WHO’s Odious Plans for Humanity
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Darrell Castle talks about the proposed World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Pandemic Treaty. It covers pandemic preparedness that would grant WHO absolute power over global biosecurity and would mean the end of representative democracy and with it the end of human dignity.
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 17th day of May in the year of our Lord 2024. I will be talking about the proposed World Health Organization (WHO) Global Pandemic Treaty on pandemic preparedness that would grant WHO absolute power over global biosecurity and would mean the end of representative democracy and with it the end of human dignity.
The Pandemic Treaty, if implemented, will change the landscape of health globally and will strip people of some of the most basic rights and freedoms that we enjoy as Americans. The Who would have the power to implement digital identities, vaccine passports, mandatory vaccinations, travel restrictions, lockdowns, standardized medical care and more. Your doctor would become nothing more than an employee of a gigantic unelected, unchosen by you, bureaucratic, global control mechanism designed to stamp out human freedom and dignity.
The sovereignty of the world’s nations would be and in fact is under attack by this proposed treaty. Your ultimate authority over your own body is also under attack. I really don’t think its much of a stretch to say that we would no longer be autonomous human beings but we would be relegated to the status of cogs in a gigantic machine.
There are 194 member nations in the World Health Assembly which is the assembly of the World Health Organization (WHO). It will meet in Geneva, Switzerland from 27 May to June 1, 2024, to consider this treaty. The meeting start is only 10 days away folks. Members will consider the treaty along with revised health regulations to accompany it. It takes two-thirds of the members voting yes to approve and implement the treaty.
Approval would give the WHO and its Director General, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, full power in matters of health and climate change over and above the health sovereignty of individual members. This treaty would mean the end of Representative Democracy or rule by we the people in the various nations of the world because health is the most basic of human freedoms. It would be the end of decision making in affairs of health worldwide but it is also the beginning of something far more important and that is global government made possible by digital tyranny.
All countries and their health records would be interlinked globally and digitally. That would give this worldwide unelected conglomerate leverage and control over virtually all aspects of our society. Just see it as the Covid Pandemic and its worldwide system extended indefinitely. To bring the importance of this decision home to you, if WHO ordered that you be injected with some poison that would give you heart disease or cancer you would have no say in it. If WHO ordered your daughter to be injected with a poison that would prevent her from ever bearing a child so be it.
The very sinister people who control this drive for world domination have been in existence since man first started to record his time on this earth. God created us in his image, but that wasn’t good for the satanic evil that confronted mankind and still to this day seeks to dethrone God. Now, they have concocted a way to gain control over world health through their own private interests all based on pharmaceuticals which is, of course, part of the same petrochemical industry we have known our entire lives.
You must, at this point, be thinking, the people don’t want this and will not submit to it, and you might be correct, but these people don’t care what you want or don’t want. For them, this is the final piece of the puzzle that cloaks our culture in satanic hate. They have been trying to fit the last piece into the picture for 6000 years and now the global technological system of digital control makes it all possible for them. They only need enough corrupt people in enough places and they obviously have that, and for evidence just look at Covid. The whole world bought their story quickly and went like lambs into the slaughterhouse with hardly a word of objection. Those who did object were the enemies of mankind, the pariahs of our society.
Who are the people who seek to do such horrible things to their fellow humans. Who controls Dr. Tedros, I use only his first name because his last is unpronounceable. Who controls Joe Biden and all the other figureheads. That is a very good question and I admit I can’t answer it with any confidence, only speculation. However, I might not be able to tell you who they are for certain but I can certainly tell you what they are.
I am talking about an interlocking network of evil which links the institutions of this world with darkness. They deform our lives and deny our growth and potential. The most important thing about these people is that this is their world and they are apparently tired of letting us live in it although they don’t seem to mind our paying for it. They continually devise shocks and rumors to destabilize our world, i.e. Covid. They continually destroy peace globally and even any peace we may be able to find personally. A continual state of anxiety seems to infect the world so we are so busy fighting for survival we can’t come together to defend ourselves from their onslaught.
You don’t want to hear any of this, I know you don’t. Some people might even say Darrell has slipped over the edge but keep in mind that awareness comes first. No government, including this one, is going to tell you the truth. Perhaps if you just remain very still nothing will happen to you or your family. Perhaps you will not be required to accept an injection of poison from satanic evil. Maybe this is all just fantasy and you can go about your middle-class life safe and secure from all this global evil that I have been talking about. I really do hope and pray that you are right and I am wrong.
