Why Is Hunter’s Laptop Scandal a Scandal?
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Darrell Castle talks about Hunter Biden’s missing laptop and it’s content, which now the FBI says it has no idea where it is, and asks the questions why is it important, is it a major global issue and if so, then why.
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 1st of April in the year of our Lord 2022. I will be talking about Hunter Biden’s missing laptop, and its contents, which now the FBI says it has no idea where it is, and asking the question why is it important? Is it a major global issue and if so, then Why?
It would be tempting to start this April Fools Day story with a line like this; Hunter Biden disgraced son of President Joe Biden, while in a crack induced hangover state, took his laptop computer to a repair shop somewhere in Delaware and then forgot or decided not to pick it up. The owner of the shop, after attempts to contact Hunter, looked at what was on the laptop and one look was enough. He took the computer to the FBI which now says it has no idea where it is.
The jokes just write themselves, but the problem with that storyline is the word disgraced. Can Hunter Biden really be disgraced. When you have done what his own computer reveals him to have done and you feel no shame about it all being public for the world to see, friends and enemies alike and you are not embarrassed, is it even possible for the word disgraced to apply?
I’m going to refer to this story as the laptop scandal because that word seems to fit, and it has resurfaced after 18 months. The scandal of Hunter’s laptop is that there was no scandal. The laptop story was labeled as Russian disinformation then Hunter’s computer vanished along with his mysterious business deals in Ukraine and Communist China. The scandal reemerged thanks to our friends at the New York Times who after 18 months of lying about Russian disinformation finally admitted, well yes, the information contained on the laptop is real and the laptop itself is authentic. Now that Joe Biden is President, the Times feels safe, I suppose, in finally telling the truth which might have swung the election if Biden’s owned media had not seen fit to run interference for him.
The contents of the laptop are of the most vital importance to America and to Western Civilization itself, but the scandal is the fact that the scandal was hidden, buried, because nothing, especially the truth could be allowed to stand in the way of Joe Biden’s election. Even now, the contents of the laptop are off limits to ordinary people like us, but some news services have read all 1300 pages of content and have reported on them. Vladimir Putin, of course has the contents and Russia held a news conference on the 24th of March to publicly discuss part of it.
The New York Post which first broke the story in October 2020 was widely denounced by the Times, I assume for failing to follow their assigned script. Finally, after 18 months of hiding and lying the Times reports that “emails obtained by the New York Times from a cache of files that appears to have come from a laptop abandoned by Mr. Biden in a Delaware repair shop.” The Times goes on to say, “these emails are authentic.”
The Times reported on this scandal originally as a politically motivated dirty tricks campaign and it was, just not in the way the Times meant. I asked the question earlier whether Hunter was capable of being disgraced and now I ask the same question of the Times. I wonder if that organization is capable of shame at their public disgrace. No, the nation’s paper of record, the world’s once greatest newspaper, with all the news that’s fit to print right on its masthead continues its Democrat Party propaganda machine to this day.
Recall the day when this scandal broke in honest papers like the New York Post. Donald Trump and Joe Biden were fighting it out in an election too close to call. The New York Times and its associated media vassals were not about to let a laptop decide the election, so they quashed the story and continued to lie about it for these past 18 months. Various social media sites like Twitter canceled peoples’ accounts and erased all mention of the scandal. They were so Machiavellian, so into by any means necessary, including lying and cheating their way to an election because Orange Man Bad would not comply with their New Liberal World Order just as Vladimir Putin will not comply today.
Speaking of Mr. Putin, in his news conference he released information that proves, with the authenticating assistance of the New York Times, that the emails linking Hunter to the Bioweapons labs in Ukraine are genuine. To my knowledge The Daily Mail was the one and only news service to report on the press conference and to show us what the emails reveal about Hunter’s role.
Hunter, the son of the President of the United States, helped secure millions of dollars for a Department of Defense contractor named Metabiota. That company specializes in research involving pandemic causing diseases that could be used as bioweapons. The Daily Mail was able to obtain the emails and report on them, for which we should all be grateful. The U.S. government of course, labeled the claims a brazen propaganda ploy to justify Putin’s invasion, and to sow discord in the U.S. Well perhaps they do partially justify the invasion, but who are you going to believe, Joe Biden or your lying eyes.
