill Gates’ vaccine. If so, the jury’s still out on that one so we will see if it works.
Finally, folks, I don’t know if Joe Biden has dementia or not. It sure looks as if he does, but that’s just a non-medical guess. Who will serve as president and lead the country if Joe is elected and turns out to be demented? Will it be Kamala, or will it be Jill who seizes power? God knows, but I’m just guessing.
At least that’s the way I see it,
Until next time folks,
This is Darrell Castle,
Thanks for listening.

Bill Bessonett
Very good Mr. Castle brilliant as always. I suppose you are correct and that time will tell which path we are going to take to the destination where we are for sure to go. I doubt that there will be a whole lot of I told you so in heaven but I will be looking forward to seeing you none the less. I am very glad to hear the good news and will keep praying for the best for your family. I was just thinking this morning that as always these things are working out for the best because of God’s great skill and that he is going to continue to use all these things to accomplish his purposes. I’m sure part of what is coming is circumstances that will get people’s attention and that is a good thing. Have a good weekend and try to remember that God doesn’t love you because you’re a winner He just loves you because you’re His.
Ralph Hughes
Since before the last turn of the century I have voted for the Constitution Party candidate for US President. But I think that America as a nation and most Americans would fare so much better under a second Trump presidential administration than under a Democrat presidential administration, and because this presidential election may be a tight one, I am considering voting for Trump, even though I would much prefer Don Blankenship as president. This time around I see “third party” candidates a potential “spoilers”. How do you feel about this?
jonathan taub
“Nobody is more woke than Joe although Trump refers to him as sleepy Joe.” lol…and you forgot “creepy joe” i saw the videos with him and young girls VERY disturbing
i DO NOT HAVE ANY VISCERAL HATE for Biden but I just cannot stomach his pandering just to get power it disgusts me….
on a more serious note I never reAlized the CDC is a PRIVATE organization funded by pharmacuetical companies (at least i read that)….well can you say “CONFLICT OF INTEREST”?….