If this treaty is as horrible as I say it is then why does it have a good possibility of being implemented. During Covid nations spent billions complying or at least attempting to comply with WHO’s guidelines for mitigation. The more they spent, the more their people died. That’s why the WHO had to single Africa out for special treatment this time around. Special treatment means coups, regime change, etc. which are all in process now or have already occurred. Africa spent little to no money in WHO compliance so it had little to no deaths compared to those in full compliance. It stands as a living example of the truth to what I have been saying about the guidelines.
That example is one of the reasons the new treaty and new guidelines must be passed. The control must be taken out of the hands of individuals and their governments who may believe compliance would violate some religious practice or they object for other reasons. WHO aims, with the new treaty, to dictate how individual nations and their doctors practice medicine. That requires bypassing the normal democratic process thus avoiding the growing populist movements in various countries. Treaties supersede the national law of most countries so if implemented, the people’s desires or what they want would no longer be relevant. Each nation, therefore, must be pushed and intimidated into adopting something that would grant power over their own policies to WHO.
Rather than admit that WHO policies caused massive death from Covid, WHO uses those deaths as evidence that this new treaty, with new power must be implemented so the all-knowing, all caring, very benign people in the WHO and their masters, of course, can dictate global power over all our health. The idea of this new treaty began in 2020 when it was first proposed at the G-20 summit. The proponents said they wanted to be sure that the nations handled future pandemics in an “appropriate” manner. Since then, policies and various edicts have tried to use the boiling frog approach to get us ready for it.
There are questions existing and being debated today about when exactly an international treaty supersedes national or here in America, state law. The treaty seeks to bypass all the populist movements against it by superseding local laws and customs. The proponents don’t want local legislators to realize what is happening until it is too late, but fortunately that cat is already out of the bag.
The texts of the treaty reveal a few things that can’t reasonably be denied.1. The documents propose a transfer of decision-making power to the WHO regarding basic aspects of societal function. 2. The WHO Director General will have sole authority to decide when and where they are applied and remember this is not just for pandemics but for other health hazards as well. I think climate change is a definite health hazard under the words of this treaty. 3. These proposals are intended to be binding and supersede national law according to international law.
The powers the treaty intends to convey include controlling where people can travel, forcing people to quarantine, implementing contact tracing, mandating treatment and/or vaccination, and very importantly, prohibiting competing treatments. It will determine what you can’t do for your own health, and what you must do. Many of the provisions of the treaty violate existing laws of civilized nations, i.e. mass surveillance, medical privacy, revocation of intellectual property rights requiring nations to share information about their citizens with other nations and of course with the WHO.
At the risk of leaving you totally in despair I will say that there is some good news out there. The information about this treaty is being widely disseminated and when people hear they start to understand. The Republicans in the senate are on record as opposed to the bill. The Republican attorneys general of 22 states have written a letter to President Biden calling the treaty unacceptable and pledging to resist any effort to enable the WHO to set public policy directly or indirectly for our citizens. The letter spells out the “unprecedented and unconstitutional” powers over the United States and her people these international instruments could give to WHO.
Every Republican Senator signed a letter calling on President Biden to withdraw his support for the treaty. The letter stated that these accords would radically transform the nature of WHO from an advisory, charitable organization into the world’s governor of public health. Does President Biden care what the Republican Senators and Attorneys General say or think. At this point he doesn’t seem to because the last word I have is that he contends this is not a treaty requiring senate ratification but only an agreement which he has authority to implement on his own.
In conclusion folks, if you think everything I said about the people behind this treaty is nonsense, there are some facts which are not nonsense and only the completely blind or oblivious could choose to ignore. The story of vaccine injuries has exploded on the national spotlight and is now hard to deny or ignore. Almost every family has at least one person who has been injured or at least has some mysterious condition which cannot be named or perhaps a cause of death listed as died suddenly. WHO is not backing away from those facts but wants even more control on a global scale. Even the vaccine companies such as AstraZeneca and Pfizer have admitted to severe side effects including death and loss of reproductive ability. They have no fear because they are completely immune from litigation. The vaccine courts attack the American taxpayers, not the companies causing the injuries. The big pharma companies are just the gun in the hands of a system of global, satanic evil and a 6000-year-old drive for world domination.
Finally, folks, what do we do now. The message of 2nd Corinthians 6:17 is pretty good advice:
“Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.”
At least that’s the way I see it,
Until next time folks,
This is Darrell Castle,
Thanks for listening.