Hunter also introduced Metabiota to an allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas firm, Burisma, for a “science project” involving high biosecurity level labs in Ukraine. Hunter and his colleagues invested $500,000 in Metabiota through their investment firm Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners. They also raised several million in funding from investment firms including Goldman Sachs. So, nothing to see here folks just move along. Hunter, by a strange coincidence, sat on the board of Burisma for which he received a salary of $50,000 per month.
The Commander of the Russian Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Forces claimed there was a “scheme of interaction between U.S. government agencies and Ukrainian biological objects”, he pointed to the financing of such activities by structures close to the current U.S. leadership, in particular the investment fund Rosemont Seneca, which is headed by Hunter Biden. Metabiota is supposedly a medical data company, but its vice president emailed Hunter in 2014 describing “how they could assert Ukraine’s cultural and economic independence from Russia, and continued integration into Western society. “Is that not just a little bit unusual for a medical data company.
These emails, once again curtesy of Daily Mail, reproduced verbatim on their pages, reveal that Hunter had a prominent role in making sure Metabiota was able to conduct its pathogen research just a few hundred miles from the border with Russia. The project became a national security liability for Ukraine when Russian forces invaded Ukraine. Metabiota is a very interesting firm, folks, it worked for Black & Veatch, a U.S. defense contractor with deep ties to military intelligence agencies, which built secure labs in Ukraine that analyzed killer diseases and bioweapons.
Earlier in March, DOD officials warned congress that “Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of these biological research facilities” causing fear that deadly or engineered pathogens could fall into Russian hands. All the time, even now, assuring the American people that these labs did not exist. Of course, the DOD’s position is that there is nothing wrong with this, it’s just pandemic early warning research. Government spending records show that the DOD awarded an $18.4 million contract to Metabiota between February 2014 and November 2016 with $307,091 earmarked for Ukraine research projects. B&V was awarded a further $85 million contract in 2012.
Interestingly, Hunter’s investment firm, Rosemont was founded by Hunter and John Kerry’s stepson Chris Heinz in 2009. Metabiota has close ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology suspected source of the COVID-19 pandemic. Wuhan was a hotspot for gain of function research that can be used to create super-strength viruses. Researchers from the Wuhan Institute, Metabiota, and EcoHealth Alliance, another partner, published a study together in 2014 on infectious diseases from bats in China, which notes that the tests were performed at the Wuhan Institute.
Well now, what else was on Hunter’s guilty laptop that the media chose to hide from us for all these years? Lots of videos that show Hunter apparently smoking crack while having sex with a woman supposedly a prostitute, as well as many other videos and images of explicit sex. There is evidence of Hunter’s sexual depravity that I will not go into in this Report. You can check those for yourself if you are interested. Some of the most interesting things Hunter kept on his laptop were dozens of Defense Department encryption keys, dozens. Why did he have them, and why did he need them, and how did he obtain them. No one at Defense or 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is saying.
The majority of the contents of the laptop are records of Hunter’s international business ventures and financial records. Mixed in with all the records and sex videos are lots of wire transfers. They appear to be mostly anonymous shell companies run out of lawyers’ offices. No employees and unclear paper trails. I’m not going to bore you with the details of the wire transfers. But in my opinion, they are suspicious enough to involve serious FBI investigations. Hundreds of thousands traveling back and forth anonymously with no interest by any authorities.
Does all this reflect on the President? Well, yes it does, and that also needs to be investigated. Joe Biden and the Obama State Department knew what Hunter was doing in Ukraine, China and other places. Joe Biden pretended that Hunter’s financial success had nothing to do with their relationship and was just a decade long coincidence of lucky breaks. His father, one of the most powerful men in the world, knew what was going on but did nothing to reign him in or even slow him down.
Now the Washington Post, freed by the New York Times I guess, has decided to join the pile. In its Wednesday March 30th edition the Post reported on “Inside Hunter Biden’s Multimillion-dollar Deals with a Chinese Energy Company.” The Post found evidence that Hunter and his uncle, the President’s brother, received millions, but the Post could not or would not trace any of the money back to the President. The Post article constantly refers to the Biden family, but never to the President.
In the fall of 2017 Hunter opened a new business in a swanky office in a Georgetown building that also houses the Swedish Embassy. The business named, “The Biden Foundation and Hudson West” had keys requested by email for his father Joe, his mother, jill, his uncle James, and a Chinese executive named Gongwen Dong. He provided his father’s cellphone as the number to contact for information. Recently a Chinese Communist Party front company deposited $1 million into the company’s account.
As Real Clear Politics noted, a broken country buries a broken laptop. The President recently explained his speech in which he seemed to call for a coup against the President of Russia and referred to him as a butcher as moral outrage. Is Joe Biden capable of moral outrage? If so, under what standard of morality? Well, where is the moral outrage about the Bioweapons labs funded at least in part by the President’s son and the millions received from Communist China. Where is the moral outrage about the years of lying and deceit not to mention prosecuting the innocent for crimes that did not happen.
What does all this mean for our world today and especially the war in Ukraine? For one thing, the laptop and the media’s treatment of the scandal, reveals the hypocrisy of everything the U.S. says about everything including the war. The war in Ukraine is in part the manifestation of a global conflict between two competing world powers and two competing world views. It is a defining moment in world history. Will the U.S. lose its status as a lone superpower? Will the great reset take hold and turn the world into a giant intellectual prison? If you accept the new liberal world order you are acceptable, but if you don’t you will be cast out and demonized. No borders, no walls, no USA at all. That is the rallying cry of those who seek our destruction, and yet they keep being elected.
Finally, folks, I have fought for and defended Western Civilization for most of my adult life, but we have lost the war. I’m outraged, angry, but most of all very sad about what has been done to my country. I know this is an intentional attack against America and Western Civilization to destroy it and usher in the new liberal world order curtesy of Davos and The World Economic Forum, in which we all live as guarded and surveilled sheep on the master’s global plantation. We are doomed to that future unless we can find the courage to vomit these people out of our lives before it’s too late.
At least that’s the way I see it,
Until next time folks,
This is Darrell Castle,
Thanks for listening.

Todd Koeppel
I have wondered why anyone in the mainstream press would even bring Hunter’s laptop back up again after all this time. The most likely conclusion that I have come to is that the Democrat party does not want Joe Biden to run for re-election becasue his chances of winning against just about anyone else in America is slim to none. They need to somehow find a more viable candidate before the 2024 election, so they have started this campaign to try and get Biden out and someone else in.
That is just my theory and I believe it makes perfect sense.
Bill Bessonett
“Finally, folks, I have fought for and defended Western Civilization for most of my adult life, but we have lost the war… We are doomed to that future unless we can find the courage to vomit these people out of our lives before it’s too late.”
“Lost the war” or ” unless we can find the courage to vomit ” which one is it? Or am I confused?
jonathan Robert taub
freebase cocaine and underage prostitutes?..sounds like a party to me!..its too bad that when the media mentions bidens laptop they focus on that on not the MUCH more inmportant Metabiota and its ties to Wuhan which is where the real meat is….and of course why is this research not being done in the U.S. or australia or U.K.?…..the same reason U.S. troops sent to IRAQ were injected with untested Anthrax vaccines by a company owned by a family with a mid eastern muslim sounding name that made millions for people like rumsfield (or so i read)??
damm i think i am understanding the meaning of what author hunter thompson called “a doomed generation”
i guess if you are not an officer your best bet would be to get the free military training so you could eventually be a privately paid soldier…if you are joining up for purely patriotic reasons you are a naive ignorant fool it seems….THAT is sad to me
Darrell Castle
Yes Jonathan, it is very sad indeed.
Bill Bessonett
“Finally, folks, I have fought for and defended Western Civilization for most of my adult life, but we have lost the war… We are doomed to that future unless we can find the courage to vomit these people out of our lives before it’s too late.”
“Lost the war” or ” unless…before it’s too late ” which one is it? Or am I confused?
Darrell Castle
It’s pretty Bill. When I say we have lost the war I mean that Western Civilization has Christian Civilization as its foundation its moral base. There is not a country in the world that still honors Christianity. Most are openly hostile. The destruction of out civilization requires the destruction of Christianity in the minds of the people. The possible exception is Russia as an Orthodox Christian Society and they are treated the same way.
However, that doesn’t meaan we have to submit to their Reset slavery. Not yet anyway.